Unit 3: Russia Flashcards
Catherine the Great
-empress of Russia, tsarist period
-continued with westernization (not comppletely becoause of Boyars/nobles), expanded into Poland, flirted vigourously with enlightenment,
central committee
-key body in Communist party of the Soviet Union
-responsible for making major policy decisions
-influence declined with Stalin
-policy implemented in Soviet Union by Stalin
-aimed at consolidating private land and labor into large, state-controlled farms called collective farms
-prioritize state control over private ownership
-led to widespread resistance, famine,
conflict in Chechnya
-series of wars between Chechen republic and Russia (1990s-200s)
-first war, Chechnya declared independence
-eventually, Russia reasserted authority
-based on ideas of Marx (kindess) and Lenin (state owned) advocating for abolation of priavte property, establishment of a classless society
-implemented after 1017 Bolshevik Revolution leading to creation of Soviet Union
Constitution of 1993
-establishes Russian Federation
-semi presidential: prime minisrter (head of gov) and president (head of state)
-adopted by a national referendum
-includes 3 branches
-aysmmetrical federalism: some regions have more powers than others
Constitutional court
-highest judicial body in Russia responsible for interpreting constitution
-judges appointed by executive branch
-questionable independence
-annexed by Russia in 2014; previouslly part of Ukraine
-escalated tensions between Russia and the west
-Crimean War (1850s): Russia vs Ottoman Empire, broke congress of Vienna/ concert of Europe, wanted warm water port, Russia lost and realized they needed to industrilize
Democratic centeralism
-Lenin’s principle used by communist party of soviety union
-allowed open discussion and debate about a decision, but after decision is made strict obedience and unity were required; support without dissent
-system centeralized power in hands of party elite, limiting genuine democracy, enabling authoritarian control
-Krushev: remoives any images of Stalin, cold war
-Brezhnev: final years of cold war, glasnost (politcal openess: proves everyone is miserable), Perestroika (economic reform, transfer of economic powers from governemnt to private, didnt go well)
-lower house of legislature (450 members elected by people), stronger influence, gives Vladmir legitimacy, dominant single party (United Russia), Pres has veto power over legislature, pres can ignore vote of no confidence (legislature’s responce to veto)
Federation Council
-upper house of legislature; main party: United Russia, 2 from 89 regions, executive chooses
5 year plans
Stalin’s collectivisation and infustrilization policy
-gov takes over ownership of all farms
-not enough food is produced, starvation
-created and administered by Gosplan
Gorbachev, Mikhail
-leader during destalinization/ fall of soviet Union, red birthmark
-final years of cold war
-glasnost and perestroika
-state planning committee of the Soviet Union, responsible for creating and administering Five-Year Plans
-set production targets, allocated recources, to achive rapid modernization and centeralized economic control
-led to famine
-political openess, allowed open discussion of issues, legitimacy/transparancy, civil society, get rid of fear
-proves evryone is miserable in poverty when see other countries
Insider privitization
-process that occured after collapse of Soviet Union
-state owned enterprises transfered into private hands
-led to widespread corruption, ecnonmic inequaility, concentrated wealth
Illiberal Democracy
meets minimum requirements, barely democracy, electoral “authroitarianism”
-in Russia: elections occur, but are manipulated, stae-controlled media, opposition is repressed, judicial independence is limited
A Just Russia
-center-left political party in Russia that promotes social justice, welfare policies, and mixed economy
-supports putin on most issues
-serves to create an appearance of a multiparty democracy while maintaining the dominance of the Kremlin
Krushchev, Nikita
-took over after Stalin died, wanted to get rid of Stalin )destalinization), removed Stalin’s images,
-expansion of land, period of cold war, spread of communism
Vladmir Lenin
-believed in confiscated land for rediustruction, created one party steate with his version of communism, government owened property, Stalin takes over after him
Liberal Democrats
-far right national political party in Russia
-promotes authoritarianism, nationalism, anti-Western rhetoric, and strong centralized state
market reform
-series of economic polices implemented in 90s to transition fto market-based economy after collapse of Soviet Union
-led by President Boris Yeltsin
-price liberalization, privatization of state-owned enterprises, reducting state control
-led to hyperinflation, unemployment, economic inequality
-benifited small group of oligarchs
Dmitri Medvedev
-president of russia 2008-2012, PM 2012-2020
-close ally of Putin