Unit 5 Judicial Branch Flashcards
Where did Coach Brackett go to college?
Hardin Simmons University
Usually in cludes 16 to 23 people hears charges against a person suspected of having committed a crime.
Grand Jury
A formal accusation charging a person with a crime.
Usually consist of 6 to 12 people in a trial jury.
Petite jury
Caries out such duties as making arrests, securing jurors, and keeping order in the court room.
United states marshal
Regions with one appellat court in each circuits.
Judicial circuits
This court hears cases from a federal claim court the court of international trade the united states patent office in other executive agency’s
United states circuit court of appeals for the federal circuit
It helps congress exercise it’s powers
Legislative courts
A president submits the name of a candidate for judicial appointment to the senators from the candidates state before formally submitting it for full senate approval.
Senatorial courtesy
The supreme courts power to examine the laws and actions of local state and national governments and to cancel them if they violate the constitution.
Judicial review
Refuse to spend money congress has appropriated
Court ruled that police had acted unconstitutionally and have violated a suspects rights.
Miranda vs Arizona
One of the basic principles of law in written judicial decisions
Stare decisis
A model on which to base other decisions in similar cases
A ruling on a law or action that has not been challenged
Advisory opinions
Authority shared by both federal and state courts.
Concurrent Jurisdiction
The authority of a trial court to be first to hear a case.
Original Jurisdiction
Authority held by a court to hear a case that is appealed from lower court
Appellate jurisdiction
A person engaged in a lawsuit
Principle in the fifth amendment stating that the government must follow proper constitutional procedures in trials and in order actions it takes against individuals
Due process clause
Traveling to hold court in their assigned regions of the country
Riding the circuit
Expresses the views of the majority of the justices on a case.
Majority opinion
The opinion of justices on the losing side in a case.
Dissenting opinion
Determining and explanation for a decision
Established one of the most significant principles of American constitutional law, Supreme Court had the final say in whether or not an act of government legislative or executive at the federal state or local level violates the constitution.
Marbury vs Madison
1963 Chief of Justice
Earl Warren
(N.O.W) opposes nominees who are against women’s rights.
National organization for women
An order from the court to a lower court to send up the record on a case for review.
Writ of Certiorari
Said that the Judiciary Act of 1789 had given the court more power than the Constitution had allowed.
Marbury v. Madison
The power the court reserves to review acts of congress.
Judicial Review
The Chief Justice nominated by Andrew Jackson after John Marshall died in 1835
Roger Taney
The case established that stated if facilities for both races were equal, they could be separate
Separate but equal doctrine
A brief unsigned statement or of the courts decision.
Per Curiam opinion
John Marshall
Was appointed chief of justice of 1801.
The authority to hear certain cases.
The court in which a case is originally tried is known as.
Trial Court
A written statement settings forth the legal arguments, relevant facts, and precedents supporting one side of a case.
Latin for “Friend of the court”; a written brief form from an individual or group claiming to have information useful to a courts consideration of a case.
Amicus curiae
the deciding vote
swing vote
coalitions of justices
court case in louisianna, protecting the states segregation law “equal but separate accommodations based on race”
Plessy v. Ferguson
court case that ruled unanimously that segregation laws were unconstitutional
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka