Semester 1 Final Flashcards
The arrival of the first people to the Americas - from where, theory, etc.
Clovis theory: came via the Bering Strait land bridge connecting Russia and Alaska 11,000 years ago. DNA links Modern Native Americans and Asians.
“New World”
Columbus - where, why, etc.
Italian sailor looking for a quicker, safer route to the Indies.
- Europeans have spices, perfumes, silk, carpets, and gems from Asia BUT they were expensive and the route was dangerous and time-consuming
- Funded by the King and Queen of Spain
- Reaches the Bahamas in October 1492 (Thinks he’s reached the Indies)
- Begins system of colonization: establishing settlements controlled by the parent country throughout the Caribbean
Spanish success in conquering Indigenous peoples
After Christopher Columbus Spanish sailors became eager to explore. “The three G’s” or the Conquistadors. They used the Caribbean Islands as bases for the American Conquest.
- Began encomienda system in West Indies: enslavement of native populations
- The mission is to Christianize and civilize the natives
Resistance among Natives: Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico
Spanish domination in the New World $$`
Why the death rate was so high for Indigenous peoples, post-contact with Europeans?
Millions wiped out by disease or warfare
Columbian Exchange
An exchange of animals, plants, food items, & disease between the new and old worlds.
England’s first permanent Colony
- Spring 1607: Established by the Virginia Company & founded by a charter company
- Established for money reasons
Bad Location
- Chesapeake Bay: swampy, hot, malaria
- Didn’t bring farming supplies
The only reason for survival was because of John Smith:
- Organized trade and theft of food from the Powhatan tribe & forced all men to work
Indentured servants
Poor English people who contracted themselves to a wealthy VA landowner for 4-7 years, in exchange for a passage to VA.
- Worked tabacco fields
- High mortality rates
- Not paid (working off debt)
- NOT good: very hot in spring/summer, hard labor, master in charge of your everyday life
Charter Companies - what were they, etc.
Virginia Charter Company was a group to make $$
Pilgrims and Plymouth
Pilgrims, otherwise known as Puritans, were Protestants who were angry with the Church of England because it hadn’t gotten rid of all traces of Catholicism and began to worship separately.
- They broke the law and refused to pay taxes and attend services
- As a result, these separatists left England- they went to the Netherlands and didn’t like it
They eventually obtain a charter from the VA company to settle land in…
- Called them selves pilgrims bc they were on a religious pilgrimage
1620: 35 leave England for VA with 67 others on the Mayflower
- Dec: arrive in Massachusetts and decide to settle there instead which is known as Plymouth
Mayflower Compact
Established by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower to establish order and a gov
Religious dissent
Protestants who refused to conform to the church of England
The development of the 13 colonies
Each colony had its own government, but the British king controlled those governments.
The development of the 13 colonies
The dominant religions in the colonies were Anglicanism and Congregationalism. The Pilgrims and Puritans, who broke away from Anglicanism, were the main groups responsible for the spread of these religions.
The deveolpment of the 13 colonies
The Southern Colonies developed two social classes: a wealthy aristocratic class and a modest class of farmers.
Colonies that were more religiously tolerant
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island
William Penn
the founder of Pennsylvania, was a Quaker who advocated for religious freedom and actively attracted people of different faiths to his colony.
Reasons for tolerance in Rhode Island:
Founded by Roger Williams, who was banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony for his religious beliefs, Rhode Island became a refuge for those seeking religious liberty.
English treatment of native peoples
They tried to Christianize and “civilize” natives
(intolerant+aggresive towards them)
House of Burgesses
legislative body of 22 men, elected by male landowners, to carry out the crown’s (king) laws.
Bacon’s Rebellion
Armed rebellion by Virginia settlers
- Jamestown, Virginia (1676-1677)
Nathaniel Bacon: young, troublemaker, related to Berkley (VA governor) through marriage
- Upset that Berkley is refusing to drive the Native Americans out of Virginia
- Berkley wants to keep peace since they trade with the NA’s
- Bacon starts fire and kills Native Americans with his supporters/ tries to overthrow the government
1675: Doeg Indians were angry about Europeans invading their land so they raided a western plantation and killed a European servant. Led to MAJOR conflict
Helped separate/define the boundary between Native American and white lands in Virgina
English gov becomes tougher
An economic theory that says a country should export more than it imports
England’s American colonies were crucial to achieving this goal
Navigation Acts
A series of laws passed in the 1660s
- Closed the American colonies to all trade except that carried in English ships
- Colonists could only export certain high-value items to England
- All goods being shipped to American Colonies from European countries had to first pass through England
- Appointed officials to ensure the colonies complied and paid the required taxes
England was lax in enforcing many of these laws therefore smuggling was common.
African slave trade
Transportation of the African slaves to the Americas by the Europeans