Unit 4- AC3.4 Flashcards
Evaluate the effectiveness of agencies in social control
What is a strength of police?
- Good at dealing with offences of public concern by prioritisation
What are the weaknesses of the police service?
- Have short comings
- Current trends show crime is increasing whilst cases being solved is decreasing
- Racism
- Media
Why is ‘dealing with offences of public concern’ a strength of the police?
Effective at achieving social control for crimes of concern.
- Domestic abuse. Increasing number of reports and records as police are being seen as effective. 2017- 2/3rds of domestic abuse practitioners believed polices’ approach have improved in the past 3 years
Why is ‘shortcomings’ a counterpoint for the police service?
They still have limitations for example, police are not using bail conditions to protect victims.
Why is ‘current trends’ a weakness of the police service?
Show crime is increasing whilst cases being solved are decreasing so police are ineffective at social control as shown by trends.
- Knife crime 2015-2022 had an increase from 24000 to 35800
- 2015 15% of cases had a charge, whilst in 2020 only 7% charged an offender
Why is ‘racism’ a weakness of the police service?
Accused of institutional racism so aim of ‘fair policing’ is not being met so social control is not being maintained.
- Recruitment not representative
- Tasers used disproportionally against minorities
Why is ‘media’ a weakness of the police service?
More concerned over image and media crimes than social control. Criticised for attempting a ‘crime buster’ image and over reacting to media driven moral panic.
- 2014. South Yorkshire police requested the BBC to film a raid of an alleged child abuser. No charges were bought.
What are the strengths of the CPS?
- Evidence suggests they are affective at social control
What are the weaknesses of CPS?
- Media reports
- Budget cuts
- Failure to apply the tests
Why is ‘evidence’ a strength of the CPS?
Large number of convictions suggests they are effective at social control
- 3 months= around 80% of suspects are convicted
- 80000 in crown court, 450,000 in magistrates
Why is ‘media reports’ a weakness of the CPS?
Bare in mind, media does exaggerate.
Reports suggest the CPS are ineffective as they focus on conviction rate rather than social control.
- 2018. Guardian reported the CPS specialist rape prosecutors were advised to drop several ‘weak’ cases to improve conviction rate. 350 cases dropped= increase by 61%.
Limits victims access to justice.
Why are ‘budget cuts’ a weakness of the CPS?
25% cuts and 1/3rd of staff lost which reduces ability to achieve social control.
- CPS cannot sustain further cuts due to larger workload from improving digital technology. Leads to failure to disclose evidence.
Why is ‘failure to apply tests’ a weakness of the CPS?
Reduces the ability to achieve social control.
- Damilola Taylor. 14 year old was used for an eye witness testimony. She was not present during the event but her testimony passed the evidential test. Shouldnt have
What are the strengths of the judiciary?
- Not too lenient
What are the weaknesses of the judiciary?
- Biased
Why is ‘not too lenient’ a strength of the judiciary?
Not too lenient in achieving social control
Evidence from the unduly lenient scheme:
- Few applicants and even fewer succeeded
- 2018. 140 referred, 99 accepted
London riots= apply unduly harsh sentences
Why is ‘biased’ a weakness of the judiciary?
biased in achieving social control. Unrepresentative of general population.
- 68% male
- Over half are over 50
- 7% minority
- 74% attended oxford/Cambridge
(add case studies)
What are the strengths of the prison service?
- Meet all the aims of punishment theoretically
What are the weaknesses of the prison service?
- Evidence for limiting social control within prison
- Evidence for limiting social control after prison
Why is ‘meets all the aims of punishments’ a strength of the prison service?
Should have social control
Theoretically should meet:
- Retribution (suffering)
- Rehabilitation (programmes)
- Public protection (best form of incapacitation)
- Reparation (restorative justice schemes)
- Deterrence (coercion)
Why is ‘evidence for limiting social control within prisons’ a weakness of the prison service?
- No control over prisoners due to staff cuts (officers fell by 15%) and overcrowding (population doubled between 1993-2021) causing rule breaking and discontent.
- Not rehabilitating due to staff cuts leading to lack of opportunities
- Riots and disorder. 2016 Birmingham riot. worst in 25 years showing no improvement.
- Security. Drug smuggling causing epidemic. 117 deaths in prison linked to spice.
- Safety. Prisoners not safe. 5 homicides in 2020.
Why is ‘evidence limited social control outside of prison’ a weakness of the prison service?
Re-offending suggests no rehabilitation and limited social control.
- 36% re-offend
- 37% juveniles reoffend
What are the strengths of charities?
- Strong commitment to specific focus
- Evidence they bring about change
What are the weakness of charities?
- Gaps in provision