Unit 4 Test (11/4/16) Flashcards
Who wrote The Constant Lover?
Sir John Suckling
Who wrote In Defense of Books?
John Milton
What work are the following lines from?: “never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”
Meditation XVII
Who wrote Peace?
Henry Vaughan
What work are the following lines from?: “Stone walls do not a prison make, / nor iron bars a cage;”
To Althea, from Prison
Who is considered to be the greatest prose writer of the Age of the Puritans?
John Bunyan
What work are the following lines from?: “I could not love thee (deare) so much, / Lov’d I not honour more.:
To Lucasta, Going to the Wars
List the Metaphysical poets:
John Donne
George Herbert
Henry Vaughan
Thomas Traherne
List the Cavalier poets:
Richard Lovelace Sir John Suckling Robert Herrick George Wither Edmund Waller
Who wrote Go, Lovely Rose!?
Edmund Waller
What is known as England’s greatest allegory? Who wrote it?
Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan
Who is considered to be the greatest poet of the Puritan time period?
John Milton
Who wrote No Coming to God without Christ?
Robert Herrick
Who wrote The Anniversary?
John Donne
Who wrote The Pulley?
George Herbert
What work are the following lines from?: “Only our love hath, no decay;”
The Anniversary
What are striking comparisons used by the Metaphysical poets?
Metaphysical conceits
Who wrote The Author’s Resolution in a Sonnet?
George Wither
_____ is one of many responses to Marlowe’s The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.
The Bait
Edmund Waller’s greatest contribution to literature was his use of the _____ in which a complete thought is expressed in two rhyming lines.
Who believed that Christians should live a pure and holy life?
The Puritans
Who is considered to be the second greatest writer in English literature?
John Milton
Who wrote On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three?
John Milton
Who wrote The Bait?
John Donne