Unit 4 - Option C - Neurobiology(Part1)Howthebraindevelops Flashcards
what is neuroplasticity?
the brain’s ability to change and adapt by forming new connections between neurons.
why do new connections form between neurones
in response to new information, sensory stimulation, development, damage or disfunction
what happens following damage (e.g stroke) to the brain
undamaged axons grow new nerve endings to reconnect damage neurones = new neural pathways.
what allows the brain to compensate for injury or change in environment?
when does developmental plasticity occur
when neurones in the young brain form synapses.
as sensory information is processed, sone synapses strengthen while others weaken.
what happens to unused synapses when developmental plasticity occurs
the are eliminated completely
what is synapse pruning
when unused synapses are eliminated completely