Unit 3.6 Flashcards
everyone is involved in quality and improvement
Talent development
development of star employees
process by which an employee can gain skills and knowledge
how involved you are in decision making
creating an inclusive environment
External influence
Example = availability of labour - in a fast-food setting there is high availability whereas there is low availability for doctors etc
Internal influence - Organic growth
opening a new chain - grown from within the business (no other businesses are involved)
Internal influence - Inorganic growth
other businesses are involved - takeovers etc in an attempt to reduce competition
The use of data for human resource panning and decision making
helps with problem solving and gives management an insight into the workforce which could be valuable when negotiating with trade unions etc.
HRM Planning cycle
set HRM objectives - Conduct inventory of current workforce - Gather data and forecast demand - Estimate staff gaps - Write HRM plans - put plan into action - Monitor and evaluate plan - repeat
Human resource objectives - INTRO
main objective is to help the business achieve it’s corporation objectives and mission by providing well trained and well motivated employees
Employee engagement and involvement
the extent to which employees are able to have a say in decisions which will impact their working life - motivated employees are more punctual and less likely to leave the company
Talent development
development of star employees who have the potential to make a major contribution to the success of the business - makes the business more competitive and profitable
process by which an employee can gain skills and knowledge relating too their job role or working environment - increases productivity of the workers
recognising that employees are unique individuals and creating an inclusive environment which values diversity
Number of skills an location of employees
Development of staff is one of the top priorities for businesses like a care home. - need temporary staff to replace ill workers etc
External influences on HRM objectives
include ethics, Labour market, Technology
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) position of the business impacts HRM decisions in terms of wages and working conditions - ethical businesses can receive ban competitive advantage etc.
Labour market
availability of Labour matching with the number of jobs available.- business needs to be flexible in it’s ability to recruit and let go off staff
technological advancements now mean that more employees are able to work from home. - reduces amount of office space needed and improves employees work-life balance.
Internal influences on HRM decisions
impact on the choice of HRM objectives set within a business
Link to other functions
HRM cannot be taken in isolation - e.g. new advertising campaign HRM may need to recruit promotional staff
Business growth
organic growth = more branches = more staff needed
Inorganic growth may lead to some necessary staff redundancies
Trading internationally
to trade internationally a business may need staff who speak different languages or understand different cultures etc.
New product development
may require new staff with different skills to help the business to be successful for the new venture
Management approaches
dictates the level of the staff to be recruited - e.g. in hard HRM business is only looking for staff that can follow orders.
Soft HRM approach
employees seen to add value to the business. - the company wants to develop their skills etc. High employee engagement and motivation, higher staff retention etc
Hard HRM approach
employees seen as an unwanted cost - managers do the thinking and employees only carry out tasks - minimises costs and gives managers more control over operations
Job design
process of establishing employees roles and responsibilities and the systems and procedures that they should use to follow. - purpose is to coordinate and optimise work processes to improve productivity
Organisational design
diagram which shows the lines of authority and layers in the hierarchy of the business
Example - UVHS
Mr Hardwick
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