Unit 3 Session 1 Flashcards
You(p) would like
Ustedes quisieran
Yes, that one(f) is great, thank you.
Sí, esa está genial, gracias.
¿Quieren algo de tomar?
Do (you(p)) want anything to drink?
They want more meat and salad, he just wants the bill
Ellos quieren más carne y ensalada, él solo quiere la cuenta
Last week (we) went to a great beach
La semana pasada fuimos a una playa genial
Sí, esa está genial, gracias.
Yes, that one(f) is great, thank you.
He is going to drink a beer
Él va a tomar una cerveza
¿Esa mesa es para cuatro personas?
Is that table for four people?
Quisiera una mesa
(I) would like a table
A table for two people, please.
Una mesa para dos personas, por favor.
¿Ustedes quieren un poco de vino?
Do you(p) want a little wine?
Ellos quisieran
They would like
(I) would like one(f) close to the window if (it)’s possible.
Quisiera una cerca de la ventana si es posible.
Is that table for four people?
¿Esa mesa es para cuatro personas?
He would like
Él quisiera
Ella quiere más vino, y para mí solo agua
She wants more wine, and for me just water
Good afternoon. (We) would like a table
Buenas tardes. Quisiéramos una mesa
Yes. Is this one(f) alright?
Sí. ¿Esta está bien?
Un lugar perfecto
A perfect place
La semana pasada fuimos a una playa genial
Last week (we) went to a great beach
No problem.
No hay problema.
El mes pasado recibí unos regalos geniales
Last month (I) received some great gifts
Ellas quisieran algo de comer
They(f) would like something to eat
Solo una botella pequeña de agua
Just a small bottle of water
Solo queremos pedir una torta de chocolate, si es posible
(We) just want to order a chocolate cake, if (it)’s possible
(I) have some money here, do (you(i)) want anything to eat after?
Tengo algo de dinero aquí, ¿quieres algo de comer después?
Usted quisiera
You would like
Just a coffee and the bill, thank you.
Solo un café y la cuenta, gracias.
(We) ate some perfect cakes at that restaurant
Comimos unas tortas perfectas en ese restaurante
Something to drink
Algo de tomar
(I) want to drink a coffee
Quiero tomar un café
Los restaurantes aquí son geniales
The restaurants here are great
Perfect! Those jackets are great.
¡Perfecto! Esas chaquetas son geniales.
She wants more wine and rice, and for me just water
Ella quiere más vino y arroz, y para mí solo agua
Celebré mi cumpleaños con mi familia en un lugar perfecto
(I) celebrated my birthday with my family in a perfect place
There is a place where we can dance.
Hay un lugar donde podemos bailar.
(I) celebrated my birthday in a perfect place
Celebré mi cumpleaños en un lugar perfecto
Do (you) want to buy any clothes at that new store?
¿Quiere comprar algo de ropa en esa tienda nueva?
Is (it) alright?
¿Está bien?
Sí. ¿Esta está bien?
Yes. Is this one(f) alright?
Yesterday (we) were at a great concert
Ayer estuvimos en un concierto genial
(Can be used on its own as an expression, or along with a noun like any other adjective)
Some great beaches
Unas playas geniales
(We) would like a big table for five people close to the window, if (it)’s possible
Quisiéramos una mesa grande para cinco personas cerca de la ventana, si es posible
Ayer estuvimos en un concierto genial, me gustó mucho
Yesterday (we) were at a great concert, I liked (it) a lot
(Can be used on its own as an expression, or along with a noun like any other adjective)
¿Quieres algo de comer ahora, o más tarde?
Do (you(i)) want anything to eat now, or later?
Do (you) want to buy any clothes at that shop?
¿Quiere comprar algo de ropa en esa tienda?
Él va a tomar una cerveza
He is going to drink a beer
Solo queremos pedir una torta, si es posible
(We) just want to order a cake, if (it)’s possible
(We) would like a table, if (it)’s possible
Quisiéramos una mesa, si es posible
Una mesa para dos personas, por favor.
A table for two people, please.
There are some great restaurants in that street
Hay unos restaurantes geniales en esa calle
Ellos quisieran algo de comer
They would like something to eat
Quisiéramos una mesa cerca de la puerta, si es posible
(We) would like a table close to the door, if (it)’s possible
Quisiéramos esa
(We) would like that one(f)
A reservation for tonight.
Una reservación para esta noche.
Hay una allá. ¿Está bien?
There is one(f) there. Is (it) alright?
She would like a bottle of water.
Ella quisiera una botella de agua.
Ella quiere más vino y arroz, y para mí solo agua
She wants more wine and rice, and for me just water
Quisiera una cerca de la ventana si es posible.
(I) would like one(f) close to the window if (it)’s possible.
Yo quisiera
I would like
Es perfecto
(It)’s perfect
(We) just want to order a chocolate cake, if (it)’s possible
Solo queremos pedir una torta de chocolate, si es posible
The restaurants here are great
Los restaurantes aquí son geniales
Unas playas geniales
Some great beaches
We ate some very good dishes here.
Nosotros comimos unos platos muy buenos aquí.
They would like something to eat
Ellos quisieran algo de comer
Last week (we) went to some great beaches
La semana pasada fuimos a unas playas geniales
(We) would like a table for four people, please
Quisiéramos una mesa para cuatro personas, por favor
Algo de comer
Something to eat
There is one(f) there. Is (it) alright?
Hay una allá. ¿Está bien?
Those seats are perfect
Esos asientos son perfectos
Comimos unas tortas perfectas en ese restaurante
(We) ate some perfect cakes at that restaurant
Perfecto entonces.
Perfect then.
(He) would like this one(f) here
Quisiera esta de aquí