Unit 4 Flashcards
Characteristics of poverty
- nearness of death
- marginalization
- living on the edge
- the cycle of poverty
- barriers to full development
What does CST tell us to do?
Make the needs of the poorest your top concern
How many people in the United States live in poverty?
42 million
What are consequences of poverty?
- hunger
-inadequate eduacation
What are 3 things that fall under chronic hunger?
- Starvation
- Malnutrition
- Resulting in health problems
What percent of household in American live in food insecurity
How many people are homeless in the United States?
Blank out of blank children are homeless
- 580,000
- 1 out of 5
What is hidden homeless
Those whose housing costs consume too much of their income
- those who live in inadequate housing
- others ppl’s housing
- unsafe housing
What causes hunger and homelessness?
- low wages/high costs
- shortage of affordable housing
- limited aid from government
-physiclal/mental issues - depression
How many people have no access to clean drinking water?
2.2 billion
How many people do chronic hunger affects
815 million each year
Who is most of the world’s homeless population?
How many children cannot attend school?
258 million
What leads to global poverty
Enough food just poor distribution
What are the barriers to development
- resource extraction
- government by the elite
- foreign aid problems
- discrimination
- conflict fueled by arms sales
What has the catholic chuirch called for in response to the debt crisis
Called wealthy banks and nations to cancel much of this debt
What is the true way to happiness
- loving relations (god, yourself and others)
- living in solidarity with the worlds poorest people
Transformation in society structures so that one can reach human potential and dignified lives
Living Simply
Valuing the sacredness of ourselves others and gods creation
- essentials of life
- choices that deepen joy
What percent of the riches of the worlds people own 80% of irs wealth
What does Christianity reject
The idea that people can find fulfillment through material things
Poverty of Being
Forgetting our true identity as images of god
What was the message of LAzarus at the Gate?
The rich man hurt no only Lazarus but also himself in faluire to love
- reslebles the wealth gap
- calls us to stop the wealth gap
Sharing loaves nd fishes
A biblical account foreshadowing the Eucharist
What does living simply help us with?
- live our human dignity more fully
- have more free time
- reduce our dependence on material goods
- deepen our solidarity with others
What are responses to poverty and hunger?
- feeding the hungry through direct action
- promoting self sufficiency
- changing social structures