Unit 5 Flashcards
There is a shortage of food and shelter in the refugee camps.
The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages.
Shortage : a situation in which there is not enough of something.
A country crippled by war.
Yet a global nursing shortage threatens ti cripple health care systems worldwide.
Cripple: to cause damage to someone or something , making him her or it weak and not effective.
Crippled: adj
We wanted to book a hotel room in july but there were no vacancies.
There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering , but the vacancies in humanities have been filled.
There is a vacancy for a shop assistant on saturdays.
Many nurses vacate their jobs in their native countries in favor of better positions
Vacancy, vacant, vacate.
A space or place that is available to be used.
The job that no one is doing and therefore is available for someone new to do.
From that standpoint, migration of nurses from poorer to wealthier countries would appear to benefit all involved.
“I have to put aside my emotions” , he says “and consider it from a professional standpoint.”
Point of view
She was lured into the job by the offer of a high salary.
Supermarket chains try to lure customers with price discounts.
To persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting.
To attract.
Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.
he was overburdened with his father’s heavy debts.
Overburden: to make someone or somethinh work too hard or carry, or deal with too much.
Conditions then deteriorate further as the nurse population ratio declines.
To gradually go lower, become smaller
A flu epidemic. N
A crime epidemic/ unemployment epidemic. N
Poverty in this country has reached epidemic proportions. Adj
Crime and poverty are epidemic in this country. Adj
Rapid spread of disease.
Happening a lot and affecting many people.
The rampant spread of the epidemic made it difficult to control.
Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.
The disease spread rampantly throughout the region.
Rampant corruption.
In african countries where the HIV/AIDS epidemic is rampant, some patients go untreated not because lifesaving drugs are unavailable but because there are not enough nurses to administer them.
Spreading out of control,
Something bad getting worse quickly in an uncontrolled way, inceasing.
The economy has been badly administered by the present government.
To control the operation or arrangement of something.
To govern a country, region , etc.
The lack of trained doctors as well as nurses means that health care is often administered by workers who have only rudimentary skills.
To administer medicine/punishment/relief.
Tests will be administered to schoolchildren at 7 and 12 years.
There are not enough nurses to administer patients in this country.
To cause someone to recieve something.
In develped countries in Europe and North America, the nursing shortage largely stems from an aging population, who require more health care services.
Stem from: to develop or come from something.
Its difficult for poorer nations to retain their nurses because better salaries and living conditions lure many nurses to work in wealthier countries.
She succeeded in retaining her lead in the second half of the race.
Developed countries need to invest in nursing education and focus on retaining and rewarding nurses appropriately both financially and through high quality working conditions.
Retain: to keep or continue to have something.
Work at the health care center came to a standstill because there was not enough money to pay the staff.
A condition in which all movement or activity has stopped.
The new nurse has been a real standout with excellent reviews from doctors and patients alike.
While all the desserts are pretty good, the clear standout is the lemon pie.
Standout: n and adj
An excellent example or the best example of something.
She was the standout performer.
The complexity of the nursing shortage problem makes it difficult to solve.
Complexity - complex.
Her mother strictly regulates how much TV she can watch.
The travel industry is regulated by a set of guidelines.
Regulate: to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way.
The group of small animals that includes mice and rats.
The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.
A medical condition that affects especially old people, causing the memory and other mental abilities ti gradually become worse, and leading to confused behaviour.