unit 5 Flashcards
what can you use to describe temperature
hot and cold
what is a constant random motion made up of molelcules and ions?
the particles in matter have what type of energy?
measure of the avergae kinetic enrgy of the particles that make up the object
temperature is measured in what?
1 k = how many degrees C
sum of kinetic energy and the potenital energy of all the particles that make up that object
thermal enerrgy
thermal energy depnds on what 2 factors
temperature and mass
if mass object ____, the thermal energy of the object _____
increases, increases
energy that is transformed between objects due to tmeperature between those objects
heat can change depending on the ___ of the object
the amount of heat needed to raise the tempearure of 1 kg of that material by 1 degree C
specific heat
substance that can absorb great amount of thermal enrgy with little change in temperature
change in thermal energy equation
Q = m(Tf - Ti)C
the transfer of thermal energy by collisions between the particles that amke up matter
true or false:
conduction, convection, and radiation transfer energy
how does the trasnfer of energy occur?
particles that make up matter are in constant motion
the rate at which conduction transfers tyermal energy depends on the _____
conduction is faster in _____ and ______
solids; liquids
what is the best condcutor of thermal enrgy
in what can convection transfer thermal energy
the trasnfer of thermal energy ina fluid by the movemnts of warmer and cooler fluids
what type of currents trasnfer thermal energy from warmer to coolor parts of the convection currents
convection currents
what two things transfer themals energy
convection and conduction
what transfers enrgy from the sun to earth
the transefr of enegy by electromagnetic waves such as light and microwaves
can radiation travel through space even when matter ist present
radiation travels better through
a material through which therm. energy moves slowly
thermal insulator
what si the most common type of heating system
forced air system
transfers thermal energy in hot water
spreads energy throughout room
materials inside of builiding absorb radiant energy from sun and heatup
passive solar heating
solar collector is used
active solar heating
device that turns radiant energy from sun to thermal energy
solar collector
thermal heat, energy, work are all _____
study of relationships between thermal energy, heat, and work
you ____ energy of a system whenever you do work on that system or heat that system
if the mechanical energy of a system is constant the increae in the thermal enrgy of that system = the sum of the thermal enegry transfers into that system and the work done on that system
the first law of thermodynamis
how to increase temp system
heat system
system isolated
if no enrgy trasnfers with system and its surroundings
system non isolated
if no enrgy trasnfers with system in its surroundings
energy spontaneously spreads from regions of higher to lower concentration
second law of thermodynamics
device that converts some therm. energy to mech. energy
heat engine
heat engine that burns fuel inside a set of cylinders
internal combustion engine