Unit 4 - 7 rapid Flashcards
Group of people w/ shared culture and heritage
Formal term for a country
Divides cultural groups
Drawn before populations get there
Drawn by foreign powers
A country takes over another
Centripetal force
Force bringing people together
Centrifugal force
Forces diving people
Subsistence Farming
Farming to support oneself
Farming for profit
1st (Neolithic) Revolution
Shift from nomadic to secondary lifestyle (birth of agriculture)
Green Revolution
Advancements in plant biology and further technological development
Bid- Rent Theory
Relationship btw distance and price of land
Van Thunen Model
Relationship btw distance and products produced
The continuous development of cities and towns
Movement to the outskirts of urban areas (rural -> urban)
Urban Sprawl
The excessive outward growth of cities, puts stress on the environment
Urban Challenges
Homelessness, rising costs, poor quality, destruction of wildlife
Concentric Model
an urban model which suggests that cities grow outward from a central area in concentric rings, like the layers of an onion.
Sector Model
describes the growth of US cities based on economic and physical geography.
Multiple Nuclei Model
an urban center may have been founded with a CBD, other smaller CBD’s evolve on the outskirts of the city near the more high-class housing areas. This allows shorter commutes from the suburbs.
Sub Saharan City Model
a generalized diagram of an urban area in sub-Saharan Africa that contains pre-colonial, European colonial, and post-colonial elements and is or was segregated by race.
Southeast Asian City Model
City Model in that they each feature high-class residential zones that stem from the center, middle-class residential zones that occur in inner-city areas, and low-income squatter settlements that occur in the periphery.
Latin American City Model
combines elements of Latin American Culture and globalization by combining radial sectors and concentric zones.
Displaces poorer residents
illegal discriminatory practice in which a mortgage lender denies loans or an insurance provider restricts services to certain areas of a community, often because of the racial characteristics of the applicant’s neighbourhood.
Process of re-drawing political voting districts to favor one political party
City over 10 million
City over 20 million
Rank size rule
Predicts the development of population in different cities within the same country
- divide population of the largest city in the country by the rank of the city being examined
Primate City
A city that has over double the population of the next largest city in that country
Industrial Revolution
Transition from an agricultural to manufacturing economic model, mainly happened in developed countries
Industrialized countries = more power
Many industrial powers exploited for less power countries for money
Core country
High income countries
Semi- Periphery
Middle income countries
Low income countries
Clumping together of industries for mutual advantage.
Special Economic Zones (SEZ)
A type of export processing zone, defined as port locations where foreign firms are given a special tax privileges to incentivize trade.
Gender Related Development (GDI)
Takes the same indicators used to calculate HDI but replaces GDI per capita with income
Human Development Index (HDI)
Designed by UN to measure the level of development of states based on numbers of social indicators in addition to economic production
Gross National Income (GNI)
The dollar value of all the goods and services produced in a country, plus the dollar value of exports minus imports in the same.
(per capita) The estimated income of a person converted to U.S. dollars at currency exchange rate.
Commodity Chain
A linked system of processes that gather resources, convert them into goods, package them for distribution, disperse them, and sell them on the market.
5 stages of production
Primary - production
Secondary - supplying
Tertiary - buying
Quaternary- selling
Quinary- consumption of goods and services