Unit 1 Terms Flashcards
the fundamental rules that control access to and the exercise of political power
Ex: democracy, monarchy, communist
organization that maintains a monopoly of fore over a given territory; a set of political instiutions that generates and executes policy regvardubg freedom and equlity;h
Unites States, germany
the leadership/elite in charge of running the state
President, Congress, Institutions
-a group that desires self-government through an independt state
non-numerical data, such as words, images, or observations, in order to gain insights and understand patterns or themes
the systematic examination of numerical data using mathematical and statistical methods.
The Human Development Index is an indicator that measures the overall development level of countries based on factors such as life expectancy, education levels, and income per capita.
GDP growth rate
Shows the rate of national economic expansion.
GDP per capita
GDP divided by the population of a country, providing an average measure of economic well-being per person
procedeural/ illiberal democracy
a system where elections take place, seemingly upholding democratic procedures, but with significant limitations on individual rights, weak checks on executive power, and a lack of robust civil liberties,
substansive democracy
a democratic system where not only are free and fair elections held, but also where citizens have substantial political rights and civil liberties,
Federal state
form of government where power is divided between a central authority and regional or state governments.
Unitary State
form of government where the national government has all or most of the political power
Parlimentary democracy
a form of government where the executive branch (head of government) is accountable to the legislative branch (parliament), and the head of state is separate from the head of government.
Ex: UK, Jamaicam Italy
advanatges: allows rapid change in legislation policy, less disagreements, cheaper
disadvantages: prime minister not chosen by the people, lack of check, prime minister can be voted out any time (unstable
presidential system
A presidential system is a form of government where there is a separation between the executive and legislative branches.
Semi-presidential system
A semi-presidential system combines elements of both parliamentary and presidential systems. It features an elected president as head of state alongside a prime minister who is responsible for the day-to-day governance.
Civil Society
organizations outside the state that help people define and advance their own interests
Political Culture
the basic norms for political activity in a society
Political ideology
the basic values held by an individual about the fundamental goals of politics or the ideal balance of freedom and equality
belief in individual civil liberties and freedom over governmental restrictions
belief in limited government intervention in the economy and society; supports privatization
political and economic system in which there is an abolishion of private property and near total government control
n economic and political system aiming to achieve social equality through wealth redistribution and prioritizing social welfare over individual profit;
extreme nationalist ideology vthat favors authoritarian rule, the righst of an ethnic majority of that of ethnic minorities, and political oppression