unit 4 Flashcards
Operational objectives
- Reduced units
- Quality targets
- Environmental objectives
- Speed of response and flexibility
External influences on operation objectives
- Political or legal influence
- Economic influences- Operations need to be prepared for an economic cycle that may affect their business.
- Competitive influences
- Technological influences
Internal influences
- -Finance- The availabity will determine the situation of how operations are carried out.
- Marketing- Will dictate what needs to be produced and the quantity needed.
- Human resources- The skill of workforce will determine the operations internally.
Labour productivity
Formula= output in a time period/number of employees.
Unit costs
Formula= total costs/ units of output.
Could be seen as the average cost of production.
Economies of scale
-Occurs when unit cost falls as output increases.
Internal: occurs from the business itself. e.g. bulk-buying, marketing, technology etc.
External: Occurs within an industry. E.g. location
Diseconomies of scale
- Occurs when a business grows large that unit cost increase. Usually a difficulty of managing a workforce.
For example:
> Poor communication- Wider span of control and less clear structures in a tall structure.
Lack of motivation- Workers may feel more isolated and less appreciated in a business.
> Loss of direction and co-ordination- A manager may have to be forced to delegate roles. Due to difficulty to manage all employees.
Capacity and capital utilisation
The formula= Actual output in a time period/maximum potential output x 100.
Lean production- JIT
Just in time management- A method of being highly efficient due to only ordering resources only when its required with no buffer stock which may go wasted.
> Reduce wastage
> Greater flexibility to changes in industry
> Improved motivation with more staff engagement.
> Running out of stock. Demand could spike at any time leading to businesses being unprepared. Can be effected by suppliers too.
> Limits the chances of having bulk purchasing discount.
> Trust- A huge trust would need to be required between the supplier and the business.
Lean production- Kaizen
- The idea of continuous improvement. Where employees will try to find ways to help improve the business. This requires a strong culture.
Lean production- TQM
This where culture of the business will check the quality consistently throughout the organisation.
Characterics include:
- Focus on customer needs
- Continuous improvement
- Managing suppliers
Pros: Enhances brand reputation
> Increases their USP
> Increased revenue in their sales
> The cost of reworking failed products
> Costs if goods are returned for warranty.
Optimal resource mix
-Land: Physical land and natural resources.
-Labour: The workers employed by a business
-Capital: The machines and equipment used in the process
-Enterprise: The skill of combining the other factors of production.
Capital intensive
Where this is a high amount of capital equipment being used compared to labour.
Types of technology used in operations.
-More advanced computer systems
-The internet
-Computer aided
manufacture: Where manufactuers use robots as an intergral part of their production process
- Computer-aided design
Pros of updated technology
- Can reduce unit cost of production.
- A consistent use CAM can guarantee quality.
-Can allow access to new markets/globalisation - Can allow employees to work more efficiently