Unit 2 Test Flashcards
England 1st permanent colony in the spring 1607(Virginia)
- Established for money reasons
- Bad location: Chesapeake Bay- swampy, malaria, hot
Didn’t bring supplies for farming
- Within 6 months only 38 men out of 104 were alive
The only reason for survival was because of John Smith:
- he organized trade & theft of food from the Powhatan tribe
- Forced men to work
- Left in 1609
Virginia Company
The company in which Jamestown was established by
Charter Company
a group to make money which the Virginia company was founded by
Tobacco farming
this is what makes Jamestown a permanent and profitable colony
- Seeds were smuggled by John Raulph and one tobacco plant was worth a million dollars in today’s money
- England wanted to obtain the tobacco because it was so rare, and this led to Virginia becoming a royal colony
Indentured Servitude
poor English people could contract themselves to a wealthy VA landowner for 4-7 years, in exchange for a paid passage to VA.
- Worked tobacco plantations
- High mortality rates
- Not paid (working off debt)
- Provided basic necessities, not privileges
- Master in charge of everyday life, hard labor, very hot is spring/summer, NOT good
- By late 1670s planters started to import slaves from Africa
House of Burgesses
legislative body of 22 men elected by male landowners to carry out the royal (kings) laws.
Plymouth, 1620
35 left England for VA with 67 others aboard the Mayflower
- Dec: arrive in MA. Decide to settle there instead of going onto VA
- Wrote the Mayflower Compact aboard the skip to establish order
- Puritans who left England call themselves pilgrims because they are on a pilgrimage seeking religious freedom
Mayflower Compact
written by the pilgrims as an agreement to establish an orderly gov when they arrived in the New World
English people seeking religious freedom
- Protestants angry with the Church of England because it had not gotten rid of all traces of Catholicism, began to worship separately
- Broke the law: refused to pay CofE taxes and attend services
- As a result, the “separatists” have to leave England
Roger Williams
- Minister and founder of the colony of Rhode Island
- Considered too radical bc he believed that the government and religion should be separate and that they should not take Native American land without paying them.
- Banned from Massachusetts Bay due to his “dangerous views”
- January of 1636: Williams ended up in Narragansett Bay and in the spring he purchased land from the Natives and founded his religious colony (Rhode Island).
a religious-based government
Anne Hutchinson
- Deeply religious woman who was put on trial and expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for speaking her mind.
- Put on trial for heresy, she asked, “If God has predetermined for my salvation or damnation, how could any behavior of mine change my fate?”
Economies of Northern Colonies (New England Colonies)
- New Hampshire
- Massachusetts
- Rhode Island
- Connecticut
turned to economic pursuits because the farming conditions were not suitable for growing crops. Cold weather and rocky soil made it harder for plants to grow successfully. In the North (Chesapeake region), there were a lot more women compared to the number of men living there. Many women and infants would die due to childbirth at this time, which caused men to become the head of the family. They had most of the authority because few families were able to even survive.
Economies of Southern Colonies
- Maryland
- Virginia
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Georgia
- Traded cash crops
could easily grow crops, the South was a male-dominated area, but women had more freedom. This was because most women married had children at a young age, and outlived their husbands. This left many widowed women to take care of their children and household.
Economies of Middle Colonies
- New Jersey
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Delaware
The Middle Colonies’ economy was built mainly lumbering and shipbuilding. But also farming, milling, and production. They were economically focused and well off. The Middle Colonies developed many industries related to their forest resources.
Establishment of other colonies
Differences between the 3 regions
New England: focused on trade, shipbuilding, and small-scale farming & had strong religious influence and less economic inequality & not a lot of religious freedom
Middle Colonies: focused on lumbering, shipbuilding, and farming & diverse in population and religious tolerance
Southern Colonies: Focused on agriculture with a plantation economy dependent slavery & not a lot of religious freedom
King Philip’s War
- King Phillip (Metacom) was the son of Massasoit, a Wampanoag leader
- He became the king after his father passed away
- This war happened in Plymouth, in 1675 between the English and Native Americans
- This war occurred because the English were killing the natives and taking over their land. They were doing this because they went against their ethics and rules. King Phillip was very angry that his people were being murdered for no reason. Because of this, he started to fight back which caused the war to occur.
- The first few months of the war the Wampanoag tribe is doing well and warns the people that have been kind to them. They run out of food in later months which leads to the Puritans winning.
- Many of King Philip’s people were starving
A lot of Indians died - Many Native American survivors were captured and sold into slavery
- King Phillip died—beheaded him and his head was put on display in -
- Plymouth for 20 years
One of the last times the Native Americans resist the Puritans
Atlantic slave trade
Transportation of the African slaves to the Americas by the Europeans
Middle Passage
Forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to America
Triangle Trade
- A system of trade between Europe, Africa, and America
- Manufactured goods from Europe, Slaves from Africa, and raw materials from America
Navigation Acts
A series of laws passed in the 1660s
- Closed the American colonies to all trade except that carried in English ships
- Colonists could only export certain high-value items to England
- All goods being sent to American colonies from European countries had to first pass through England.
- Appointed officials to ensure the colonies complied and paid required taxes
England was lax in enforcing many of these laws and smuggling was common
Economic theory that says that a country should export more than it imports
- England’s American colonies were crucial to achieving this goal