Unit 4 - Test Flashcards
- The first king.
- Becomes corrupt
- Brings David to battle
- Chosen by Samuel
- Prophet of David
2. Tells the parable
Nathan’s parable
- A rich man takes the poor man’s lamb
2. Rich man is David, poor man is Uriah, lamb is Bathsheba
How did Solomon accomplish his building of the Temple?
- Through forced labor as Samuel prophesied
David Covenant
The messiah will come from the the line of David
What effects did Solomon leave the people of Israel? What was the worst? Why?
- Solomon exploited people (forced labor), Tolerates other gods, worships other gods, joins normal people, worships other gods.
- Worst = leaves people worshipping false gods
- Worst because it breaks the 1st commandment “thou shalt worship no other gods besides me” which sets up the next 9 commandments.
Why is David, a little guy, chosen to defeat Goliath? What does this tell us about how God uses the smaller people?
David was chosen to defeat Goliath to show that his faith in God was all he needed to defeat Goliath. When God uses smaller people it shows that faith is what matters.
What are the major actions of the story of David and Goliath?
- Goliath (Philistine) is a competitor of the Socoh and challenges them to a death match.
- David was sent on a chore by Jesse (dad) and hears about challenge, wants to take it
- He’s taken down bears in lions as a shepherd
- Takes slingshot, hits Goliath with stone to the head
- Takes Goliath’s sword and cuts his head off
What was David’s sin and how did this affect his family and monarchy? What are the specifics about David’s sin?
David’s sin affected his family because there was now underlying strife in his family resulting in Tamar’s rape and Amnon’s death. His sin was stealing Bathsheba as well as killing Uriah. This affected the monarchy because Saul’s grandson Mephibosheth tries to take over later on.
How does Solomon display his wisdom?
- 2 women come, one says the other stole her baby. Solomon says he’ll cut the baby in half so they can split it. The real mom says no, the fake mom says sure
- Makes alliance with Egypt by marrying Pharaoh’s daughter
- Prays for wisdom
What were the accomplishments of Saul, David, and Solomon? What were their personal weaknesses?
- Saul good = disobeyed ban, good military
David = faithful to god but had Uriah and Bathsheba
Solomon = wise but worshipped other gods
Why did the Israelites want a king? Why did Samuel warn against a king? What were some of the specifics about his warnings?
They wanted a king to be like other nations. Samuel was against a king because they weren’t meant to be like other nations and they had God, and kings got greedy. The warnings were King would tax ppl, take crops, enslave ppl, make men serve (chariots and horses), women in work (perfumers, bakers, cooks), men military.
The ban
Completely excludes the amalekites from society after the war so you cannot keep any goods of the amalekites
ark of the covenant
Gold covered wooden chest with a lid
Contains the ten commandments
- Built by Solomon through forced labor of the people
- God said if he broke covenant it would be burnt to ashes
- Ends up being burnt to the ground
- 12
- Samuel is the last elected one
- Samson’s hair gets cut off by Delilah he loses his strength
- 12 = good number
- Between monarchy and Exodus
Worshipping someone as an idol
- One head ruler
- What the israelites wanted
- Passed through family
Run by God/religion
Like Israel
Capital of Israel
- Messenger of God
- Chose Saul
- Chose David
- Victim of David’s sin
- Wife = Bathsheba
- Killed in war because of David
- King after David
- Son of David
- Was loved by God
- King, known for wisdom and temple
- Raped by Amnon
- Very pretty
- Sister of David’s son Absolom
- King before David
- Chosen by Samuel
- Takes war items from Amalekites
- Wife of Uriah
- Taken by David
- Mother of Solomon
- 1st son dies
- Raped Tamar
- Killed by Absolom
- Son of David
- King
- Defeated Goliath
- Faithful in God
- Sinned and created strife in the family
- Messiah will come from his line
- Brother of Tamar
- Son of David
- Kills Amnon
- Challenges Socoh to battle
- Is Philistine
- Killed by David