Unit 3 Review Flashcards
Era of good feelings
- all national republicans
- national unity and purpose among americans
- 1817-1825
American system
- new national bank
- taxing of foreign goods
- infrastructure
Supported by Clay
Missouri Compromise
- 36/30 line
- 1820
- missouri = slave
- maine = free
John Marshall
Chief Justice
Marbury v Madison
- judiciary act of 1807
- gives Supreme Court judicial review
Adams- Onis Treaty
- 1819
- Transcontinental treaty
- florida treaty
- gave US florida from Spain
Jacksonian Democrats
- popular votes
- greater democracy to the common man
Corrupt Bargain
- adams vs jackson
- adam wins
- believed that clay (speaker of house) convinced congress to elect adams
- and then was made secretary of state
Tariff of Abominations
- protective tariff
- passed by congress
- 1828
- protect northern industries
Nullification Crisis
- 1828
- passed by JQA
- south outraged by traiff of abominations
- want to nullify
Mr. X
- writer and CURRENT VP
- explains he was a south carolinan first
Jack sends troops to S carolina to stop their “nullification”.. This bill was called the___
Force bill
Compromise Tariff
- 1833
- henry clay passes
- lowers tariff= troops no longer needed to be sent in
Election of 1832
Jackson wins reelection againt clay
- won electoral college
National bank
- rechartered by the American system
- in 1816 for 20 years
- jackson eventually attempts to destroy
Indian removal act
- passed by jackson
- 1830 move all indiana west of missispi
Cherokee nation v Georgia
- marshall rules for cherokees (and r technically allowed to stay)
- jackson states, “ let’s see marshal enforce his ruling
- gives no respect for seperation of powers
Jackson is also known as
King andrew
Worcester v georgia
Prohibited non-native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state
Second Great Awakening
- 1820s to 1840s
- ideas of science over religion (Deism)
- fear of people sinning
Charles Finney
Massive preacher
East Coast
Education movement
- poor wanted free education for kids
Noah Webster
Creates first dictionary
Shapes American language
McGuffey Readers
- strong viewpoint of mcguffey
- one of the first major widespread textbook
Asylum Movement
- mentally ill originally placed nect to serial killers
- Dorthea works to separate and give them help needed
Movement to end slavery
William L Garrison
- abolitionist
- journalist
- suffragist
- social reformer
Manifest Destiny
Gods given right to move west
Slave trade abolished
The Liberator
William Garrison calling for abolition movements
Spoils System
Practice of a successful political party giving public office to its supporters