Unit 4 Flashcards
- To make a preferential option for the poor means to go against the rich and powerful
- A just wage is a wage that will help workers meet their needs and those of their family, and give them a degree of security.
- Preferential option for the poor is optional for Christians.
- This document states that the only way to ensure peace is to ensure a foundation that consists of specific social rights and responsibilities.
a. Pacem in Terris
b. Mater et Magistra
c. Gaudium et spes
d. Laudato Si
a. Pacem in Terris
- Octogessima Adveniens
a. May 15 1931
b. May 15 1891
c. May 15 1991
d. May 15 1971
d. May 15 1971
- First social teaching to represent the opinions of the world’s bishops
a. Gaudium et spes
b. Justice in the World
c. Rerum Novarum
d. Quadragessimo anno
a. Gaudium et spes
- “See, Judge, Act”
a. Rerum Novarum
b. Mater et Magistra
c. Pacem in Terris
d. Laboren Exercens
b. Mater et Magistra
- “The Church’s social teaching affirms that, people are more important than things, labor is more important than capital.
- The Church’s social teaching promotes that a man is always the purpose of work
A just society must be the achievement of politics, not the Church.”
- The basis of determining the value of work being done but the fact that the one who is doing it is a person
- The document asserts that the Church has the right to speak out on social issues. Its role is to teach social principles and bring social classes together.
a. Justicia in Mundo
b. Popularum Progessio
c. Rerum Novarum
d. Centissimus Annus
c. Rerum Novarum
The least amount of salary an employer is obliged to give, below which he cannot go without violating the law is known as the minimum wage.”
This document states that true charity is more than giving away from ones excess. Rather, it is living in relationship and in solidarity with the marginalized.
a. Laudato Si
b. Evangelium vitae
c. Evangelii gaudium
d. Caritas in veritate
d. Caritas in veritate
- The principle by which every human being is obliged to contribute to the common good of the society in all its levels.
a. Solidarity
b. Subsidiarity
c. Stewardship
d. Sovereignty
Subsidiarity ?
- The Christian Social virtue that helps us to see that we are all members of one human family sharing equal human dignity.
a. Solidarity
b. Option for the poor
c. Stewardship
d. Subsidiarity
a. Solidarity
- The Magna Carta of the Church’s Social doctrine
a. Gaudium et Spes
b. Popularum Progressio
c. Rerum Novarum
d. Octogessima Adveniens
Rerum novarum
- The Church has a positive moral function to maintain peace and order, protect human rights and to provide people with their basic needs
false - state
- Solidarity is the firm and preserving determination to commit oneself to the common good for all.
a. Pope Paul VI
b. St. Francis of Assissi
c. St. Paul
d. St. John Paul II
John Paul II
- Mater et Magistra’s date of publication.
a. May 15 1891
b. May 15 1961
c. May 15 1931
d. May 15 1991
b. May 15 1961
- As small as possible but as big as necessary
a. Stewardship of creation
b. Solidarity
c. Subsidiarity
d. Social welfare
- It is the Church’s response to the social events happening around the world.
a. Solidarity
b. Social teaching
c. Encyclicals
d. The sacraments
social teaching
- “With careful not to give a blanket endorsement, this document notes the benefits of capitalism as an economic system.”
a. Laborem Exercens
b. Centissimus Annus
c. Solilicitudo Rei Socialis
d. Rerum Novarum
centissimus annus
- The principle of catholic social teaching that teaches us that people should take responsibility for their own welfare without government intervention.”
a. Solidarity
b. Option for the poor
c. Common good
d. Subsidiarity
common good ?
- “It is any activity of the human person, whether manual or intellectual, through which he or she produces something new for his/her perfection.”
a. Invention
b. Discovery
c. Work
d. Development
work ?
- Development is a new word for peace
a. John Paul II
b. Pope Paul VI
c. Benedict XVI
d. Luis Antio Cardinal Tagle
pope Paul vi
- Christianity and social progress
a. Rerum novarum
b. Mater et Magistra
c. Quadragessimo Anno
d. Centissimus Annus
b. mater et magistra
- On Human work
a. John Paul II
b. Pope Paul VI
c. Benedict XVI
d. Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle
John Paul II
- The Church is the Guardian of the spiritual and moral dimensions of life while the State is in charge of the temporal affairs of all.
- Subsidiarity
a. Quadragessimo anno
b. Centissimus annus
c. Octogessima adevniens
d. Caritas in veritatem
Quadragessimus annus
- The moral conscience of a society can be measured by how it treats its most vulnerable members
a. Solidarity
b. Option for the poor
c. Common good
d. Subsidiarity
option for the poor
- The Church advocates the principle man is for work and not work is for man
- The social condition that promotes the dignity of persons allowing them to reach their full potential and receive the rights and privileges necessary for a happy life.
a. Solidarity
b. Option for the poor
c. Common good
d. Subsidiarity
common good
- The principle by which the State is prohibited from meddling in the affairs of individuals or communities that can be resolved at their own level.
a. Solidarity
b. Subsidiarity
c. Stewardship
d. Sovereignty
- Employers granting just wages to their employees.
a. Contributive justice
b. Distributive justice
c. Commutative justice
d. Restorative justice
- First major example of post vatican II episcopal collegiality
a. Justicia in Mundo
b. Evangelium Vitae
c. Solicitudo Rei Socialis
d. Gaudium et Spes
justicia in mundo
- The person is the central focus of work
- It stresses the role of individual Christains in responding to injustice.
a. Caritas in veritate
b. Rerum Novarum
c. Octogesessima Adveniens
d. Laudato Si
octogessima adveniens
- The subjective sense of work is the item produced by the worker
- This document made a clear statement that the death penality is only allowable when it would not be possible otherwise to defend society.
a. Laudato Si
b. Evangelium vitae
c. Evangelii gaudium
d. Caritas in veritate
evangelium vitae