Civil War and Road to Reconstruction Flashcards
Ideal of romanticism and philosophy
Free Soilers
Short lived political party
Border states
Form of agriculture of where I land owner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops
Tenant farmer
Someone who rents land
Given to African-Americans who migrated from state to state
Which state leaves the union first
South Carolina
Result of Mexican America war
Guadalupe Hildalgo Territory
Gives US texas and western territories
Bleeding Kansas
Before civil war
Voter fraud
Passed by non kansas residents who came to vote
Grandfather clause
Cant vote if granparents were slaves
Carpet Baggers
Person who went from north to south to profit from reconstruction
White southerner who went north for personal profit
Higher social class
Public land policy views
Northeast - opposes
Northwest and south support
Protective tariff
Northeast supports
Northwest is mixed
South opposes
Internal improvements at federal expense
Northeast mixed
Northwest supports
South opposes
Northeast mixed
Northwest support
South oppose
Slavery extension
Northeast and northwest opposes
South supports
National bank
Northeast support
Northwest oppose
South oppose
Favors North
Education and skill
Favors North
Overall economy
Favors north
Amount of capital
Favors north
Favors north with Abraham Lincoln
Favors north with Past government initially created
Favors North
Favors North
Military leadership
Favors south
Favors north
Overall type of war fought
Favors south because it was defensive for them
Favors south
Foreign allies
Favors south because of England
Overall objective
Favors south because all they had to do was Tie
13th amendment
Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
14th amendment
Address is civil rights and equal protection of the laws
Faction of the Democratic Party form after the dad of stuff on Douglas
Jackson D
1829 to 1837
Van Buren
1837 to 1841
Panic of 1837
William Henry Harris
Whig party
First modern election with campaigning in every state
Whig and Democrat
Annexes Texas of eve of presidential termination
1845 to 1849
Swore to only one term
Manifest destiny
Treaty of 1848
49th parallel
5440 or fight
War with Mexico
1849 to 1850
1850 1853
Comp of 1850
Emancipation proclamation of ____
Slave laws
Ideal that you must return slaves to original owners
This law cannot be enforced
Slaves received help from
Who supported the north
Britain and France
The second great awakening
A protestant religious revival movement
Webster- Ashburton treaty
Resolve issues surrounding the border issues between United States and British northern American colonies
Nat Turners rebellion
Largest slave revolt in southern states
The alamo
Proof that people were willing to die for their believes
1824 corrupt bargain
Believe that the current speaker of the house convince Congress to elect Adams who then made clay his secretary of state
3 ideals of reconstruction
Readmit slave states
Free man
Decision to help or punishing south
Force acts
Combat attacks on the suffrage rights of African-Americans
Compromise of 1850
Readmit California as a free state
Popular soverignty of utah and new mexico
Resolution of texas- new mexio boundaries
Federal assumption of debts
Whig Party
Party formed for members who did not like Andrew Jackson
Stephen Douglas
American politician from Illinois who designed the Kansas Nebraska act
Kansas Nebraska act
Repealed the Missouri compromise
And allowed for popular sovereignty team in Kansas and Nebraska
Era of good feelings
. In America
National pride
Unity as whole
Civil rights bill
Declared that all people born in United States are now citizens without regard to race color or condition
Dred Scott case
Missouri compromise is unconstitutional
Have a good Americans cannot sue in federal court because they were not citizens of United States
Know-nothing party
Strongly opposed immigrants and followers of the Catholic church
Battle of antietam
Ended in draw b/c of severe death
Scene as a win for the north
John C Calhoun
US vice president
For slave plantation system
Oppossed mexican american war
Daniel webster
Former United States senator
Pointed secretary of state by President William Henry Harrison
For foreign trade
William Seward
Worked with international affairs during civil war
Negotiated 1867 Alaskan purchase
Black Codes
Passed by Southern states
Restricted African-Americans new freedom
Ensures their availability as a labor force
Panic of 1837
Financial and economic problems for the US
Webster- Ashburton treaty
Establishes borders with british colonies
Polk is for
Lowering tariff
Conscience whigs
Part of wig party but were opposed to slavery due to moral issues