Unit 36 - Personal Practice Flashcards
This salsa is very light, but I don’t want it
Esta salsa es muy ligera, pero no la quiero
In winter we put on coats
En invierno, nos ponemos los abrigos
There are two brushes in the bathroom
Hay dos cepillos en el bano
My cat doesn’t have to wash itself
Mi gato no tiene que lavarse
My sister brushes her hair every night. But she never brushes her teeth!
Your sister goes to bed with dirty teeth.
Mi hermana se cepilla el cabello todas las noches. Pero nunca se cepilla los dientes!
Su hermana se va a dormir con los dientes sucios
We get up at eight, usually
Nos levantamos a las ocho, usualmente
These images are mine
Esta imagenes son mias
Is it yours or ours
Es tuyo o neustro?
Laura washes her face
Laura se lava la cara
I was my face every night
Me lavo la cara todas las noches
These coffees are too expensive
Estos cafes son demasiado caros
Our names are Juan, Ana, and Carlos
Nos llamamos Juan, Ana, y Carlos
Which is your toothbrush
Cual es tu cepillo de dientes
We are brushing our hair now
Nos cepillamos el cabello ahora
My mom has two packages of beans, but she doesn’t need them. Today she is going to cook chicken with potatoes for dinner.
Tonight we are not going to eat beans
Mi mama tiene dos paquetes de frijoles pero no los necesita. Hoy va a cocinar pollo con papas para la cena.
Esta noche no vamos a comer friojoles