unit 3 theology test review Flashcards
which of these reflects the understanding of “ power from influence”?
the power to influence other people’s attitudes and decisions because of the relationship you’ve built with them
what does jesus teach us about power in the paschal mystery
the strength and power in loving sacrifice
what is the “paradox of the cross”
(contradictory but true) it was jesus’ hour of glory
what truth did st paul explain in his epistles
gods grace leads us towards the death of sin and our rising in new life
which of the following best reflects what the church teaches about the body and the soul
each human being is a union of body and soul physical matter and immaterial spirit
what did saint paul teach about the resurrection of the dead
if there is no resurrection there is no need to be good
what are the cardinal virtues
prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance
what are the theological virtues
love, faith, hope/ charity
when jesus prays “that they may be one”, what model of unity did he offer
what is the best description of empathy
ability to recognize and willingness to share the emotions of another person
what are we saved from
sin and its consequences
what are we saved for
true happiness in this life and union with god in the next
as a result of sin, what causes us to doubt our own goodness
what does the theological concept of “already/ not-yet” refer to?
the kingdom of God is already here but it isn’t finished because we are not yet in a state of perfect grace
what insight does Jesus give us in the parable of the lost son
glimpse of the fathers infinite love and mercy when we turn from sin asking for forgiveness
what is the judgement that occurs immediately at the time of our death, when our immortal souls will be judged as worthy or unworthy of Heaven?
particular judgement
what did saint pope John Paul ll say about hell?
god does not send us to hell, our choices and the ability to reject gods love separates us from him
what is the relationship between particular judgement and final judgement
final judgement deepens our understanding of the particular judgement, Kaaba showing the good and bad everyone did in their life
who knows when the second coming of christ will occur
the father
what does the paschal mystery teach us about power
the good that we do prepares us for gods goodness in heaven
Jesus taught that the kingdom of god belonged to the poor. which is the best description of how that teaching matched the belied at the same time?
contradiction because they thought ones blessedness was shown how they follow the law (prosperity)
what is true of heaven
state of being, in union with god, total joy and fulfillment for eternity
what is true of hell
state of being, prepares us for perfect love of god, total desolation torture for eternity
what is true of purgatory
state of being, prepares us for perfect love of god, cleaning of sins
believing in many gods
an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; sin
god’s act of bringing a sinful human being into right relationship with him. It involves removal of sin and the gift of god’s sanctifying grace to renew holiness
a habitual and firm disposition to do good
cardinal virtues
based on the latin word cards, meaning “pivot” four virtues that are viewed as pivotal or essential for full Christian Living: prudence, justice fortitude, and tolerance
theological virtues
the name given for the god-given virtues of faith, hope, and love. these virtues enable us to know god as god and lead us to union with god in mind and heart
our spiritual principle; it is immortal, and it is what makes us most like god. our souls is created by god at the moment of our conception. it is the seat of human consciousness and freedom
something that can be spoiled, contaminated, or made rotten
sanctifying grace
the grace that heals our human nature wounded by sin and restores us to friendship with god by giving us a share in the divine life of the trinity. it is a supernatural gift of god, infused into our souls by the Holy Spirit, that continues the work of making us holy
particular judgement
the judgement that occurs immediately at the time of our death, when our immortal souls will be judged as worth or unworthy of heaven
last judgement
the judgement of the human race by Jesus Christ at his second coming. it is also called the final judgement
the second coming of christ as judge of all the living and the dead, at the end of time, when the kingdom of god will be fulfilled
refers to the state of definitive separation from god and the saints, and so is a state of eternal punishment
a state of final purification or cleansing, which one may need to enter following death and before entering heaven