Unit 4: Human Population Dynamics Flashcards
Doubling Time Equation
doubling time = 70 + % growth rate
Thomas Malthus
British economist, predicted that human population size would eventually outgrow the available food supply if humans did not purposefully limit births
Paul Ehrlich
in his book The Population Bomb, he predicted that population growth would soon lead to famine and that conflict over scarce resources would eventually consume civilization by the end of the 20th century
I = P x A x T Model
summarizes how the environmental impact (I) results from the interactions among population size (P), affluence (A), and technology (T)
the study of human populations, how they change with time, and the main factors causing this change
Population Size
one of the main factors useful for predicting population dynamics and environmental impacts; the absolute number of individuals
Population Density and Distribution
one of the main factors useful for predicting population dynamics and environmental impacts; reflect the spatially uneven nature of human population on earth
Age Structure Diagrams (Population Pyraminds)
one of the main factors useful for predicting population dynamics and environmental impacts; describes the number of individuals of each age class within a population and are especially valuable for predicting future population change
Sex Ratio
the ratios of males to females in a population, affect population dynamics
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
the number of births per 1,000 individuals per year
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
the number of deaths per 1,000 individuals per year
Global Population Growth Rate Equation
Global Pop. Growth Rate = CBR - CDR / 10
Nation’s Growth Rate Equation(s)
(CBR + immigration) - 9CDR + emigration) / 10
(births - deaths) + (immigration - emigration) / 10
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
the average number of children born per woman during her lifetime
Replacement Fertility
the TFR that keeps the size of a population stable (TFR = 2.1)
Demographic Transition
a theoretical model of economic and cultural change that explains the declining death rates and birth rates that occur when a nation becomes industrialized
Pre-Industrial Stage
death rates are high (disease is widespread), and birth rates are also high (people are compensating for high infant mortality)
Transitional Stage
declining death rates due to improved medical care and food production
Industrial Stage
birth rates decline as a result of increased opportunities for women and access to birth control
Post-Industrial Stage
the final stage in which both birth and death rates have fallen to low and stable levels
the ecological footprint that the Earth can support
UN Millennium Development Goals
require attention to population growth and resource consumption