Unit 5 Flashcards
American Core Values
Equality of Opportunity
Free Enterprise
Rule of law
Limited Government
Equality of opportunity is not
The same as equality of result
- everyone should have the chance to succeed based on their own effort
How does equality and freedom contradict
Obamacare; yes produces equality of healthcare, but still requires everyone to purchase it even if they dont want it
Rule of law
No one, including public officials, are above the law
political socialization
Experiences and factors that shape an individuals pol values and behaviors
political socialization
Experiences and factors that shape an individuals pol values and behaviors
Factors that go into political socialization
Civil and Religious organizations
Generational Life cycles (Baby boomers were shaped by the watergate scandal)
The increasing inter-connectedness of people, businesses and countries throughout the world
Nongovernmental organizations
Independent organizations that work toward a public cause
Intergovernmental organizations
Challenge the sovereignty of other country’s— ie World Trade organization; a country has to meet specific democratic principles to be apart of this organization
Free trade
Imposes few restrictions of the flow and goods and services
When a company moves its business to a place where there are lower labor costs— leading to more efficient production because workers work longer hours
Public opinion
Sum of attitudes of the people over a specific government action, policies, or issues
Public opinion is useful because
- cornerstone of democratic system for citizens to have access to information about their political system
- officials can know the wants of their constituents
What is the issue with public opinion
Americans are ill-informed about some political issues or events that are complex, but could still have an opinion about it that’s unfounded.
How we measure public opinion
Focus Groups
Scientific Polling
Question order
Sequencing of questions in polls that can effect a taker’s subsequent answers
Question wording
Phrasing of questions that can be interpreted differently depending on the taker
Predictors and patterns of public opinion
Party affiliation
Social identities (race, gender, sexual orientation, sex)
Something guaranteed, that the government cannot take away
Something that a person may obtain and that can be taken away
America runs under what kind of economy
A mixed economy— economic condition is left to individuals and businesses, with the government regulating economic activity.