Unit 4: Status of Health Care in Canada Flashcards
What are the origins of our health care system?
- Roman Catholic Church, Protestant Churches, Philanthropists
- Then some municipalities provided some funding
There was no provincial or national health care program in Canada until?
What brought government into Canada’s health care (or create a health system)?
1) Need to ensure a healthy work force
2) Lobby by medical community to increase their role in health care (biomedical approach)
3) To financially assist those who were already providing health care in Canada (churches,
philanthropists, and municipalities)
what did all of this change mean to women and their Health Care?
1) On the positive side – a creation of a safety net of sorts to help in unfortunate times
2) On the negative side—a loss of their role both in health care providing and control over birthing
1947 (July 1, 1946) – The Saskatchewan Government, led by leader Tommy Douglas, introduces the first ___________________________ in Canada.
provincial hospital insurance program
1957 – Paul Martin Sr. introduces a national hospital insurance program. Who fought against it?
Doctors, insurance companies and big business
1960 – The Canadian Medical Association opposes all ________ health care.
publicly funded
1962 – Saskatchewan’s ___ government introduces the first public health care program. Doctors walk out but the strike collapses after_____.
NDP, 3 weeks.
1965 – A Royal Commission headed by Emmett Hall calls for a ______________________________________ program.
universal and comprehensive national health insurance
1966 – Parliament creates a national Medicare program with Ottawa paying ____ of provincial health costs.
1977 – Trudeau Liberals retreat from 50:50 cost-sharing and replace it with __________.
block funding
1978 – Doctors begin “________” to raise their incomes.
1979 – Canadian Labour Congress convenes the SOS Medicare conference to fight extra-billing and joins
with community groups to form what group?
Canadian Health Coalition.
1984 – Canada Health Act is passed unanimously by parliament. What is banned after this passes?
1993 – Mulroney government grants _______ patient protection to brand name drugs.