unit 2 Flashcards
arithmetic population density calculation
total population / land area (sq. mile) (not accurate)
physiological population density calculation
total population / arable land (sq. mile) (carrying capacity)
agricultural population density calculation
farmers / arable land (sq. mile)
high LDCs
low level of technology, farming by hand = more farmers, low output
low MDCs
high mechanization levels, less farmers but more output
population structure
what percent of population are children/elderly/male/female
population pyramid
shows population structure and composition, used to access pop. growth and decline and to predict markets for goods and services, used at various scales
dependency ratio
number of people in a dependent age group divided by number of people in working age group divided by 100 (youth/elderly dependency)
working age
dependent age
0-15, 65->
Population composition
The makeup of the population by age and sex as well as by ethnic, racial, income, and educational background
Sex ratio
The ratio of the number of men to number of women in a population
DTM stage 1
High stationary stage -BR high - DR high - NIR slow - substantial fluctuation common, no countries in this stage
DTM stage 2
Early expanding stage - DR drop rapidly - BR high - NIR quickly increase - rapid pop. growth, some sub Saharan countries in this stage
DTM stage 3
Late expanding stage - DR low - BR high but declining - NIR decreases - developing countries in this stage
DTM stage 4
Low stationary stage - BR & DR similar and quite low - NIR very slow - aging becomes an issue, many developed countries in this stage
DTM stage 5
Natural decrease stage - BR VERY low - DR low - NIR negative - natural decrease, Japan, Germany, and some European countries
Carrying capacity
The number of people a particular environment or Earth as a whole can support on a sustainable basis
Push factors
Factors that cause people to be dissatisfied with their present locales and want to move somewhere else (population pressure due to high fertility rates; persecution of religious, racial, ethnic, and political groups; war and civil unrest; natural disasters, high crime rates, poverty)
The long-term or permanent relocation of individuals, families, or entire communities from one place to another
Pull factors
The attributes of other places that make them appealing to potential migrants (economic opportunities, nice climate, physical amenities, higher living standards, and better housing)
A city with more than 10 million residents
A city with more than 20 million residents
Voluntary migration
Migration that is done willingly
International migration
When moves are made across national borders
Guest worker
A person with temporary permission to work in another country
Transnational migration
When migrants move back and forth between their home countries and those to which they have migrated
Internal migration
When people move within the borders of a country
Interregional migration
When people move within the borders of a country
Great Migration
The twentieth-century movement of 6 million African Americans from the rural southern states to the cities of the midwestern and northeastern states
Rural-to-urban migration
When people move from the countryside to cities
Residential mobility
Moves that occur within a metropolitan area
Step (stepwise) migration
Migration carried out in a series of stages, usually from nearby to bigger and more distant places
Chain migration
The process by which some people’s migration to a new place leads their family members, friends, and others to move to the same place
Return migration
Migrants going back, or returning, to their previous place of residence or origin
Seasonal migration
Migration based on the time of year
Forced migration
Migration caused by forces out of one’s control, such as disasters, social conflicts, or developmental projects
A person who leaves their country because of persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or political opinion
Internally displaced person (IDP)
Someone who remains within his or her country’s borders despite being persecuted by their home country
Ethnic cleansing
The forced removal of one ethnic group by another ethnic group to create an ethnically consistent territory
The act of a migrant arriving at their destination country
The act of a migrant leaving their place (country) of origin