unit 4 Flashcards
A community of people bound to a homeland and possessing a common identity based on shared cultural traits such as language, ethnicity, and religion
when the boarders of the nation match the boarders of the state, a state with (ideally) one nation within it (Japan = 98% Japanese, no real examples)
Sense of belonging to and self-identifying with a national culture; people with a strong sense of nationalism derive a significant part of their social identity from a sense of belonging to a nation
Stateless nation
An ethnic group or nation that does not possess its own state and is not the majority population in any nation-state (Kurds)
Multinational states
A country containing multiple national, ethnic, and religious groups within its boundaries
Multistate nation
Ethnic groups territorially divided by one or more international boundaries
Autonomous region
A subdivision or dependent territory of a country that has a degree of self-government, or autonomy, in its decision making
Semiautonomous region
A subdivision or dependent territory of a country that has some degree of, but not complete, self-government
A states authority to control its territory and govern itself
The control and influence over a specific geographic space often includes aspects of historical and cultural links, governments, economies, boundaries, sovereignty, defense/ military
Political power
Control over people, land, and resources
The use of economic political cultural or other pressures in order to control or influence other countries
Instability within a region that is geographically located between states with overlapping territoriality and political power
Choke points
A narrow passage that restricts traffic to another region, can be closed or blocked to stop sea traffic
Antecedent boundary
Boarders that are established before there has been major settlement by people in a territory (49th parallel us and canada)
Subsequent boundary
A political boundary that developed with the cultural landscape
Relic boundary
A boundary that no longer functions as an international border
Superimposed boundary
A boundary that is placed on an area without regard to existing boundaries
Geometric boundary
A boundary that has regular, often perfectly straight, lines drawn without regard for an area’s physical or cultural features
Consequent boundary
A boundary that is drawn to accommodate existing cultural differences
The manipulation of voting district boundaries to favor a particular political party, group, or election outcome
Gerrymandering a voting district by concentrating all of the opposition party into one district, thereby creating a large majority of that party in the district while ensuring that it cannot win any election
Gerrymandering a voting district by dividing opposition votes into many districts, thus diluting the opposition’s vote to ensure it does not form a majority in any district
Exclusive economic Zone that extends 200 nautical miles from shoreline in which coastal states have the sole right to exploit, develop, manage, and conserve all water resources lying beyond the land
Occurs when a collection of nation-states and their citizens relinquish some sovereign rights to a larger-scale body that exercises authority over its member states
Uneven development
Occurs when core states have advanced economies and a high standard of living while peripheral states have relatively little industrial development, simple production systems based mostly on raw materials, and low levels of consumption of manufactured goods
The political claim to territory in another country based on ethnic affiliations and historic borders
Subnational state
The smaller areas into which a larger state is divided (e.g., states in the United States, provinces in Canada)
Unitary state
An independent state that concentrates power in the central government and grants little or no authority to its subnational units
Federal state
An independent country that disperses significant authority among subnational units
Occurs when a sovereign state moves from a non-democracy to a democracy
Loyalty or commitment to a country