Unit 4: Legislative Branch VOCAB Flashcards
protection of ideas, good for 20 years
good for life of creator plus 70 years
lying under oath
a legal order to appear in court
a principle or fundamental policy
when a bill is printed in its final form, it is called being ___________
to _________ is to assign resources to a particular use
direct tax
tax that is paid by the person it is imposed to, i.e. income tax
what congress are we in
seniority rule
a tradition that returning, veteran congressmen will be in charge of important committees
60% of senators say they’ll vote on something, forces it to go to final vote, self-limited time
a majority of the Senate
holding on to an idea, debating it and debating it and never voting
rider bill
minor legislation attatched to major bill
who is the leader of the house of representatives?
the Speaker of the House
who is the OFFICIAL leader of the Senate?
the VICE PRESIDENT, President of the Senate (sole purpose is tiebreaker)
who are the members heading the standing committees in each house?
committee chairs
who is the second in command of the Senate?
President Pro-Tempore
serves as a liason between the parties, sees how other party feels about issues
what types of committees are there?
Standing Committees
Select Committees
Joint Committees
what does a conference committee do?
reconcile differences in legislation between Senate and House versions of a bill
who has the power to make legislation law?
the executive branch
the _______________ heads their party in both houses
majority and minority floor leader
power of congress to regulate interstate commerce
commerce power/commerce clause
how to interpret the constitution?
liberal constructionist and strict
(LIBERAL = LOOSE INTERPRETATION, we have lots more implied powers, lots of involvement)
(Strict = Exactly what it says, no more, limited government)
voting only for your own party
allows Congressmen to mail materials by using only their signature
franking privelege
combining the elements of trustee, delegate and partisan lawmakers
after every decennial election, the seats in the House are
the U.S. senate only has 1/3 of its seats up for change each election
continuous body
Special Session
a session of Congress that the president can call
the House seats are _______ based on population
off-year elections
elections that do not fall of a Presidential election year (2022, 2018)
the voters from each district elect one representative for each district
public debt
all the money borrowed by the Fed Gov and not paid back
any money taken from citizens and used to pay for public services and goods
legal tender
welfare checks, food stamps, not-money slips which has money and can pay for things monetarily
how long is a term in Congress?
2 years for House
6 years for Senate
indirect tax
tax paid by one person and passed on to another (healthcare tax? sugar tax?)
defecit financing
spending more money than you take in
ending a session of congress
to find not guilty