Unit 3 Week 1 Flashcards
postzygotic isolation- hybrids do not complete development or are frail
reduced hybrid viability
unused structures that don’t have a function in the organism, appear to be residual parts from a past common ancestor
vestigial structure
came up with the survival of the fittest and worked with Darwin to publish a paper
Alfred Russel Wallace
created an early list of around 500 species in 300 BC
inventor of modern taxonomy, genus species naming scheme, described 4400 species in systemae naturae in 1750
model where new species undergoes changes quickly from parent species, remains unchanged for long periods of time
punctuated equilibrium
observed that extinction happens in 1800
postzygotic isolation- hybrid itself is viable but sterile
reduced hybrid fertility
a group of individual organisms that interbreed and produce fertile, viable offspring
population of a species disperses through an area and they find an isolated habitat, the varied demands of their lifestyles leads to multiple speciation events originating from the same single species
adaptive radiation
prezygotic isolation- physical differences between the organisms prevent successful mating
mechanical isolation
postzygotic isolation- hybrid itself is viable and fertile, but subsequent offspring are inviable or sterile
hybrid breakdown
sympatric speciation that begins with a serious chromosomal error during cell division
original species after selection occurs
ancestor species
small-scale changes over small number of generations
in sympatric speciation, two species involved in generating a polyploid
mechanisms that prevent a hybrid zygote from developing into a viable, fertile adult
postzygotic isolation
prezygotic isolation- species occupy different habitats, never come into contact
habitat isolation
synonymous parts among multiple species that have developed differently over time but have the same overall construction
homologous structures
prezygotic isolation- individuals do not recognize each other as potential mates
behavioral isolation
geographic barrier reduces gene flow
allopatric speciation
mechanisms that prevent mating or hinder fertilization before mating occurs
prezygotic isolation
prezygotic isolation- sperm is not able to fertilize the egg
gametic isolation
competitor of Linnaeus
large-scale changes over large number of generations
the study of the anatomy of an organism’s development to its adult form
area where two closely related species continue to interact and reproduce to form hybrids
hybrid zone
first evolution theory- said that evolutionary mechanism is the passing on of traits acquired by an organism during its lifetime
Lamarckian evolution
prezygotic isolation- species breed during different times
temporal isolation
individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than individuals that don’t
natural selection
when a cell or organism has one or more extra sets of chromosomes
type of allopatric speciation where natural situation arises to physically divide organisms
early fossil discoveries, researched Dorset cliffs in England in 1820
a group of individuals that share a gene pool and includes individuals with different sets of alleles (gene variants)
a heritable trait or behavior that aids in the survival and reproduction of an organism in its present environment
within sympatric speciation, one species involved in generation a polyploid
formation of two new species from one original species
type of allopatric speciation where few members of a species move to new geographical area
model where species diverge gradually over time in small steps
gradual speciation
concept where a species is a group of organisms that can interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring
biological species concept
subset of population acquires differences
sympatric speciation