Unit 5: Genetics and Biotechnology Flashcards
Alternate forms of a gene ex T or t
a technique used to sample amniotic fluid (which contains fetal cells) to determine if a fetus has a genetic disorder
a non-sex chromosome #1-44
Bacterial/Genetic Transformation
process of inserting DNA from one species into another creating a transgenic organism
branch of biology that involves modifying the genes of organisms to improve human life; also called genetic engineering, molecular biology, and recombinant DNA technology
process of making genetically-identical copies of genes or entire organisms
complex pattern of inheritance in which both alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype
Color Blindness (Define and Cause)
sex-linked trait in which sufferers fail to distinguish between certain colors–usually red and green
Crossing Over
process that occurs in meiosis in which homologous chromosomes overlap and exchange pieces creating unique sperm/egg cells
Cystic Fibrosis (Define and Cause)
autosomal recessive disease characterized by a thick accumulation of mucus in the lungs and digestive tract
Diabetes (Define and Cause)
a disease caused by a failure of the body to produce insulin (type I) or the development of insulin resistance over time (type II)
an allele or trait that is always expressed, is always the uppercase letter
DNA Fingerprint
a pattern of bands in a gel created during electrophoresis that is unique for all of the members of a sexually-reproducing population
Down Syndrome/Trisomy 21 (Define and Cause)
individuals that have 3 copies of chromosome #21
process in which a sperm cell unites with an egg cell
Gel Electrophoresis
process that uses an electrical current to separate DNA fragments by size creating a unique banding pattern in a gel called a DNA fingerprint; also called DNA fingerprinting
A segment of DNA that codes for a protein/trait
Gene Therapy
replacing defective genes with normal ones to cure disease