Unit 3 test Flashcards
What North America looked like prior to the French and Indian War-
Before the French and Indian War in the 1600’s to 1750 the French and the British peacefully coexisted in North America.
Reasons why the French and Indian War began
Things started to change as more settlers arrived from different countries and wanted to expand their territory. The main issue was land in the Ohio River valley and both sides claimed it for themselves
Who fought who in the French and Indian war
Britain vs. France and their allies- Native Americans
William Pitt & his strategy
William Pitt- a leader of the war effort in North America
Pitt’s 1st priority was pouring huge sums of money into conflict and sending more British troops.
Didn’t want the colonists to foot the bill and be reimbursed
Treaty of Paris (French and Indian War)
Signed in Paris 1763- France ceded to Great Britain and gave up most of their land in North America
Britain was now the dominant power in North America
Proclamation of 1763 - what it did, results, etc.
This policy allowed the English to limit and control westward expansion, which did not allow conflict to arise between them and the Natives. It allowed them to keep some land at least, and they therefore agreed with the British to maintain peace.
After effects of the French and Indian War
The victory was good for the British but there were negative effects- debt and resentment between colonists and the British gov
Sugar Act
The British Parliament passed the SUGAR ACT in 1764 to eliminate the illegal sugar trade through the Caribbean. This law eliminated illegal sugar trade from continental colonies,
strengthened duty on sugar, Established new admiralty courts in America to try accused smugglers
Colonists were angry and protested—
Britain disregarded the colonists’ concerns and developed stricter law enforcement.
Stamp Act
The British Parliament passed the STAMP ACT in 1765 to pay off debt and raise money for the British army. This law added a tax and a restamp to printed documents in the colonies (newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, deeds, wills, licenses)
Reactions to Stamp Act
Colonists protested, rioted, and boycotted
Methods: Property damage
Harassment of officials
Refuse to pay taxes
Burned the stamps
Developed the saying “No Taxation without Representation”
Because of this Britain repealed the Stamp Act in 1766 due to pressure and protest from the colonists which disrupted their trade. After they repealed this act they enforced and created a new law called the Declaratory Act.
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a violent confrontation between British soldiers and a crowd of colonists in Boston on March 5, 1770: The British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists who were throwing rocks, and other objects at them. The soldiers killed five colonists
Sons of Liberty
A secret political organization that fought British taxation and defended colonists’ rights.
Tea Act & responses to it
The British Parliament passed the TEA ACT in 1773 and because of this act, the East India Company could profit more and increase the colonial tea trade. (East India Company about to go bankrupt) This law gave Britain’s East India Company the right to export its merchandise directly to the colonies without paying navigation taxes.
-Boycotted Tea
-Riots, campaigns
-Formed the “Daughters of Liberty”
-Dumped tea into the Boston harbor
-Caused the Boston Tea Party
-Three companies of fifty men each went aboard three ships, broke open the tea chests, and dumped them in the harbor. (Almost 2 million dollars worth of tea)
*Because of this, Britain’s parliament passed the Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress
The colonists decided to hold a meeting of representatives from all of the colonies called The First Continental Congress in Pennsylvania in the city of Phililidalphia.
At this meeting, they decided to:
Work on gaining independence for Britain
Boycott British goods starting December 1774
Write a letter to the King and Parliament
Makes a recommendation for the colonies to organize militias
Intolerable Acts
The British Parliament passed the INTOLERABLE ACTS in 1774 in order to…
Punish and make an example out of Massachusetts and provide a civil government.
These laws caused…
Closed the Boston Harbor
Quartering Act - Colonists had to provide housing to British troops
Administrative Justice Act - if charged with a crime, you may be sent to Britain for trial
Massachusetts can no longer have local assemblies to make laws (Replaced the elective local government with an appointive one
Colonists responded by demonstrating unity and creating the first continental congress to discuss and negotiate a unified approach to the British.
Britain banned trade with the colonies and authorized the seizure of colonial vessels. In 1775, more British troops were sent to America, and they attempted to find the weapons that the colonists had in Lexington and Concord.
Lexington and Concord
Colonists began to form militias and collect weapons just in case a war broke out. Instead of storing these weapons in Boston, they stored them in Concord MA. British heard about this and sent troops to confiscate them. The militia finds out that the Britsh know and sends messages.
April 1775- troops arrive in Lexington and kill 8 militiamen
Once the British arrive in Concord no weapons are found
British retreat to Boston but the militia fire on them and kill about 300 British soldiers- only 9 militiamen are killed
Second Continental Congress
May 1775 in Philadelphia- some at the meeting want to declare independence but most still hope for a peaceful revolution. In July 1775 sent a letter to King George III called the Olive Branch Petition asking to restore their relationship with Britain. It is rejected and is also not worth being unhappy.
Declaration of Independence
Started to create a document led by Thomas Jefferson to declare independence. This document contains enlightenment ideas such as those by John Locke. On July 4th, 1776 the final version is completed.
Battle of New York City
Summer 1776- British Victory
The goal of the British: a place to retreat and to capture New York so they could have a base for the Royal Navy
- By taking control of New York they can isolate New England from the rest of the colonies(makes it easier for them to gain control)
British dominance(had many more people)
- British troops attacked American forces stationed on the western end of Long Island
- Captured, killed, and drove Americans further west
- The British cornered Washington and about 9,000 American soldiers. Because of this hardship, America retreated which saved their Continental army
Loyalists and Patriots
Loyalists: judges, governors, wealthy people those who thought Britain would win (African Americans- promised freedom, people living in NY, Natives)
Patriots: pro colonies- merchants, farmers, people living in MA, African Americans
Battle of Saratoga
September- October 1777
Winner: America
Goal of America: to prevent the British from splitting up their colonies and preventing their control of the Hudson River Valley
Turning point of the Revolutionary War (America will start to win more battles)
American victory boosted their confidence and gave them hope of gaining independence
Because they won, they were able to convince France to become allies with them- this provided them with more money, soldiers, and a navy
Effects of the Revolution on marginalized groups
African Americans:
Many escaped to freedom with British help
Emboldens some slaves to rebel
Native Americans:
Weakened their position as many-sided with the British
No more Proclamation Line (Americans could now move west of the Appalachian Mountains)
Many women were put in charge while men away fighting
Some participated in the war effort, including combat
Also embraced the ideas found in the Declaration of Independence
The Treaty of Paris (Revolution)
By Feb 1782, Parliament votes to end the war
Both sides met in Paria in 1783 to sign a treaty and Britain officially recognized America as a country
Agree to leave loyalists alone but this doesn’t happen- Many loyalists leave due to mistreatment(land confiscated as well as positions of power)
Articles of Confederation - what they were, major weaknesses
Created between 1776-1777; signed in 1781
- Created a republic- citizens choose representatives to make laws
-Two levels of power- state and national
-No president, just congress
each state 1 vote
-Each state retained sovereignty and independence. Not a nation but a firm league of friendship
-Gave Congress (central gov) very little power
Weaknesses: Not united as a country, causes disagreements and issues within the country, states