Semester 1 Finals Flashcards
When confronted with suffering in the world, what are two basic ways we can choose to respond?
We can either do something about it or do nothing
What are the four response to suffering?
- hopelessness
-individualism - enlightened self-interest
- compassion
What are the three truths about human beings that result from their being made in the image of God?
- We were made good
- We were made to be in relationship with God and others
- We were mad free
When accompanied by hope, what does compassion lead to?
It moves people to commit themselves to easing suffering. It encourages them to love
When accompanied by hope, what does compassion lead to?
It moves people to commit themselves to easing suffering. It encourages them to love
When accompanied by hope, what does compassion lead to?
It moves people to commit themselves to easing suffering. It encourages them to love
What is human dignity? Can anyone lose their human digingity? Why or why not
Human dignity is the right of a person to be respected equality with basic necessities to life.
Nobody can loose their human dignity because they are always loved by God
What are all least three ways God asked the Israelites to live out the law “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Do not set dishonest prices
- Welcome every stranger
- Every seven years,cancel all debts
- Give your first part of your harvest to those in special need
Accoring to the prophets, how is true love for God best shown?
Compassion for others
- Love if God
-Love of neighbors
Justice T
The establishment of loving relationships amount human beings, God, and creation so life can flourish
A condition in which people have put obstacles in the way of loving relationships, thus preventing life from flourishing
Accoring to Jesus and the prophets, how is true love for God best shown
by loving one another
How did Jesus invite each of the following groups of people into the kingdom of God: women,sick people, sinners, rich and powerful people, enemies?
He included all people in his understanding of family . In his resurrection God showed unselfish love that led to new life.
Kingdom of God
Gods rule over all heaven and earth
What is a Catholic Social Teaching?
The church teaching that examines human society in the light of the Gospel and Church traditions
Which economic and political system was the catholic worker newspaper and movement a reaction to?
Union of Workers
What are the 6 major elements of the solutions Pope Leo XIII offered in Rerum Novarum?
Cooperation between classes, the divinity of humans, the just wages and workers associations, the role of the state, private ownership of property, and option for the poor
What has been one of the most important results of Rerum Novarum for the Chruch?
CST has become more focused on global issues
Why does God call humanity to place the needs of the poor and vulnerable first?
Because their needs r greater
Why are Christians called to work for environmental justice?
Because the environment is a work of god and it has beauty and value in itself
Name the three steps of the circle faith in action
Awareness, Annalise’s, and action
Define the term worldview
The way someone relates to the world
Explain how someone’s expeirnace and culture shape a persons worldview
Because that is their background and that affects how they look at the world
How can we avoid being blind to injustice
Being aware of our limitations
Describe the characteristics of a love centered worldview?
Seeing, hearing and knowing with respect, having a vision of abundant life, acting with compassion
How can we become more aware of where we are being called to do justice?
How we perceive a situation and put ourselves in someone else’s shoes
What does “All creation is interdependent” mean
We depend on one another for our existence
What is social structure?
Goverment, business, labor, education, families and law
Explain difference between direct action and social action and expalin why we need both
DIRECT ACTION: Charity meets immediate need
SOCIAL ACTION: Justice changes structures that cause injustice
Both are needed to move justice forward
What does it mean to act for justice in solidarity
Promote justice and peace
How does action based in live confrontation those who primate injustice
Because challenging injustice is not inconsistent with loving those who are responsible for the injustice
What is the option for the poor and vulnerable
CST that calls socially to make the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable a top concern
What is poverty
The experience of not having the basic thongs one needs to live a full and dignified life. Denies a persons human dignity
Nearness of death
Poor people are always at a greater risk of death than people who are not poor
Living on the edge
Bc families have so little, nothing rly makes life worse for them
Cycle of poverty
EX: Without a car, job opportunities are limited without a job, it is difficult to get a car
Why does the church say that people deserve fair access to the resources of the earth and the human community
So that they can fully develop their own unique ways of loving God and others
Compare and contrast how the 2 forms of chronic hunger affect people
STARVATION: When the body does not receive enough calories to complete everyday activities
MALNUTRITION: An extreme meaty limited diet that can be life threatening
Give 2 examples of the devastating effects of bad water and poor sanitation
- People can contrast different diseases
- Youn children can die of dehydration from diarrhea
How does the Catholic Church say weather nations should treat refugees
Wealthier nations should welcome refugees
List 3 common myths about hunger
- There is nit enough food to feed the worlds growing population
- Most hungr is caused by droughts and natural disasters
- That poor people it’s need to work harder
transforming the structures of society
Living Simply
Making choices that deepen our joy because they focus on essentials of life, and not just illusions on what brings you happiness
Wealth gap
The difference in assess and income between individuals in a society or between nations
What is our cultures attitude toward material wealth? What is the Christian attitude toward material wealth?
CULTURE: Material wealth is a good thing and is the key to happiness
CHRISTIAN: Rejects allusions because our life is about right relationships
What’s re the 3 aspects of poverty of being?
- Forgetting our identity
- Forgtting that we are called to community
- Forgtting that we live within the limits of God
Why does the CST reward wealth gap as a sign of injustice
Bc those who have more resources than they need or could ever use are often reluctant to sagger them with those who lack basic nessecities
How does the Eucharist call us to commitment o those who are poor?
It unites us with Christ, as well as unties us with all those you yearn for fulfillness of life
What conviction is at the heart of a Dutch artistic response to poverty
If we share, there will always will be enough
What does CST say should be the most important guide for making economic descions?
Concern for human dignity
What test the justice of society
How it treats its poorest members
Name 4 principles that guide simply living
- Humany dingy
- Relationshios
- Enviroment
- Trust
How does living simply better enable us to work to overcome poverty
Makes it easier for us to share ourselves and our resources with those who are poor
How does Catholic Social Teaching understand the term violence? How might this be different from most people’s definition of the word?
Catholic social teachings defines violence as any human action that causes harm to the life or dignity of another person.
What are the steps in the spiral of violence, and how can understanding the spiral contribute to peacemaking
Basic injustice 2. Violent response 3. Violent counter response 4. Escalating violence 5. Followed by more injustice
What is the difference between nonviolence and peace
Peace is the outcome we hope for when responding to conflict with non-violence
How can we define peace? What are two prerequisites of peace?
Peace is the fulfillment of justice and love. The two prerequisites of peace is a firm determination to respect the dignity of other people and practice of kinship.
Why does shalom require action?
Shalom requires action because it is peacemaking and that means resolving conflicts and making amends.
What is Jesus’ “third way”?
Alternative to fight or flight when responding to conflict or violence
What role does grace play in the Christian response to violence?
Through grace we are provided with the Holy Spirit and through that we can achieve more than we think we can,
What is pacifism?
Is a legitimate moral choice as are self defense and defense of the innocent, even by armed forces
What is the just-war theory?
War is to be avoided, but limited violence may be used to protect the innocent after peaceful means have been exhausted
What are the seven criteria for a just war?
Just cause, competent authority, comparative justice, right intention, last resort, probability of success, proportionality
Why does Pope Francis say that a just war is very difficult to invoke in modern times?
Because its risks will probability always be greater than its supposed benefits