Unit 4: Dialogue between religious and non-religious groups Flashcards
What do non-religious people believe about the existence of the universe?
- The existence of the universe can be explained without God
- Science and technology have helped us understand how the world was created
- God is no longer required to understand it
- No point in religious faith
What do religious people believe about the existence of the universe?
- Religious people may well think that the universe exists with and because of God
- It’s impossible to know or understand the universe without God
- Those who have no religious beliefs actually have very strong religious beliefs, the central one being that there’s no God
What two groups are non-religious people divided into?
- Atheists are people who believe there is no God. No believer has proved God’s existence.
- Agnostics are those who say it’s impossible to know if God exists. Believers can’t prove that He does exist, but at the same time atheists can’t prove that he doesn’t exist.
What are secularists?
Secularists say that everyone has the right to freedom of belief, whether that belief is religious or not.
Are some atheists and agnostics secularists?
What are humanists? Quick recap*
- Like secularists, humanists believe in the equal treatment of everyone, whether religious or not
- However, they don’t accept any religious view of the universe
- The universe can only be explained by science
- People don’t need a god in life
Are some atheists and agnostics humanists?
What do all Christians, atheists, agnostics and secularists all agree on?
That humans have a moral sense and have the capacity to behave in a moral way.
Where does the disagreement come in on this topic?
The point on which they all disagree on is the Christian teaching that morality is not possible without God, and that positive values come from the teachings of Jesus.
A non-religious view is that these values are not CHRISTIAN values, they are instead HUMAN values.
- For Christians, compassion comes from God
- This is revealed in John 3:16 saying ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish by have eternal life.’
- Jesus showed in his own life and teachings the importance of compassion
- Summarised in the words ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:39)
- You should extend love even to those who wish you harm in Matthew 5:44
Support for those in need
- Christians believe they have a religious as well as moral duty to help the needy
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan teaches this
- As does part of Matthew 5:42, ‘Give to the one who begs from you’
The promotion of peace over war
- In the Old Testament Isaiah describes the desirability of using technology for creative, peaceful purposes, not for war
- Part of Isaiah 2:4 saying, ‘nation shall not lift up sword against nation’
- Jesus says in Matthew 5:9, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.’
The protection of the environment
- For Christians, the environment is the creation of God
- Humans are stewards, God’s representatives, charged with the duty of caring for the Earth.
- In Psalm 24:1 it says, ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it’
Sex before marriage
- The Christian ideal is that sex is an act of love and procreation that should only occur within a married relationship
- Sex before marriage is now socially acceptable though
- Cohabitation is accepted
- Some Christians, not Liberals, disagree with this e.g. a Fundamentalist
Parenting outside marriage
- Christianity teaches that marriage is the relationship within which a couple should have children
- In order to thrive, children need the stability of family life with committed, married parents
Single parenthood
- Although it’s sometimes unavoidable, Christians would see the ideal family as being led by two parents
- They should be roles models and examples of a loving, healthy, GOD-GIVEN relationship
Same-sex partnerships
- Although many Christians support same-sex relationships and obviously some Christians are gay, some still believe homosexuality is wrong
- Some recognise civil same-sex marriages but don’t agree with them being celebrated in a Christian marriage ceremony
- Secular society seems to value wealth and celebrity over spiritual and moral values
- Christians believe that there’s life after death in which wealth and celebrity have no meaning
- The Bible says to ‘store up your treasures in heaven, where moth and rust cannot get to them’
Should secular or religious views take precedence? - Establishment
(This rest of the cards from here quite interesting actually)
- Both the National Secular Society and the British Humanist Association campaign against the COE
- Religious groups play too great a role in the government
Should secular or religious views take precedence? - Education
- Secularists and humanists oppose the involvement of religious groups in publicly funded education
- Against faith schools
- RE should cover a variety of worldviews equally like secularism and humanism
Should secular or religious views take precedence? - Religious exemption
- Employment law in Britain allows religious organisations to discriminate against people who want to work for them but don’t share their faith
- Secularists and humanists don’t object to the right of religious groups to choose group members to be faith leaders
- They are against public services run by religious groups selecting employees based on faith
Should secular or religious views take precedence? - Blasphemy
- Blasphemy (insulting religious faith) was illegal until 2008
- This only applied to blasphemy against Christianity
- Was scrapped since the government introduced a new law that made encouraging religious hatred a criminal offence
- Most Christians and all secularists and humanists agreed the blasphemy law was unfair