Unit 4 Flashcards
What are Types of Production?
Batch - where a set of one product is made and then a set of another product is made and another and another using the same machine. An example is bread in a kitcten
Flow Production - where large quantities of a product are produced in a non stopprocess (the same product)
Job Production - where a single product is made at a time. Example could be a very expensive item like a dress for a famous preson
What is Production?
Production - the process of turning inputs of resources into finished products which are more valuable
How to calculate Labour Productivity?
`total Output / Number of Produvtion Employees
What is Productivity?
measure of the efficiency of inputs used in the production process, especialy labour or capital
How to improve Labour Productivity?
Increasing output with the same number of employees
Keeping output at the same level but with fewer empoyees
What is Lean Production?
The production of goods and services with the mimimum waste of resources
What is Just In Time Inventory Control?
A form of inventory management that requires working closely with suppliers so that raw materials arrive as production is scheduled to begin, but no sooner. The goal is to have the minimum amount of inventory on hand to meet demand.
What is Kaizen?
A Japanease made form of inventory managment which means continuous improvment.
This oppertunity gives employees the oppertunity to.make siuggestiona about how to improve quality or productivity.
Emlpoyees are doing the day to day tasks so they may know better than managers
Why does a business not want to hold inventories?
Becuase this adds. to business costs such as:
Warehousing costs - business will need to rent or purchase warehouse to store inventories
Shrinkage Costs - damaged, lost or stolen inventories will need to be replaced
What are Benifits and Negatives of job production?
Benifits: Uniuque, high quality products made
Employees more motivated and take pride in their work
Negatives: Uses skiled labour rather than machines so prices are usualy higher
Production can take a long time and can be expensive if special materials or tools requiredd
What are Benifits and Negatives of Batch Production?
Benifits: Since larger costs aremade, unit costs are lower
Materials can be bought in bulk, cheaper
Negatives: Employees are less mtoivated because the work becomes repetitive
What are the Benifits and Negatives of Flow Production?
Benifits: Large Number of Goods are Produced
More capital intensive used (high quality of capital equipment) which lowers labour cost
Negatives: If one part of the production line breaks down, the whole production line will have to stop until it’s fixed.
Employees are less motivated to work since it’s repetitive
Requires very large capital investment
How to calculate the Productivity?
Quantity produced / number of workers x time taken
What are advantages of Tech to Business?
Benifits: Improves quality and reduces waste
‘Reduces time taken to design new products
Negatives: Can be very expensive
When tech is rapidly changing, it will need to be changed often to keep up with the competitors
What are fixed costs?
costs that do not change with output
A fixed cost will be the same when the output is zero or when it’s at it’s maximum output
What are Variable Costs?
costs that change in direct proportion to output
If output increases by 50%, veriable costs increase by 50%
What are Total Costs?
All the variable and fixed costs of producing the total output
How to calculate total costs?
FIxed cost + total variable costs
What are Average Costs?
the cost of producing a single unit of output
What are Economies of Scale?
the reduction in average costs are a resualt of increasing the sale of operation
Economies of scale are the benefits that businesses gain from expanding
Economies of scale mean large businesses are often able to produce products at a lower average cost per item that small businesses
How do Economies of Scale affect Businesses in DIfferent Economies?
Financial Economies - Banks often prefer to lend large businesses loans because they know they will give the money back and consider them less of a risk than small businesses. As a result, large businesses find it easier to borrow money amd do at a lower interest rate (they are borrowing at a lower cost)
Purchasing Economies - larger businesses would usually buy better and greater quantities of materials than a smaller business. They’re benefiting because the supplioier normally offers discounts when someone buys in bulk, bigger businesses then are reducing costs on materials. Whereas, small businesses don’t buy in bulk and as much so therefore they will not get these discounts.
What are Diseconomies of Scale?
Factors that cause average costs to rise as the scale of operations increases
WHen a business frows so large that it loses the benifits of economies of scale
Disesconomies of sclae comes from the problems faced when a business grows too large such as Poor Comunication and Weak Coordinationn
The level of output where revenue equals total costs, the business is making neither profit or loss
The revenue a business earns from selling its output exactly equals the total costs of producing the output
What is Revenue?
The total amount of Income generated by the sale of goods and services
This is calculated from sales x price
What is Output Level?
Output Level - how many they are producing, selling
What does Breakeven do?
Breakeven gives them an idea / timeline of when they are going to make profit
What does the Margin of Safety show?
Shows the difference between the current output and the break even output
The higher the margin of safety, the lower risk of losses being made
How to calculate Margin of Safety?
Actual Sales - Breakeven Output
What is Quality?
ensuring the service meets the needs and requirements of the customer
What is Quality Standards?
The minimum standard of production or service acceptable to consumers
Why is Quality important to a Business?
Develop a Strong Brand Image: Building a strong brand image based on quality makes it easier for a business to introduce new products to the market. Cusomters will know the business has a reputation of good quality and will want to buy a new product
Lengthen Proct Life Cycles - products tht are good quality will have a longer life cycle than poor quality products.
Charge a premium Price
What are the 3 Approaches to Quality?
Quality Control - when inspectors check quality of finished products and throw out the ones which are not up to the appropriate standard
Quality Assurance - a system of agreed standards for every stage of production. During production, workers triea tostop faults happening in the first place
Total Quality Managment - All employees pursue quality by evaluating their working methods and making improvements to them
Why do Businesses operate to other countries?
To locate production closer to Market: reduces delivery time for cusotmers and costs of transport
Labour costs in countires such as India and China are much lower
Companies may have reached their maximum sales in their home market, they need to appeal and find more cusotmers