unit 3: trigeminal & its divisions Flashcards
mixed cranial nerve with more sensory than motor, is the largest
three continuous nuclei of termination associated with trigeminal
main sensory
trigeminal mesencephalic
the one nucleus of origin for trigeminal
trigeminal motor nucleus
the one peripheral ganglion for trigeminal, which is a PNS structure
trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion
three peripheral branches (divisions) of the trigeminal
cell body location of the trigeminal sensory pathways to the main & spinal nuclei
trigeminal ganglion
peripheral processes (dendrites, sensory) come from this location to the trigeminal nucleus
for touch, vibration, & joint proprioception, central processes from the trigem ganglion go to which nucleus
main trigeminal
for pain and temperature, central processes from the trigem ganglion go to which nucleus
spinal tracts analogous to the main/spinal nuclei
lateral spinal thalamic (pain)
anterior spinal thalamic (touch)
gracilis, cuneatis (vibratory)
only sensory neurons to have cell bodies located in the CNS
to mesencephalic nucleus
peripheral dendrites pass THROUGH the trigeminal ganglion before ascending to this nucleus
axons from the motor nucleus leave CNS, travel thru trigem ganglion, and are carried in which branch
mandibular branch (trigeminal nerve)
muscles supplied by the trigeminal nerve (mandibular division -only to carry motor)
motor nucleus of trigeminal n. receives info from:
cerebral cortex reticular formation red nucleus tectum medial longitudinal fasiculus mesensephalic nucleus
apparent origin of trigeminal nucleus
lateral aspect of pons
location of trigeminal ganglion, after the nerve travels anteriorward over temporal bone
trigeminal (meckel’s) cave (which is a pouch of dura)
like CN III, IV, VI, the ophthalmic division of trigeminal enters the orbit via:
superior orbital fissure
two trigeminal divisions that are sensory only
ophthalmic division of trigem carries sensation from:
- skin over nose, forehead scalp
- mucous membranes of frontal/sphenoid sinuses
- membrane over nasal septum
four branches of ophthalmic division of trigem
meningeal nerve (tentorial branch)
lacrimal nerve
frontal nerve
nasociliary nerve
branch that is given off before the ophthalmic division leaves the SOF that supplies middle cranial fossa’s dura mater
meningeal nerve
branch of the ophthalmic division travels along lateral rectus superiorly, passes through lacrimal gland and ends up at upper eyelid skin
lacrimal nerve (smallest)
two nerves that are utilized by the lacrimal nerve to send parasympathetic fibers from the pterygopalatine ganglion to the lacrimal gland
(both are maxillary branches)
largest branch off the ophthalmic division of trigem that divides into two branches: supratrochlear & supraorbital
frontal nerve
SUPRAtrochlear n. conveys sensation from
medial corner of eye
supraorbital n. carries sensation from:
upper eyelid
mucous membrane of frontal sinus
branch of the ophthalmic division that gives rise to 3 branches and 2 terminal branches
nasociliary nerve
branch of nasociliary nerve that goes to the ciliary ganglion
communicating branch
branch of nasociliary that supplies eyeball
long ciliary nerve
branch of nasociliary that carries sensory info from sphenoidal/ethmoidal sinuses
posterior ethmoid
the anterior ethmoid nerve (terminal branch of the nasociliary nerve), gives rise to two branches & supplies what
- external nasal: skin over nose
- internal nasal: mucous membrane over anterior nasal septum
the INFRAtrochlear nerve (terminal branch of nasociliary), supplies what
medial corner of eye
lacrimal sac
maxillary division of trigem, which is sensory only, enters the pterygopalatine fossa through the
foramen rotundum
maxillary division of trigem carries sensation from where
skin bt eyes & mouth
cheeks & temples
mucosa of maxillary sinuses, nasal concae, palate, gingivea
four branches of maxillary nerve
middle meningeal
the middle meningeal nerve off the maxillary nerve supplies
meninges of middle cranial fossa
branch off of zygomatic nerve (of maxillary division) that carries postganglionic parasymp fibers from the pterygopalatine ganglion to the lacrimal gland
communicating branch
branch off the zygomatic nerve (of max division) that supplies skin over temple
zygomaticotemporal branch
branch off the zygomatic nerve (of max division) that supplies skin over cheek
zygomaticofacial branch
ganglionic branches to the maxillary division carry sensory info from these three areas through the pterygopalatine ganglion
upper pharynx
nasal cavity
- nerves off of the infraorbital nerve of the maxillary division and which teeth they supply, in addition to the lower eyelid & maxillary sinus
- travel thru infraorbital fissure, infraorbital canal
posterior superior alveolar: molars
middle superior alveolar: premolars
anterior superior alveolar: incisors
branches of the max division of trigeminal nerve are used to distribute postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from where
pterygopalatine ganglion
_______ parasympathetic fibers reach pterygopalatine ganglion from the facial nerve via greater petrosal nerve
_______ parasympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion pass through the pterygopalatine ganglion, as do sensory fibers
a large sensory root & small motor root form the mandibular division of trigeminal in the infratemporal fossa, before exiting the cranial vault via
foramen ovale
the mandibular division carries sensation from:
- skin over mandible, posterior cheek, posterior temple
- mucosa of lower oral cavity & cheeks
the 8 muscles that the mandibular division supplies motor innervation to (4 mastication 4 other)
masseter temporalis medial & lateral pterygoid tensor veli platini tensor tympani mylohyoid anterior bell of digastric
two branches of the mandibular division that are given off in the infratemporal fossa
recurrent meningeal
medial pterygoid
after reentering the cranium via the foramen spinosum, the recurrent meningeal branch carries sensory info from
dura of middle cranial fossa, anterior cranial fossa, calvarium
two muscles aside from the pterygoid that the medial pterygoid supplies after passing through the otic ganglion
tensor veli palatini
tensor tympani
the mandibular nerve divides into a mainly _____ anterior division, and a mainly ____ posterior division
branches off of the anterior division of the mandibular
deep temporal
lateral pterygoid
nerve branch of the anterior division of the mandibular that provides motor to the masseter and sensory to the TMJ
motor nerve branch of the anterior division of the mandibular with an anterior & posterior branch that supply the temporalis muscle
deep temporal
motor nerve branch of the anterior division of the mandibular that supplies the lateral pterygoid muscle
lateral pterygoid
major sensory nerve branch of the anterior division of the mandibular that conveys sensation from cheek, buccal gingivae of molars
branches off the posterior division of the mandibular
inferior alveolar
the auriculotemporal nerve, a posterior mandibular branch, passes thru the parotid gland, posterior to TMJ, into infratemporal fossa, carries sensory info from
skin of temple & ear
the auriculotemporal nerve carries some postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the
otic ganglion
the lingual nerve, a posterior mandibular branch, conveys sensory info from
mucosa of oral cavity
the lingual nerve combines with the __ ___ in the infratemporal fossa
chorda tympani
the inferior alveolar nerve, a posterior mandibular branch, carries sensory info from
lower teeth
along with accompanying motor fibers, the inferior alveolar nerve has two branches, the ___ & ____ nerves
the incisive branch, off of the inferior alveolar nerve, supplies
first premolars & adjacent gingivae
the mental branch off of the inferior alveolar nerve supplies
labial gingivae adjacent to incisors
skin of lower lip & chin
before the inferior alveolar nerve passes through the mandibular foramen, motor fibers diverge from it and supply these two muscles
anterior belly of digastric
two autonomic ganglia that communicate with the mandibular division
after the lingual nerve combines with chorda tympani, it sends PREganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the_____ ganglion
the ____ ganglion sends POSTganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland via the auriculotemporal nerve
occasionally, the lingual nerve may convey ___ info to the chorda tympani
inflamed trigeminal nerve that causes tic doloreaux, pain to the face pattern of the nerve, and resolves with time
tigeminal neuralgia
clinical condition in which a virus remains in DRG, usually in thoracic, along trigeminal branch, aka shingles
herpes zoster