Unit 3 Second Semester Flashcards
Spiritual Works of Mercy?
- Sharing Knowledge 2. Giving Advice 3. Comforting the Suffering 4. Being Patient with others 5. Forgiving those who hurt you 6. Praying for the living 7. Giving correction to those who need it
union of one’s heart with all people leading to the just distribution of material goods
What does solidarity create?
bonds between opposing groups and nations and leads to the spread of spiritual goods such as friendship and prayer
When Church documents use the term state, it refers to what?
any organized political authority in a specific area, it can refer to city or country governments, state or regional government, and national government
In order to maintain the Church’s independence from the state, the Church does What?
only takes stances on political affairs when there is a clear moral or religious principle at stake
As a social institution, the purpose of the media is to serve the common good by doing what?
to tell the truth and provide accurate information to create a just society
any deliberate offense, in word, deed, or desire, against the will of God.
What does Sin do to you?
it wounds human nature and injures human solidarity
Social Structures?
complex pattern of relationships that shape any society
What do social structures do for justice?
determine how it is lived out in society
practice of listening for God’s call in our lives and distinguishing between good and bad choices
social action that is an immediate response to a person or group who is suffering or lacking the necessities for a dignified life
What does Solidarity lead to?
the just distribution of material goods
Social Action? (3 parts)
recognizing and thinking about what the world or a person is lacking, analyzing what’s needed to make the situation better, then you follow through
any organized political authority in a specific area; can refer to city or country governments, state or regional governments, and national governments
Civil authority?
rulers of people who are committed to the common good of society and the common good in its decision making
Theological Virtues?
name for the God given virtues of faith, hope, and love
What do the theological virtues enable us to do?
know God as God and lead us to union with him in mind and heart
Social Inaction?
ignoring the need in society. you seen the need but choose to do nothing about it
Civil disobedience?
active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or an occupying international power
What must we do to take action in response to global suffering and injustice?
We must acknowledge and become aware of it, we then must analyze what is going on and how we can make it better. Most importantly we must act on our thoughts on how to make it better and respond to the call of need
To determine if a human act is morally bad, we must consider what?
its object, circumstance, and intention
How does the state provide services to protect the common good?
They have things such as low income housing, food stamps, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens to those who are in need
What are the 3 responsibilities of citizens that are identified in the Church’s social teaching?
- Contribute to the material good and spiritual good of society 2. Be involved in politics by being informed and advocating for Just laws 3. Pay taxes so that money can be raised and used to help others