UNIT 1 and 2 Flashcards
It is considered as the crowning truth of our faith in Christ.
Righteousness or justice
A simple birthday celebration in sympathy with the victims of the covid19 pandemic.
Restorative justice seeks to repair harm, to appropriate responsibility for the harm and to involve those who have been affected by the harm, including the community, in the resolution. Punishment and imprisonment have meaning if…they serve the rehabilitation of the individual by offering those who have made a mistake an opportunity to reflect and to change their lives in order, to be fully reintegrated into society.
Both are true
This parable reminds us that God is always patiently waiting for us, ready to forgive and accept us back.
The Prodigal Son
In their own way, the laity participate in the priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission of the Church by virtue of their:
Baptism and Confirmation
God gave us this ability to learn about things and understand them.
Restorative justice is a way of ending the life of convicted offenders to prevent them from committing the same offense again. Criminals guilty of heinous crimes are hopeless cases and are beyond rehabilitation.
Both statements are false.
The covenant God established with the People of Israel, chose him to be the father of a multitude of nations, opens the way for the human family to make a return to the Father.
False, abraham
Jesus’ words, deeds and suffering on the cross did not restore man to his original vocation. Despite of the Fall and sinful nature of man, God affirms, transcends the elevated nature of humanity.
First statement is false, second is true
The core of Christianity is the gospels. The proclamation of the Kingdom of God entails renewal in the order and practices of the community.
First statement is false, second statemebt is true
God created man and conferred on him the dignity of a person who can initiate and control his own actions.
Freedom and responsibility
The Church is called to be involved in responding and eradicating social concerns to become effective herald of the Gospel. It is the proper duty of the lay faithful to proclaim the Gospel with an exemplary witness of life rooted in Christ and lived in temporal realities: the family; in the world of work, culture, science, and research; the exercise of social, economic, and political responsibilities.
Both statement are true
In our day, there is a growing awareness that world peace is threatened not only by the arms race, regional conflicts and continued injustices among peoples and nations, but also by a lack of due respect for nature, by the plundering of natural resources and by a progressive decline in the quality of life. “
St. John Paul II
Requires repeated action
Social service
The person is an independent individual who has rights and responsibilities that are bounded by legal limits.
St. John Paul II described it as “the firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good”.
This applies to religious differences as well as political, economic, social, and cultural ones
Promoting culture of dialogue
A core-concept in the social teaching of the Church that is regarded as both inviolable and inalienable, that is, it can never be compromised regardless of the circumstances and consequences of the action.
Human dignity
The covenant is an expression of Yahweh’s willingness to reach out to His people. In turn, the covenant becomes the people’s assurance that Yahweh will never abandon them.
Both statements are true. Celebrating our Shared Humanity, Our Human Interconnectedness
The Church has the right and the duty to teach her social doctrine, to exercise her role freely among men, and to pass moral judgment in those matters which regard public order when the fundamental rights of the human person or the salvation of souls require it. The distinction between the Church and the State implies a complete separation, and it simply means that the Church should restrict her activity to the private and spiritual sphere.
First statement is true, second statement is false
Providing livelihood training to persons with disabilities.
community organizing
“The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights.”
Philippine constitution
Cannot be taken away from us (characteristic of human dignity)
This is the basis of Christian anthropology, because it identifies the foundation of man’s dignity as a person in his creation “in the likeness” of God.
Gen 1:27
“Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
United Nations
Human dignity is understood as flowing from one’s relationship with God and is not earned or merited. It is inherent.
Both are true
Love is what makes us able to see the other as a friend, as another self, so that the needs and requirements of others seem as one’s own.” (CSDC, 205)
The Way of Love and Justice
Persons sometimes exercise power in a way which dehumanizes other persons. Human rights are a mechanism to control the exercise of power so that it does not become dehumanizing of persons.
Both are true
From Curiosity to Advocacy:
Translating Faith into our Thoughts, Words and Actionsm
Resolves unjust system structures in institution
Human rights ?
The human person is free. Only one who is free can be morally responsible.
Both statements are true
Theological vision
We are sexual beings by nature. Sexuality urges us out of isolation into the company of others.
Both are true
The principle of Separation of Church and State means, that the Church and its ministers cannot take a stand on social, economic, and political issues affecting the welfare of the people. The State shall have the duty to establish only one religion as the religion of the State
Both are false
The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes. The choice to disobey and do evil is an abuse of freedom.
Both are true
Designing a poster for a clean and green environment
Which is NOT one of the functions of the Bureau of Correction?
Safekeep prisoners convicted by courts,Prevent prisoners from commiting crimesProvide inmates basic needsEnsure rehabilitation programs are made available to the inmates for their physical, intellectual and spiritual development, Develop livelihood programs to assist inmates earn a living and develop their skills while in prison
Because of their neglect to talk about God in their endeavors, imperialism and communism have also contributed to the increasing problems of poverty and injustice in the community. The Catholic Church has issued important documents to officially announce that the solutions to the different social issues confronting the society can only be found in Christ.
First is true, second is false?
Both are true?
Promote networks of collaboration at the zonal, regional, and international levels through concrete projects in defense of groups whose rights are violated.
Promotion and Defense of Human Rights