Unit 3 Test Flashcards
A repetitive act performed by an individual is a
In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is more likely to vary
from time to time at a given place
In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is typical of ________ groups
Large heterogeneous
Folk cultures are spread primarily by
Relocation diffusion
Understand the effects of globalization and modern communications on social customs
Increased the similarity of social customs in different locations
As components of group identity and cultural learning, folk customs usually originate from
Familiar events in daily life
Folk songs are more likely than popular songs to
Tell a story about lifecycle events, work or national disasters
Cultural diversity is promoted by
The relative isolation of a group from others
The choice of clothing in western countries and strongly influenced by
Occupation, knowledge of fashion elsewhere and the level of income
Terroir refers to
The sum of the effects of the local environment on a food item
A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom is a
The geographer Vidal de la Blache regarded food supply as less subject to modification then
The clothing and weapons
The most important house style in the United States since the 1960s is known as
The trend of globalization has threatened ______ culture more than _____ culture
Folk; pop
Some features of US material culture such as gas stations, supermarkets, and motels promote
A uniform landscape
People maintain their folk culture despite familiarity with popular culture primarily because of the strong desire to
Preserve unique customs
And they have more contact with popular culture, woman in less developed countries are more likely to
Gain more opportunities outside the home
Diffusion of popular culture can adversely impact environmental quality in what two ways?
Depletion of scarce resources in pollution
A lingua franca is
A language that is mutually understood by people who have a different native language
A group of languages that share a common origin but have since evolved into individual languages is a
Language branch
The two largest language families in the world are
Sino-Tibetan and Indo-European
The language family encompassing the languages of the People’s Republic of China is
The main Romance languages are
Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, French
The language spoken by soldiers station throughout the Roman Empire was known as
Vulgar Latin
The most widely spoken language in Brazil is
Russian is a part of what language branch?
Balto Slavic
According to Colin Renfrew’s research, Indo-European languages defused across Europe alongside the diffusion of
According to the maps and diagrams in this chapter, England was invaded by tribes from
Germanic-speaking areas
A literary tradition is
The written form of a language
An isogloss is
A boundary between language regions
Comparing contrast British and American English
Alphabet such as…
- different word spelling’s (example color vs colour)
- different pronunciation (example US= VITE-a-min, UK= VIT-a-min)
- different vocabulary for some words (example Chips in US= Lays, UK= fries)
A form of the language spoken in a local area is a
A creolized language is
A mix of indigenous and colonial languages
A pidgin language
Has no native speakers
The Icelandic language has changed less than any other Germanic language because of
Iceland’s relative isolation from other places
The language spoken by the greatest number of native speakers in the world is
Chinese is traditionally written in the form of
The large number of individual languages documented in Africa has resulted primarily from
Thousands of years of isolation between tribal groups
____________ is to Canada as _________ is to the US
French; Spanish
The English language is a “second” or “third” language in many regions where it is used as a
Lingua Franca
Which statement best describes the use of English on the Internet
English has become less dominant but is still the leading Internet language
Religion is a good example of the tension between globalization and local diversity because
Religion represents core cultural values and beliefs that may conflict with others
Animists believe that
Inanimate objects and natural events have spirits
The belief in the existence of only one God is
When geographers study the sites where religions originated as well as the processes by which those religions diffused to other locations, they’re focusing on the
Spatial connections in religion
The world’s largest ethnic religion is
Which characteristic distinguishes religion in Latin America from North America?
Having a Roman Catholic majority
The maps in the chapter indicate that the Eastern Orthodoxy is a branch of the Christianity prevalent in
A relatively small group that is broken away from it established church is a
The world’s largest universalizing religion is
Lutheranism is an example of a Christian
The dominant branch of Islam is
This map indicates that Baptists are clustered in the _________ United States
Judaism is not a
Universalizing religion
An ethnic religion appeals mostly to
One group of people in one place
Which religions, including major branches, trace their origin to Abraham?
Christianity, Islam (Sunni and Shia)
What is currently the most important religion in the homeland of the man who founded it?
Unlike other universalizing religions, Buddhism
Remains concentrated in one area of the world
Identify characteristics of universalizing religions
Several priests travel across the world to establish missions on remote islands
Identify the characteristics of ethnic religions
The religious calendar is based largely on seasonal changes in a particular region
Christianity first diffused from its hearth through ______ diffusion
Roman Catholics are clustered in the US Southwest primarily because of the migration of
Roman Catholics from Latin America
Some of the violence linked to religion in Israel and Palestine is also linked to
Ethnic groups, resources and disputes over control of land
Judaism is classified as an ethnic rather than universalizing religion, partly because it’s rituals derive from
Agricultural cycle in Israel
Protestants in Ireland are
Highly clustered in one part of the island
Jerusalem’s geography represents a particularly difficult religious conflict to resolve because
Sacred sites to Jews and Muslims are built on top of one another
The concept of a ghetto originally referred to the area of a city where ______ were forced to live
The exiled spiritual leader of the Tibet is the
Dalai Lama
For most of the past 2,000 years, most Jews have been
Dispersed around the world
It is reasonable to hypothesize that during the Mexican-American war when some Irish soldiers deserted from the US Army to join the Mexican army instead, most were at least partly motivated by the feelings of loyalty towards fellow…
Roman Catholics
Given the Soviet Union’s policies toward religion discussed in this chapter, a historian could hypothesize that in the United States, Cold War opposition to the Soviet Union was accompanied by the heightened emphasis on
Religion as a weapon against “Godless communism”
Adherents of which religion have controlled the Holy Land for most of the 1,500 years?
Apartheid- What? Where? When?
What- systems of racial segregation in South Africa
Where- South Africa
When- 1948 to 1998
Ethnicity is important because it reinforces _________ in the face of globalization culture
The most populous ethnic group in the United States is
Latinos and Hispanics
The second most populous ethnic group in the United States is
The largest numbers of Asian Americans are descended from immigrants from
The United States Census Bureau recognizes which distinct races?
White, American Indian, Alaskan native, native Hawaiian, pacific islanders, Black/African-American, Asian, Hispanic and Latino
Understand the role of “separate but equal” doctrine and “Jim Crow” laws in United States history.
“Separate but equal” – Established that African-Americans could be kept in separate but equal facilities
“Jim Crow”- separates blacks and whites in public
Ethnic identity for US descendants of European immigrants is primarily preserve through
Religion and food
A nationality is
A group of people tied to a place through legal status and tradition
Identify an example of a nationality.
Group of Cherokee Indians living on a reservation
Why is Denmark a good example of nation-state?
Nearly all of them speak Danish and live in Denmark
Identify centripetal forces in the United States.
Strong national identity, strong naison d’etre- reason for existence
When a US politician attempts to appeal to the widest number of voters, she or he probably appeals to the concept of shared
Most of the conflict in Africa is a result of colonial boundaries that
Colonial boundaries in the midst of numerous ethnic and national groups
Balkanization refers to
Breakdown of state due to conflicts among nationalities
The breakup of Yugoslavia during the 1990s was caused mainly by
Rivalries among nationalities
The most important centripetal force in Yugoslavia before the break up was the
Common economic interests
As Sudan’s religion-based Civil War was run winding down, an ethnic war erupted in the region of
The process when a group forcibly removes another group is called
Ethnic cleansing
The frequent repetition of an act, to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a group of people, is a
Asian Americans are clustered in what area of the US?