Unit 1 Flashcards
What is Scarcity?
Unlimited wants + Limited resources = scarcity
What are the Factor’s of Production?
Land (All natural resources such as minerals, ores, fields, oil and forests)
Labour (The number of people avadable to work)
Capital (Macheniry, equipment and finance needed for production of goods and services)
Enterprise (People prepared to take the risk of setting up businesses, they are known as entrepreneurs, an example is elon musk)
What is the Opppertunity Cost?
The opportunity cost would be spending your savings/inheritance to buy stock and land and gain money back.
What is Specialisation?
Specialisation is where companies focus on one main product that they are known and famous for and will not have many different products. An example is tesla, how they only sell cars.
What is an advantage to Specialisation?
Using a specialist company can be an advantage as the workers there may know more about the product then John Lewis workers who wont be likely to know a huge amount about a certain product. Another advantage is that when you go to a specialist store, you will come out with the product that you need and not get distracted.
Specialisation helps a company increase its profit as since customers are used to having the same product, when a new version comes out the public will be more likely to buy it and be more exited than when a non specialist company introduces a new product.
What are ways of adding value?
Ways of Adding Value
Branding: Advertising reminds people of their products fresh in their mind which means that they will visit these stores again. The image/colour scheme can be immediately tracked back to the brand which gives it an identity. If a company is more famous from branding, they can increase their price.
Excellent Service Quality: People come to find that personalised service increases the value. People will then feel more comfortable spending their money with this brand after feeling special. An example of this is the price of a tailored suit will be more expensive then a ready made suit.
Product Features: Products that have more features than similar products will allow a higher price. The mobile phone markert and disney plus (having different products and shows on one service) is an example of this.
Convenience: Consumers will pay a higher price for saving time and getting the products faster and they can have immediatily, like ready meals and amazon prime.
What is the Primary Sector?
The first stage of production involving the etraction of raw materials.
Some examples are Logging, Coal Mining, Farming
What is the Secondary Sector?
The second stage of production where the raw materials are manufactured into finished products
Some examples are steel being made into car doors, fish being made into fish fingers, glass being made into doors
What is the Tertiary Sector?
The third stage of production, where a service is provided for the consumer
Some examples are teaching, accountant, running a cinema
Business Plan: Executive Summary?
Exectutive Summary is useful as this is the hindsight that people will get from your business idea. This is the base layer and where the idea starts This helps the investor see the main point of the business and wether the creator is serious or not about their business.
Business Plan: Business Details?
Business Details are useful because your answers are right infront of you and this helps you plan out how your business will work (how will this location benefit you), the key people are useful because they are the ones who built this business and the people in power. This will help convince the investor that his money will not be going to waste and this shows the investor how his money is being used.
Business Plan: Marketing and Sales?
Marketing and Sales are useful as this can bring a creative person on board for marketing and this is how your company’s popularinty will be led. This helps the investor see how the company is going to be advertised and how his investment is going to grow, if the plan is not good then the investor will realise that his money will be taken nowhere.
Business Plan: Sales?
Sales helps you see your progress and maybe what is wrong so a company can adapt on its failed ideas. This helps the investor see the popularity so far and how the past of the buisness has gone, this can give him an idea of the growth of the business. If there are no sales then the investor will realise that this is not a good investment.
Business Plan: People?
People are a useful part of business as this is how your stock is being made or how your idea is being published, without people your idea is only an idea, not physical. This helps the invstor see the most importiant people and the quality of the workers and how the workers are qualified. If the people do not have the right skills, the investor may realise that this is not a good investment idea then.
Business Plan: Facilities / Setup?
Facilities/Setup are importiant for a business as this is how your business is going to be run in order and the facilities are the machines that are going to help your idea come to life. This can help someone conceive you money as this shows wether the business’s machines are high quality or not which then shows wether an invest will be a good or bad idea.
Business Plan: Financial Projection?
Financial Projections is useful as this is how your business is developing and this is the evidence of your growth/loss. This can help future ideas by what gains the business the most money. This would help someone get the idea of the money that the business is gaining and this will give them a clear answer wether this is a clear investment or not as this can help a person predict the future plans for money.
What is Public Sector?
Public Sector - Business providing an essential, universal service. They are funded by the taxpayer and run by the government
What is Private Sector?
Private Sector - Business must make profit to survive - it is their primary aim
What is a big problem with a Public Sector Company?
The problem with Public Sector is that some parts of the companies plans may be abandoned as the government has many different business to run, this means that with private sector, business fantasies can be fulfilled as the creators only have this business which means that they can be more efficient.
How do you measure Business Size?
Capital Employed: The value of all long term finance invested in a business, used to buy the resources for the business
Value of Output: The amount that businesses earn and sell from their products, used to compare the size of businesses in the same industry
Number of Employees: The umber of people who work for a business, larger businesses will employ a larger amount of employees to make more product
Market Share: This is the share that the market has, the larger the share of the total market, the larger the business
What is Internal Growth
Increasing the number of goods it can produce
Developing new products
Internal growth can be …slow……. but it has fewer problems than external growth.
What is External Growth?
A business can grow by merging with another, or taking over another business.
What are ways of merging in External Growth?
horizontal integration brings together two firms in the same industry who are also in the same sector of business activity.
Forward vertical integration brings together two firms in the same industry but one is the supplier of the other.
Backward vertical integration brings together two firms in the same industry but one is the customer of the other.
external integration is the bringing together of two businesses who are in completely different industries.
What is a Sole Trader?
A sole trader is a business ran by just one person (might employ workers but business is ran by only one person) - Unlimited Liability for any problems
What is a limited Company?
A limited company is a group of companions who have come together to set up a business
In a limited company the owners and employees are legally separate from the business
They have limited liability, if they go bankrupt, they will lose the money they put into the business, but they will not lose anything else
What is a Joint Venture?
A joint venture is a new enterprise formed by two or more independent businesses who work together and share profits
A joint venture is a useful way of setting up a business as Market and product knowledge can be shared to the benefit of both of the businesses.
Each business also brings different enterprise towards the joint venture as the companies can both combine on the knowledge that the business know already.
This also reduces the risk for businesses and cut’s costs as the businesses can produce a great product from both of the certainr business worker’s best skill.
The risk is reduced as the business only puts in helf of the money, therefore if the product is a bust, the company only loses 50% of their money whereas working without a joint venture, the company would lose all of their money. A joint venture is seen as safer.
A franchise is a business system where entropeuners have the right to use the name, logo and product of all existing business
Franchisee Advantages?
Reduced Risk
Brand Recognition
Quick Growth - your statt up will be uick as a business because it’s already popular
Marketing is easier as consumers will know your company
Franchising Advantages?
Franchising is a good way for Mcdonalds to expand as this allows Mcdonalds to enjoy faster growth and the creation of a truly global brand identity.
As the building comes from a global company, Mcdonalds receives monthly rent.
The purchase price of a restaurant gets based on cashflow and is about £150, 000 upwards.
The franchises are also able to use innovation to their advantage as they are franchisers.