Unit 3 Session 26 Flashcards
Creo que ya le dimos el libro y los ejercicios el jueves pasado
(I) think (we) already gave him the book and the exercises last Thursday
To tell you
Él me enseña
He shows me
Ella le trajo algo de ropa
She brought him some clothes
Este fin de semana vamos a comprar una bici para ti y así podemos ir a andar en bici juntos
This weekend (we)’re going to buy a bike for you(i) and that way (we) can go bike riding together
¿Por qué no me enseña su falda nueva?
Why doesn’t (she) show me her new skirt?
I brought him a bottle of red wine for the dinner
Yo le traje una botella de vino tinto para la cena
My sister showed us her new clothes, a dress, a shirt and a short skirt
Mi hermana nos enseñó su ropa nueva, un vestido, una camisa y una falda corta
I give you(i)
Yo te doy
Él quisiera decirme eso
He would like to tell me that
Detrás de ti
Behind you(i)
Para ella
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For her
Él y yo trajimos muchas cosas ayer
He and I brought a lot of things yesterday
Yo te di el libro
I gave you(i) the book
For us(f)
Para nosotras
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
To give me
With me
To see them(f)
Traerles algo
To bring them something
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
To give you(p)/them
Detrás de usted
Behind you
Me trajo los libros de la biblioteca porque los necesito
(She) brought me the books from the library because (I) need them
(They) want to bring us the most comfortable shoes
Quieren traernos los zapatos más cómodos
With me
Ellos vinieron y nos dieron sus llaves
They came and gave us their keys
Para ellos
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For them
(I) bought it
Lo compré
La vendes
(You(i)) sell it(f)
Last weekend (we) took many pictures of them at the soccer game
El fin de semana pasado tomamos muchas fotos de ellos en el juego de fútbol
I gave you(i) the book
Yo te di el libro
Ellos tienen un regalo para usted
They have a gift for you
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
With you(i)
Con ellas
With them(f)
I did a lot of things
Yo hice muchas cosas
Para nosotros
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For us
Me escribe una postal
(He) writes me a postcard
(I)’m going to the beach, are (you(i)) coming with me?
Voy a la playa, ¿vienes conmigo?
¿Necesita ver los documentos? Voy a traerlos
Do (you) need to see the documents? (I)´m going to bring them
Ustedes fueron a la playa con él
You(p) went to the beach with him
He came in order to give me the book
Él vino para darme el libro
(He) went with you(i) to visit that castle, and he loved (it)
Fue contigo a visitar ese castillo, y le encantó
(They) brought us a lot of shirts for washing
Nos trajeron muchas camisas para lavar
Can (you(i)) show me your(i) new dress?
¿Puedes enseñarme tu vestido nuevo?
¿Puedes darme los libros que te dio anteayer? Necesito leerlos
Can (you(i)) give me the books that (he) gave you(i) the day before yesterday? (I) need to read them
(They) already gave you(p) the keys of the house, right?
Ya les dieron las llaves de la casa, ¿verdad?
Les escribimos postales todos los años
(We) write them postcards every year
To write us
(They) gave you(p) the room keys
Les dieron las llaves de la habitación
Creo que tiene los mismos pantalones en azul. ¿Puedo verlos, por favor?
(I) think (you) have the same pants(p) in blue. Can (I) see them, please?
Excuse me, can (you) bring me a better knife, please?
Disculpe, ¿puede traerme un cuchillo mejor, por favor?
Primero, fui a la oficina en metro.
First, (I) went to the office by subway.
Les dimos las camisetas que compramos para ellos
(We) gave them the T-shirts (we) bought for them
From/Of them
De ellos
He brought me a very beautiful gift
Él me trajo un regalo muy bonito
Do you(i) like my suits? (I) bought them in that store
¿Te gustan mis trajes? Los compré en esa tienda.
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and go before the verb when it is conjugated
¿Ellos ya le enseñaron la ciudad?
Did they already show you the city?
(It)’s the most beautiful house, (I)’d like to rent it(f)
Es la casa más bonita, quisiera alquilarla
Yo te doy
I give you(i)
De ustedes
From/Of you(p)
¿Quién te enseñó el traje que compré? ¿Te gustó?
Who showed you(i) the suit (I) bought? Did you(i) like (it)?
I love this green skirt, (I) think (I)’m going to buy it
Me encanta esta falda verde, creo que voy a comprarla
Yo le traje una botella de vino
I brought him a bottle of wine
Para ellas
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For them(f)
Voy a escribirle una postal
(I)´m going to write her a postcard
To bring them something
Traerles algo
Disculpe, ¿puede traerme un cuchillo mejor, por favor?
Excuse me, can (you) bring me a better knife, please?
¿Tienen un mensaje nuevo para nosotras?
Do (you(p)) have a new message for us(f)?
(They) write us messages every day
Nos escriben mensajes todos los días
Tú estás detrás de mí
You(i) are behind me
Nos dieron los libros nuevos de nuestros hijos
(They) gave us our children’s new books
(They) rent it
Lo alquilan
Las vimos
(We) saw them(f)
Nos escriben mensajes todos los días
(They) write us messages every day
Do (you(p)) have a new message for us(f)?
¿Tienen un mensaje nuevo para nosotras?
Los dejamos en la lavandería
(We) left them at the Laundromat
Lo alquilan
(They) rent it
With them(f)
Con ellas
Ellos nos traen las llaves esta tarde
Indirect object pronouns go before the verb when it´s conjugated
They´ll bring us the keys this afternoon
Nosotros les traemos
We bring you(p)
Si lo necesitas, hay un espejo en el probador
If (you(i)) need it, there’s a mirror in the changing room
(We) brought him many gifts from our trip, a tie, a jacket and a pair of pants
Le trajimos muchos regalos de nuestro viaje, una corbata, una chaqueta y un pantalón
Tomorrow (we)’re going to have dinner with Sandra in order to give her the gifts.
Mañana vamos a cenar con Sandra para darle los regalos.
Indirect Object Pronouns (le/her) can be used to avoid mentioning or repeating a person
¿Lo compraste en esa tienda?
Did (you(i)) buy it at that store?
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
To give you(i)
To tell you
Why doesn’t (she) show me her new skirt?
¿Por qué no me enseña su falda nueva?
¿Dónde está la bici? No la veo
Where is the bike? (I) don’t see it
Es la mejor cámara de la tienda, quiero comprarla
(It)’s the best camera in the store, (I) want to buy it(f)
Nos trajeron muchas camisas para lavar
(They) brought us a lot of shirts for washing
I played basketball with you(i)
Yo jugué baloncesto contigo
¿El celular? Está allá
When it is the subject of a sentence in English, there is no equivalent in Spanish
The cellphone? (It) is there
To give you/him/her
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
For her
Para ella
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
(She) brought me the books from the library because (I) need them
Me trajo los libros de la biblioteca porque los necesito
Las limpiamos el fin de semana
(We) cleaned them(f) on the weekend
To give me
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
Quieren traernos los zapatos más cómodos
(They) want to bring us the most comfortable shoes
Para él
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For him
Nosotros queremos bailar con ustedes
We want to dance with you(p)
Me gusta esta camisa, voy a comprarla
I like this shirt, (I)’m going to buy it
We bring you(p)
Nosotros les traemos
To buy it
Yo hice muchas cosas
I did a lot of things
You(p) live next to us(f)
Ustedes viven al lado de nosotras
Delante de él
In front of him
Me encanta esa tienda, tienen muchas cosas bonitas.
I love that store, (they) have a lot of beautiful things.
Yo quiero traerles muchas cosas
I want to bring you(p) many things
I want to bring you(p) many things
Yo quiero traerles muchas cosas
(We) gave them the T-shirts (we) bought for them
Les dimos las camisetas que compramos para ellos
She gave you(i) the password, right?
Ella te dio la contraseña, ¿verdad?
Indirect object pronouns go before the verb when it´s conjugated
Voy a la playa, ¿vienes conmigo?
(I)’m going to the beach, are (you(i)) coming with me?
He showed me his new house
Él me enseñó su casa nueva
He would like to tell me that
Él quisiera decirme eso
So, after having lunch, (we) went to buy some gifts for her.
Entonces, después de almorzar, fuimos a comprar unos regalos para ella.
The cellphone? (It) is there
¿El celular? Está allá
When it is the subject of a sentence in English, there is no equivalent in Spanish
Do (you) know where (they) bought it(f)?
¿Sabe dónde la compraron?
Escribirle un e-mail
To write her an email
To give us
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
She showed me the clothes that (she) bought
Ella me enseñó la ropa que compró
¿Quién te enseñó el traje que compré?
Who showed you(i) the suit (I) bought?
Ellos fueron a correr con ustedes el domingo, ¿verdad?
They went running with you(p) on Sunday, right?
Do (you) need to see the documents? (I)´m going to bring them
¿Necesita ver los documentos? Voy a traerlos
With you
Con usted
Es la lavandería más rápida de la ciudad
(It)’s the fastest Laundromat in the city
Los comió
(He) ate them
They went running with you(p) on Sunday, right?
Ellos fueron a correr con ustedes el domingo, ¿verdad?
(They) brought us a lot of shirts for washing and ironing
Nos trajeron muchas camisas para lavar y planchar
To give me
To show you(i)
To buy it
Yo le traje una botella de vino tinto para la cena
I brought him a bottle of red wine for the dinner
(They) want to bring him a gift because (it)’s his birthday
Quieren traerle un regalo porque es su cumpleaños
They have a gift for you
Ellos tienen un regalo para usted
They´ll bring us the keys this afternoon
Ellos nos traen las llaves esta tarde
Indirect object pronouns go before the verb when it´s conjugated
In front of him
Delante de él
First, (I) went to the office by subway.
Primero, fui a la oficina en metro.
I like this shirt, (I)’m going to buy it
Me gusta esta camisa, voy a comprarla
Did (we) give him his birthday gift?
¿Le dimos su regalo de cumpleaños?
Do you(i) like my suit? (I) bought it in that store
¿Te gusta mi traje? Lo compré in esa tienda
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and go before the verb when it is conjugated
To write us
Lo compré
(I) bought it
Es la casa más bonita, quisiera alquilarla
(It)’s the most beautiful house, (I)’d like to rent it(f)
Después, fui a almorzar con mi amiga Claudia.
Afterwards, (I) went to have lunch with my friend Claudia.
(I) think (we) already gave him the book and the exercises last Thursday
Creo que ya le dimos el libro y los ejercicios el jueves pasado
Yesterday (I) bought a postcard. (I)´m going to write it now
Ayer compré una postal. Voy a escribirla ahora
Afterwards, (I) went to have lunch with my friend Claudia.
Después, fui a almorzar con mi amiga Claudia.
Nosotros jugamos baloncesto contigo
We played basketball with you(i)
I brought him a bottle of wine
Yo le traje una botella de vino
De ellos
From/Of them
(I)’m going to show you my new dress, (it)’s gorgeous
Voy a enseñarle mi vestido nuevo, es precioso
Yo quisiera enseñarte mi auto
I would like to show you(i) my car
¿Le dijiste algo después de la reunión?
Did (you(i)) tell him anything after the meeting?
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
To give us
If (you(i)) need it
Si lo necesitas
(We) cleaned them(f) on the weekend
Las limpiamos el fin de semana
Ustedes nos escriben
You(p) write us
(It)’s the best camera in the store, (I) want it
Es la mejor cámara de la tienda, la quiero
(I) think (you) have the same pants(p) in blue. Can (I) see them, please?
Creo que tiene los mismos pantalones en azul. ¿Puedo verlos, por favor?
Behind you
Detrás de usted
Me gusta ese traje. Voy a comprarlo
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and are attached to the verb in its infinitive form
I like that suit. (I)´m going to buy it
Es la mejor cámara de la tienda, la quiero
(It)’s the best camera in the store, (I) want it
We want to dance with you(p)
Nosotros queremos bailar con ustedes
¿Quieren ir con ellos a ese lugar?
Do (you(p)) want to go with them to that place?
Ayer compré una postal. Voy a escribirla ahora
Yesterday (I) bought a postcard. (I)´m going to write it now
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
With me
For me
Para mí
Les dieron las llaves de la habitación
(They) gave you(p) the room keys
To eat them
Voy a enseñarle mi vestido nuevo, es precioso
(I)’m going to show you my new dress, (it)’s gorgeous
Esa es la mejor ruta porque es la más segura
That is the best trail because (it)’s the safest one(f)
He has something for us
Él tiene algo para nosotros
Quieren traerle un regalo porque es su cumpleaños
(They) want to bring him a gift because (it)’s his birthday
With you(i)
My boss showed me a new project
Mi jefe me enseñó un proyecto nuevo
Indirect object pronouns go before the verb when it´s conjugated
¿Puede tomar una foto de nosotros?
Can (you) take a picture of us?
For you
Para usted
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
Para mí
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For me
You(i) tell him
Tú le dices
I love that store, (they) have a lot of beautiful things.
Me encanta esa tienda, tienen muchas cosas bonitas.
Para usted
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For you
Fue contigo a visitar ese castillo, y le encantó
(He) went with you(i) to visit that castle, and he loved (it)
Nosotras te dimos la llave
We(f) gave you(i) the key
Nos dieron los libros de nuestros hijos
(They) gave us our children’s books
¿Sabe dónde la compraron?
Do (you) know where (they) bought it(f)?
To rent it
¿Puede traerme una camisa negra?
Can (you) bring me a black shirt?
They came and gave us their keys
Ellos vinieron y nos dieron sus llaves
Él vino para darme el libro
He came in order to give me the book
Do (you(p)) want to go with them to see that place?
¿Quieren ir con ellos a ver ese lugar?
(We) gave them the T-shirts (we) bought for them in Mexico
Les dimos las camisetas que compramos para ellos en México
Ellos nos dieron sus documentos de identidad y sus maletas
They gave us their ID cards and their suitcases
For us
Para nosotros
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
¿Te gustan mi falda? La compré en esa tienda
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and go before the verb when it is conjugated
Do you(i) like my skirt? (I) bought it in that store
My boss showed me a new project and (I) wrote a few emails.
Mi jefe me enseñó un proyecto nuevo y escribí algunos e-mails.
You(i) are behind me
Tú estás detrás de mí
I would like to show you(i) my car
Yo quisiera enseñarte mi auto
Are (you) going to come with us?
¿Va a venir con nosotros?
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
Decirme la hora
To tell me the time
(We) saw them(f)
Las vimos
Can (you) bring me a black shirt?
¿Puede traerme una camisa negra?
To eat them
Él juega tenis conmigo
He plays tennis with me
With me
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
To give me
Mañana es el cumpleaños de otra amiga, Sandra.
Tomorrow (it)’s the birthday of another friend(f), Sandra.
From/Of you(p)
De ustedes
Sin ellas
Without them(f)
Do (you(i)) know if (they) sell cameras in that store? (I) would like to see them(f) because (I) need to buy one(f)
¿Sabes si venden cámaras en esa tienda? Quisiera verlas porque necesito comprar una
This weekend (we)’re going to buy a bike for you(i) and that way (we) can go bike riding together
Este fin de semana vamos a comprar una bici para ti y así podemos ir a andar en bici juntos
(They) came with me in order to take some pictures
Vinieron conmigo para tomar unas fotos
To tell me the time
Decirme la hora
Who showed you(i) the suit (I) bought? Did you(i) like (it)?
¿Quién te enseñó el traje que compré? ¿Te gustó?
(I) washed the shirts, now (I) have to iron them
Lavé las camisas, ahora tengo que plancharlas
Next to her
Al lado de ella
Nos trajeron muchas camisas para lavar y planchar
(They) brought us a lot of shirts for washing and ironing
For you(p)
Para ustedes
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
She brought him some clothes
Ella le trajo algo de ropa
Disculpe, ¿puede traernos una copa de vino y la cuenta?
Excuse me, can (you) bring us a glass of wine and the bill?
Él me enseñó su casa nueva
He showed me his new house
El fin de semana pasado tomamos muchas fotos de ellos en el juego de fútbol
Last weekend (we) took many pictures of them at the soccer game
Ya les dieron las llaves de la casa, ¿verdad?
(They) already gave you(p) the keys of the house, right?
Con nosotros
With us
For them(f)
Para ellas
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
From/Of us
De nosotros
To give you(p)/them
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
We need to go to the station
Nosotros necesitamos ir a la estación
You(p) went to the beach with him
Ustedes fueron a la playa con él
The shoes are behind you(i)
Los zapatos están detrás de ti
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
I played tennis with him
Yo jugué tenis con él
Mi jefe me enseñó un proyecto nuevo
Indirect object pronouns go before the verb when it´s conjugated
My boss showed me a new project
Without them(f)
Sin ellas
To write her an email
Escribirle un e-mail
(They) came with me and (we) took some pictures of the church
Vinieron conmigo y tomamos unas fotos de la iglesia
Les dimos las camisetas que compramos para ellos en México
(We) gave them the T-shirts (we) bought for them in Mexico
Who showed you(i) the suit (I) bought?
¿Quién te enseñó el traje que compré?
Él me trajo un regalo muy bonito de los Estados Unidos
He brought me a very beautiful gift from the United States
Where is the bike? (I) don’t see it
¿Dónde está la bici? No la veo
Si lo necesitas
If (you(i)) need it
(We) write them postcards every year
Les escribimos postales todos los años
Did (he) tell you anything useful at the meeting?
¿Le dijo algo útil en la reunión?
(They) gave us our children’s new books
Nos dieron los libros nuevos de nuestros hijos
Behind you(i)
Detrás de ti
Do (you(p)) want to go with them to that place?
¿Quieren ir con ellos a ese lugar?
(It)’s the fastest Laundromat in the city
Es la lavandería más rápida de la ciudad
With you(i)
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
(He) writes me a postcard
Me escribe una postal
Can (you) take a picture of us?
¿Puede tomar una foto de nosotros?
Los zapatos están detrás de ti
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
The shoes are behind you(i)
With us
Con nosotros
(He) ate them
Los comió
¿Va a venir con nosotros?
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
Are (you) going to come with us?
For him
Para él
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
(They) told me that (it)’s the safest trail
Me dijeron que es la ruta más segura
Me dijeron que es la ruta más segura
(They) told me that (it)’s the safest trail
Tú hablas español muy bien
You(i) speak Spanish very well
Ella te dio la contraseña, ¿verdad?
Indirect object pronouns go before the verb when it´s conjugated
She gave you(i) the password, right?
If (you(i)) need it, there’s a mirror in the changing room
Si lo necesitas, hay un espejo en el probador
(You(i)) sell it(f)
La vendes
Los compramos en una tienda nueva que está cerca de mi casa.
(We) bought them in a new store that is close to my house.
Para ti
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For you(i)
On Saturday I gave him a gift
El sábado yo le di un regalo
Can (you) show us your passport?
¿Puede enseñarnos su pasaporte?
Nosotros necesitamos ir a la estación
We need to go to the station
Can (you) take a picture of us, please?
¿Puede tomar una foto de nosotros, por favor?
Yesterday I did a lot of things.
Ayer yo hice muchas cosas.
(They) gave us our children’s books
Nos dieron los libros de nuestros hijos
¿Le dimos su regalo de cumpleaños?
Did (we) give him his birthday gift?
Él me trajo un regalo muy bonito
He brought me a very beautiful gift
He and I brought a lot of things yesterday
Él y yo trajimos muchas cosas ayer
Le trajimos muchos regalos de nuestro viaje, una corbata, una chaqueta y un pantalón
(We) brought him many gifts from our trip, a tie, a jacket and a pair of pants
¿Puede tomar una foto de nosotros, por favor?
Can (you) take a picture of us, please?
Vinieron conmigo y tomamos unas fotos de la iglesia
(They) came with me and (we) took some pictures of the church
To see them(f)
To rent it
To sell it(f)
¿Sabes si venden cámaras en esa tienda? Quisiera verlas porque necesito comprar una
Do (you(i)) know if (they) sell cameras in that store? (I) would like to see them(f) because (I) need to buy one(f)
¿Te gustan mis trajes? Los compré en esa tienda.
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and go before the verb when it is conjugated
Do you(i) like my suits? (I) bought them in that store
To sell it(f)
Para nosotras
For us(f)
Tiene un libro para mí
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
(He) has a book for me
(I)´m going to write her a postcard
Voy a escribirle una postal
Ustedes viven al lado de nosotras
You(p) live next to us(f)
¿Le dijo algo útil en la reunión?
Did (he) tell you anything useful at the meeting?
Mañana vamos a cenar con Sandra para darle los regalos.
Indirect Object Pronouns (le/her) can be used to avoid mentioning or repeating a person
Tomorrow (we)’re going to have dinner with Sandra in order to give her the gifts.
Yo jugué tenis con él
I played tennis with him
Why don’t (you) show me your new skirt? (I)’d like to see it(f)
¿Por qué no me enseña su falda nueva? Quisiera verla
He shows me
Él me enseña
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
To give you/him/her
Al lado de ella
Next to her
He brought me a very beautiful gift from the United States
Él me trajo un regalo muy bonito de los Estados Unidos
Do you(i) like my skirt? (I) bought it in that store
¿Te gustan mi falda? La compré en esa tienda
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and go before the verb when it is conjugated
Traernos la cuenta
To bring us the bill
We played basketball with you(i)
Nosotros jugamos baloncesto contigo
We(f) gave you(i) the key
Nosotras te dimos la llave
For them
Para ellos
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
Lavé las camisas, ahora tengo que plancharlas
(I) washed the shirts, now (I) have to iron them
He plays tennis with me
Él juega tenis conmigo
Para ustedes
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For you(p)
Me encanta esta falda verde, creo que voy a comprarla
I love this green skirt, (I) think (I)’m going to buy it
(It)’s the best camera in the store, (I) want to buy it(f)
Es la mejor cámara de la tienda, quiero comprarla
You(i) speak Spanish very well
Tú hablas español muy bien
Nosotros les trajimos los libros
We brought you(p) the books
Nosotras recibimos un regalo de ellos
We(f) received a gift from them
Tú le dices
You(i) tell him
You(p) write us
Ustedes nos escriben
¿Puedes enseñarme tu vestido nuevo?
Can (you(i)) show me your(i) new dress?
Ella me enseñó la ropa que compró
She showed me the clothes that (she) bought
¿Tienen un mensaje para nosotras?
Do (you(p)) have a message for us(f)?
Can (you(i)) give me the books that (he) gave you(i) the day before yesterday? (I) need to read them
¿Puedes darme los libros que te dio anteayer? Necesito leerlos
Excuse me, can (you) bring us a glass of wine and the bill?
Disculpe, ¿puede traernos una copa de vino y la cuenta?
For me
Para mí
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
Para nostoras
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
For us(f)
Did they already show you the city?
¿Ellos ya le enseñaron la ciudad?
(We) bought them in a new store that is close to my house.
Los compramos en una tienda nueva que está cerca de mi casa.
Yo estoy delante de ti
I’m in front of you(i)
Yo jugué baloncesto contigo
I played basketball with you(i)
We(f) received a gift from them
Nosotras recibimos un regalo de ellos
Fue contigo a visitar ese lugar
(He) went with you(i) to visit that place
To show you(i)
Mi jefe me enseñó un proyecto nuevo y escribí algunos e-mails.
My boss showed me a new project and (I) wrote a few emails.
Tomorrow (it)’s the birthday of another friend(f), Sandra.
Mañana es el cumpleaños de otra amiga, Sandra.
¿Por qué no me enseña su falda nueva? Quisiera verla
Why don’t (you) show me your new skirt? (I)’d like to see it(f)
(He) went with you(i) to visit that place
Fue contigo a visitar ese lugar
El sábado yo le di un regalo
On Saturday I gave him a gift
Él tiene algo para nosotros
He has something for us
¿Te gusta mi traje? Lo compré in esa tienda
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and go before the verb when it is conjugated
Do you(i) like my suit? (I) bought it in that store
(He) has a book for me
Tiene un libro para mí
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
Ayer yo hice muchas cosas.
Yesterday I did a lot of things.
La lavaste ayer en la mañana
(You(i)) washed it(f) yesterday morning
We brought you(p) the books
Nosotros les trajimos los libros
That is the best trail because (it)’s the safest one(f)
Esa es la mejor ruta porque es la más segura
Entonces, después de almorzar, fuimos a comprar unos regalos para ella.
So, after having lunch, (we) went to buy some gifts for her.
Mi hermana nos enseñó su ropa nueva, un vestido, una camisa y una falda corta
My sister showed us her new clothes, a dress, a shirt and a short skirt
(We) left them at the Laundromat
Los dejamos en la lavandería
I’m in front of you(i)
Yo estoy delante de ti
They gave us their ID cards and their suitcases
Ellos nos dieron sus documentos de identidad y sus maletas
To give you(i)
Indirect object pronouns are attached to the verb when in its infinitive form
¿Quieren ir con ellos a ver ese lugar?
Do (you(p)) want to go with them to see that place?
I like that suit. (I)´m going to buy it
Me gusta ese traje. Voy a comprarlo
Direct object pronouns are used to refer to things, and are attached to the verb in its infinitive form
With you(i)
Did (you(i)) tell him anything after the meeting?
¿Le dijiste algo después de la reunión?
¿Puede enseñarnos su pasaporte?
Can (you) show us your passport?
I´m going to bring them the documents
Yo voy a traerles los documentos
Did (you(i)) buy it at that store?
¿Lo compraste en esa tienda?
Con usted
With you
Vinieron conmigo para tomar unas fotos
(They) came with me in order to take some pictures
For you(i)
Para ti
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
(You(i)) washed it(f) yesterday morning
La lavaste ayer en la mañana
Do (you(p)) have a message for us(f)?
¿Tienen un mensaje para nosotras?
To bring us the bill
Traernos la cuenta
Para mí
For me
For us(f)
Para nostoras
Propositional pronouns are used after a preposition
De nosotros
From/Of us
Yo voy a traerles los documentos
I´m going to bring them the documents