Drama-Medieval Romance Flashcards
A form of literature written in prose or poetry or a combination of the two which relies on action to portray life and character.
A lyric poem in which a single character engages in conversation with a silent listener, revealing a dramatic situation. It was developed by Robert Browning.
Dramaic Monologue
Dramatic Structure is the plot of a play in what sequence?
Exposition Rising Action Turning Point Catastrophe Dénouement
Introduces the chatacters and conflict and provides necessary background.
The events that advance and complicate the action.
Rising Action
The crisis where the action changes its course.
Turning Point
The final outcome of a tragedy.
The resolution or tying up of all the loose ends.
A poem characterized by sober meditations on death.
Elegiac Poem
A melancholy poem which reflects on nature and death.
A dignigied poem usually written in honor of a friend who has died. It expresses feelings of grief but declares that circumstances ultimately work out for the best.
Pastoral Elegy
A London theater where many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed. The three-story structure could accommodate over two thousand people.
Elizabethan Playhouse (Globe)
The Protestant reformation in England. During this time, Henry VIII severed England’s ties with the Church of Rome and helped to established Protestantism in England. The Bible was also translated into English during this time.
English Reformation
Also referred to as the Elizabethan Period (1485-1625). During this era, England experienced a revived interest in Greek and Roman literature. Also, the Italian Renaissance greatly influenced English literature. Perhaps the most important fact of the English Renaissance was that it occurred at the smae time as the English Reformation. Because the English Reformation helped to bring the biblical truth to the English, they were better able to appreciate and evaluate the literature of Greece and Rome.
English Renaissance
A long, narrative poem based on a series of heroic adventures that are important to the advancement of a certain race or country.
Originally, any brief poem, often used as an inscruption for monuments or tombs. In modern times, it is a concise saying, often witty or satiric.
A work of moderate length in which the writer tries to develop his own thoughts on some subject. The word means “attempt.”
Written in the Romantic Age, an informal and more personal essay than those written in the eighteenth centry. It is characterized by its intimate style; light humor or wit; emphasis on individual tastes, experiences, and opinions; and a wide range of subject matter from everyday life. Was Perfected by Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, and Thomas De Quincey.
Familiar Essay
Used to explain scientific theories to the general public.
Formal Essay
A short tale or anecdote told to teach a lesson. For example, “The Pardoner’s Tale” is an exemplum on the text “the love of money is the root of all evil.”
Material that introduces the characters, the main conflice, and necessary background for a literary work.
The pattern in a line of peotry, consisting of one accented syllable and one or two unaccented syllables.
Two unaccented syllables followed by an accented one.
Anapest (Foot)
An accented syllable followed by two unaccented ones.
Dactyl (Foot)