Unit 5 Flashcards
What is a parameter and symbols
Measure of the population
mew = mean p = proportion
What is a statistic
what is it used for
A point estimator of the corresponding population parameter
Make inferences about the population through measures in the sample.
x bar = mean
p hat = proportion
2 properties of samples
Diff samples from the same population produce the same statistic
If the distribution of a population is known, then the distribution of statistics from many random samples of the same size from that population is predictable.
How to find the probability of an event happening using calc if yk mean and sd
NCD(var, LB, UB, s/d, mean)
if ur using z score
NCD(var, LB, UB, 1, 0)
Characteristics of a approx norm dist
Unimodal, roughly symmetrical, bell shaped
Empirical rule general applies
What does the CLT state
The central limit theorem states that when the sample size is sufficiently large, a sampling dist of the mean of the random variable will be approx norm dist.
if n>= 30 then approx norm dist
What is the sampling dist for a statistics
Distribution of a value for the statistic of values for the statistic for all possible samples of the same size from a given population
When is the sampling dist for the sample prop approx norm
np >= 10 and nq >= 10
q = (1-p)
How to interpret mean of sample prop
mew of p hat
For all random samples of size n = ‘’ from this population, the sample proportions of ‘population’ who have ‘sample’ will have a mean of ‘’.
How to interpret s/d of phat dist
For all random samples of size n = ‘’ from this population, the sample proportions of ‘population’ who have ‘sample’ typically vary by about 0.065 from the population proportion of ‘0.3’
How to interpret a probability (1 proportion)
Getting a sample proportion of ‘’ or less/more happens only about ‘’% of the time of all possible sample of sizes ‘’ from this population. Very usual/unusual
How to interpret the MEAN of DIFF IN PROP
For all random samples of ‘50 students’ from ‘high school A’ and ‘50 students’ from ‘high school B’, the differences (‘A-B’) in sample proportions of ‘students who have a driver’s license’ will have a mean of ‘0.08’
How to interpret the S/D of DIFF IN PROP
For all random samples of ‘50 students’ from ‘high school A’ and ‘50 students’ from ‘high school B’, the difference (‘A-B’) in sample proportions of ‘students who have a driver’s license’ typically vary by about ‘0.087’ from the true difference of ‘0.08’
How to interpret the probability of diff in prop
Getting a diff (A-B) in sample proportions of ‘0 or less/more happens about x% of all possible samples of size 50 from these populations.
How to interpret the MEAN sample dist of MEAN
For all random samples of size n = x from this population, the sample mean ‘weights of lemons’ will have a mean of ‘y units’
How to interpret the S/D sample dist of MEAN
For all random samples of size n = x from this population, the sample mean ‘weights of lemons’ will typically vary by about ‘s/d’ units from the population mean of ‘’
how to interpret the MEAN of sampling dist of DIFF IN MEANS
For all random samples of 6 lemons from the lemon tree and 6 oranges from the orange tree, the differences (L - O) in sample mean weight will have a mean of 1 ounce.
how to interpret the SD of sampling dist of DIFF IN MEANS
For all random samples of 6 lemons from the lemon tree and 6 oranges from the orange tree, the differences (L - O) in sample mean weight will typically vary by about 0.26 ounces from the true difference in means of 1 ounce.