Unit 4 (chap 12-14) Flashcards
Antecedent stimulus
an observable stimulus that is present before the behavior occurs.
Discriminated operant behavior
operant behavior that is systematically influenced by antecedent stimuli
Discriminative stimulus (SD)
an antecedent stimulus that can evoke a specific operant response because the individual has learned that when the Sd is present that response will be reinforced
an antecedent stimulus that decreases a specific operant response because the individual has learned that when the s delta is present, that response will not be reinforced (extinction).
Example of Sd
When the rat completes the behavior while the lights are on, it is rewarded with a pellet. (reinforced, ON)
Example of S∆
When the rat completes the behavior while the lights are off, it is not rewarded. (extinction, OFF)
an antecedent stimulus that decreases a specific operant response because the individual has learned that when the SDP is present that the response will be punished.
Another name for the Sdp is….
the watchful eye of the punisher
three term contigency
the functional relation between antecedent, behavior, and a consequence.
A ______ stimulus is an observable stimulus that is present before the behavior occurs.
A _______ is an observable stimulus change that happens after the behavior occurs.
Discrimination training
a procedure in which an operant response is reinforced in the presence of an Sd and extinguished in the presence of an s∆
Define generalization
when a novel stimulus resembling the sd evokes the response despite that response never having been reinforced in the presence of that novel stimulus.
Generalization gradient
a graph depicting increases in responding as the novel antecedent stimulus more closely resembles the sd.
_______ ______ is a procedure which an operant response is reinforced in the presence of an s d and extinguished in the presence of an s delta.
discrimination training
Is this an sd or EO?
“A student hasn’t had anything to drink for hours. The student starts looking for a drinking fountain, eventually finds one, and then fills their water bottle.”
Is this an sd or EO?
“You are sitting at home and you feel cold. You look around the room and see a blanket on the couch. You grab the blanket and put it over your body. Within a few moments, you feel warmer.”
Stimulus response chain
fixed sequence of operant responses, each evoked by a response produced sd.
Task analysis
a precise specification of the sequence of antecedent, responses, and consequences that comprise a stimulus response chain.
Backward chaining
the final link in the stimulus response chain is taught first and once that link is mastered, additional links are added in reverse order.
Forward chaining
teaching the links in the stimulus response chain the the order they will need to be emitted.
an antecedent stimulus that facilitates or guides the desired response when it is not happening under appropriate discriminative stimulus control.
gradual removal of a prompt as the response is increasingly emitted under discriminative stimulus control.
voluntary behavior occurring in a context in which alternative behaviors are possible.
Four variables affecting choice
- reinforcement vs. No consequence.
- Reinforcer size/ quality
- Effort
- Reinforcer delay
Herrnstein’s matching equation
Substitute reinforcer
a reinforcer that in increasingly consumed when access to another reinforcer is constrained.
Two ways to increase the proportion of behavior allocated to B1.
- Increase r1
- Decrease r2
impulsive choice
choosing the smaller-sooner reward are foregoing the larger-later reward
self control choice
choosing the larger-later reward and foregoing the smaller-sooner reward.
delay discounting curve
Echoic definition
a verbal operant in which the response resembles the verbal antecedent stimulus and is maintained with a variety of socially mediated reinforcers.
Mand definition
a verbal operant occasioned by an establishing operation and maintained by the verbally specified reinforcer.
Tact definition
a verbal operant occasioned by a nonverbal stimulus and maintained by a variety of social reinforcers.
Intraverbal definition
a verbal response occasioned by a verbal discriminative stimulus, but the form of the response does not resemble that stimulus; intraverbals are maintained by a variety of social reinforcers.
Techniques to train verbal operants to children with autism and other developmental disabilities
- Contact with the antecedent stimulus
- Prompting and fading
- shaping
- arrange an effective reinforcer
Symmetric relational responding
the behavior of relating two arbitrary stimuli as, in many ways, the same.
stimulus equivalence
after explicitly teaching a unidirectional relation between three or more arbitrary stimuli, symmetric relational responding is demonstrated between all stimuli. That is, the individual relates all of the stimuli, in many ways as equivalent to one another.
Psychological function of verbal stimuli
emotion evoking function of verbal stimuli, despite those stimuli having never acquired pavlovian conditioned stimulus (CS) function.
contingency shaped behavior
behavior acquired and maintained by interacting with the contingencies of reinforcement alone.
Rule governed behavior
behavior influenced by a verbal description of the operative three-term contingency (antecedent-behavior-consequence)
Rule governed behavior occurring because of socially mediated positive or negative reinforcers.
rule-following occuring because the instructions appear to correctly describe operant contingencies (reinforcement, extinction, or punishment) that operate in the world.
Acceptance (in ACT)
approaching the thought, so as to examine is flexibly, with a sense of curiosity.
Values (in ACT)
client-selected qualities of behavior that may be continuously emitted without reaching and end-goal.
Jango is flying to Paris for the first time. He looks out the window and sees the Eiffel Tower. He excitedly says to the person sitting next to him ” Look, It’s the Eiffel tower!” The person next to him looks out the window and nods, saying “It’s so beautiful.”
What is this?
Tact the verbal response is occasioned by the sight of the Eiffel Tower. The tact is socially reinforced by the passenger’s appreciative reply.
Marina says, “Take a picture of me in front of the fountain!” her instagram boyfriend complies.
Mand this verbal response is occasioned by establishing operation- Marina wants a picture of herself so she can post it on instagram. the reinforcer that maintains this mand (the boyfriend takes the picture) was specified by the verbal response
Bobby is a little bit thirsty when he sees his father walk into the living room with an ice cold beer. Bobby says Dad, can I have a sip of your beer?” bobbys father gives him a sip.
Mand Asking for something is often a mand. bobby does not demand a sip of bear, but his request is occasioned by an establishing operation- whatever made him thirsty. The reinforcer- the sip of beer- was specified by bobbys request.
Gregory asks his nephew “How old are you?” His nephew replies, “I’m free.” gregory replies, “you’re three? I thought you were four or five. You’re such a smart child.”
Intraverbal: The nephew’s verbal response was occasioned by the verbal SD – “How old are you?” The response, “I’m free,” does not resemble this verbal SD. The intraverbal appears to be maintained by Gregory’s reply.