Unit 2 Flashcards
What is a Catholic Social teaching?
A doctrine of the Catholic Church that address social, economic, and political teachings.
What are the 7 themes of the Catholic Social Teachings
- The life and dignity of a human person
- Call to family, community and participation
- Rights and responsibilities
- The option for the poor and vulnerable
- The dignity of work and rights of workers
- Solidarity
-Care for God’s creation
Which economic and political system was the Catholic Worker newspaper a reaction to?
The great depression
Who wrote the Catholic Worker newspaper?
Founded by Peter Maurine and Dorthy Day
In what ways does the Catholic church make Christ more present?
- Sacraments
-Scripture - Community
- Prayer and adoration
Why did the Catholic Church develop Catholic Social Teaching if Scripture already contains a guide to action for justice?
- Creates more moderen principles and apply these teaching to industrialization / current events
-(Social Situations changed)
What are the six major elements of the solutions Pope Leo XIII offered in Rerum Novarum
- Just wages
- Rigths to Private property
- Labor Unions
- ROle of the Sate
- Moral Obligations of EMployers
- Support for the families
What has been one of the most important results of Rerum Novarum for the Church?
Establishes the framework of the Catholic social teachings
Have the core themes of modern Catholic Social Teaching changed much since Rerum Novarum was issued? Give an example of what has changed or what has stayed the same.
- Broader Issues
- Globalaization
-Dignity of a human person
Why have the Church’s documents on Catholic Social Teaching become more focused on global issues?
Church’s bishops were from poor, underdeveloped countries. This allowed the bishops to call the whole Church to a “preferential option for the poor”.
What is the main focus of the Church’s teachings on the ownership of private property?
they don’t have the right or can control private property, but they can emphasize the importance of using our resources from the earth beneficially.
What is the most basic principle of Catholic Social Teaching?
Human dignity
? Why does God call humanity to place the needs of the poor and vulnerable first?
Because they need it more
Why are Christians called to work for environmental justice?
- Dignity of all people
- Moral objection
Who wrote on capital and labor?
W.S Harris
Who wrote the Rerum nova rum?
Pope Leo Xiii