Unit 3 (chap 9-11) Flashcards
Mentalistic explanation of behavior
Assumptions about the existence of an inner and mental dimension as the cause of behavior.
Motivating operation (MO)
an environmental and/or biological even that (1) temporarily alters the value of a specific reinforcer and (2) increases/decreases the probability of behaviors yielding that reinforcer.
Establishing operation (EO)
is an environmental and/or biological event that (1) temporarily increases the value of a specific reinforcer and (2) increases the probability of behaviors yielding that reinforcer.
Abolishing operation (AO)
an environmental and/or biological event that (1) temporarily decreases the value of a specific reinforcer and (2) decreases the probability of behaviors yielding that reinforcer.
Reinforcer survey
a structured interview or written survey that asks the individual to identify highly preferred activities.
Stimulus preference assessment
rank ordered list of preferred stimuli is obtained by observing choices between those stimuli.
Preference hierarchy
List of stimuli rank ordered from most to least preferred.
Quality refers to the..?
subjective value of a reinforcer, which can vary from one individual to the next.
is the process or procedure whereby a punisher decreases the future probability of an operant behavior.
Habits are formed when
an operant response has been repeatedly reinforced, hundreds, if not thousands of times in the presence of the same antecedent stimulus.
contingent consequence that decreases the future probability below its pre punishment level.
Positive punishment
the contingent presentation of a consequence that decreases the future probability of the behavior below its no punishment level.
Negative punishment
remove to reduce.
the contingent removal, reduction, or presentation of a reinforcer; the effect of which decreases the future probability of the behavior below its no punishment level.
Primary punisher
contigent consequence that functions as a punisher because, in the evolutionary past of the species this consequence decreased the chances of survival.
Conditioned punisher
a contingent consequence that signals a delay reduction to a backup punisher.
Time out from a positive reinforcement
a signaled response contingent suspension of a positive reinforcement contingency the effect of which decreases the future problem behavior.
4 guidelines for effectively using time out from positive reinforcers
- Provide no more than one verbal warning
- significantly reduce access to reinforcer
- end after no more than 5 minutes.
- every instance of the problem behavior produces a time out.
response cost punishers
negative punishers that involve the removal or reduction of a reinforcer
when punishing agents are watching, behavior is _________ to occur.
A. more likely
B. less likely
B. Less likely.
_______________ punishers signal a delay reduction to a backup punisher.
Continuous reinforcement
every instance of the response is reinforced.
intermittent reinforcement
the response is sometimes but not always reinforced.
Schedule of reinforcement
precisely specifies the nature of the contingent relation between a response and its reinforcer.
Ratio schedule of reinforcement
specifies the number of responses that must be made in order for the reinforcer to be delivered.
Fixed ratio (FR) schedule
the number of responses required per reinforcer is the same every time.
Cumulative record
a graphical display of responding as it unfolds over time.
Typical pattern of responding under an FR schedule of reinforcement
a post reinforcement pause followed by a high constant rate of responding that ends with a reinforcer.
Variable ratio (VR) schedule
the number of responses required per reinforcer is not the same every time
- Ex, gambling
Typical pattern of responding under a VR schedule
high rate of responding with little or no post reinforcement pause.
interval schedule of reinforcemnt
specifies the amount of time that must elapse before a single response will produce the reinforcer.
a fixed interval (FI) schedule
specifies a constant time interval that must elapse before a single response will produce the reinforcer.
Typical FI response pattern of nonhuman subjects
a post reinforcement pause gives way to an accelerating response rate that terminates with a reinforcer.
Variable interval (VI) schedule
the amount of time that must elapse before the first response is reinforced is not the same every time.
Typical pattern of responding under a VI schedule
a steady, moderate response rate with little to no post reinforcement pause.
Piper chapman is asked by her cell mates to sit by the door, wait for a cockroach to wander by and grab it. If the sight of a cockroach is the reinforcer what is the schedule of reinforcement?
Variable interval
Scott was speeding and got into an accident and his car was totaled and had to pay a large fine; it has been 10 years since that incident but Scott never drives above the speed limit again. The accident and fine functioned as a?
Which schedule of reinforcement produces a post reinforcement pause, that resembles procrastination. What schedule of reinforcement produces this characteristic “break and run” pattern of responding?
fixed ratio
Austin can never tell when his friend will be home, when he wants to visit his friend he drives past his house over and over again. As soon as austin sees that the friend’s car is parked out front, he can go in. If the behavior of interest is driving past the friends house, and the reinforcer is seeing the car what schedule of reinforcement is this?
variable interval
What type of graphical display shows responding as it unfolds over time?
Cumulative record
What principle of behavior analysis states that access to a high-probability behavior will always function as a reinforcer when made contingent on emitting a low-probability behavior?
Premack principle
Abby runs for 3 hours a week, and she paints for 12 hours a week. According to the Premack principle, abby will run more hours per week if we arrange the contingency
If she runs for an hour –> then she can paint for an hour.
AO vs EO
- Abolishing operation
- establishing operation
Abolishing temporarily decrease the value of the reinforcer and thus decreases the behavior
Establishing temporarily increases the value of the reinforcer and thus increases the behavior
Example of an AO
three cups of coffee in the morning, motivation to go get a cup of coffee after class is low. Because you had so much coffee before you no longer want to engage in the behavior.
Four reinforcer dimensions
- contingency
- immediacy
- size
- quality
six principles of effective punishment
- Reinforcement first
- punishment with extinction
- contingently
- Immediate delivery of punishment
- every time it occurs
- Goldilocks zone
conditioned/primary punishment
- Primary punishment: a contingent consequence that functions as a punisher because it decreases the chance of survival.
- Conditioned punishment: stimulus that signals a delay reduction to a primary function, and signals a delay to a backup punisher.
Habituation (punishment)
- Reduced response due to repeated exposure.
- If you are exposed to it too much, you will not respond to it.
Behaviors are strengthened or weakened by their consequences. Reinforcement involves the delivery of a stimulus following a behavior that increases the likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future.
gradual weakening and eventual disappearance of a previously learned behavior when the reinforcement or reward that was previously associated with that behavior is no longer provided
Differential reinforcement
used to selectively reinforce certain behaviors while extinguishing others.
Response consequence contingency
describes the causal (IF–>THEN) relation between an operant behavior and its consequence.
Positive punishment
add to decrease
adding an aversive stimulus to decreases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future.
Negative punishment
remove to decrease
Removing a desirable stimulus or outcome immediately following a behavior to decrease the likelihood of that behavior occurring again.
Negative reinforcement
Removal of an aversive stimulus to increase the likelihood of the behavior occurring again.
Positive reinforcement
the addition or presentation of a desirable stimulus immediately following a behavior which increases the likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future.
Schedule thinning
a procedure for gradually reducing the rate of reinforcement, while maintaining the desired behavior.
Example of a fixed interval schedule
A weekly paycheck. The employee receives reinforcement every seven days, which may result in a higher response rate as payday approaches.
How do variable ratio and fixed ratio schedules differ?
One is based on a fixed number of responses and one is based on an average.
Fixed ratio schedule
- Reinforcement is delivered contingent on responses.
- The number of responses that are required does not change until the schedule does.
Example of a fixed ratio
each time the client labels correctly you give them a token.
Variable Ratio schedule
- Reinforcement is delivered contingent on responses.
- The number of responses required is based on an average
Example of variable ratio
A VR3 might deliver reinforcement the 2nd response, the 4th response, and the 3rd response.
Fixed interval schedule
- reinforcement is delivered contingent on the first response after a certain amount of time.
- The amount of time required never changes.
Example of a fixed interval
You tell a client they have to sit in their chair quietly for 4 minutes.
Variable interval schedule
- Reinforcement is delivered contingent on the first response after a certain amount of time.
- The amount of time required is based on an average.
Example of a variable interval
Reinforcement delivered after 2 minutes then 3 minutes then 2 minutes
Continuous reinforcement
- Every response is reinforced
- FR1
- Fixed ratio 1
Intermittent reinforcement
- All other types of reinforcement schedules
- Can be any other schedule: FR2, VR10, FI2,VI2
Define ratio
refers to the number of responses needed to gain access to reinforcement.
- If a learner needs to have 5 responses before coming into contact with reinforcement, the practitioner will wait for all 5 responses before delivering reinforcement.
Define Interval
Refers to the amount of time that needs to go by before reinforcement is available again.
Define fixed
Refers to a set number.
- Whether that be in a ratio schedule or interval schedule.
Define variable
refers to the average number.