Unit 3 religion test Flashcards
What are two ways to receive forgiveness for the sin other than the sacrament of Reconciliation?
Eucharist, act of Contrition
What was the heavenly bread for the Israelites?
The visible leader of the church who represents Christ as a chief guide on our journey is known as the pope or as
Holy father
Why didn’t Moses enter the promise land?
because he struck the rock twice
A prayer asking to make something holy
habit of doing something good
Moses brother
The name of the meal that celebrates the Israelites’ camp
To hint at something that would late happen to Jesus
To prefigure
How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert
40 years
What was the promise land
what came between the Egyptians and the Israelites’ camp
A column of fire and a column of clouds
what sin did the Israelites commit right after making the covenant at Mt. Sanai
The The power to judge how good or bad an act is.
what was the first city to be conquered by the Israelites
Name the leader the guided them into the promise land
What was the chest that contained the commandments and was a sign of God’s presence
The art of the covenant
Speaking of a blessed person place or thing with disrespect
what sins do we confess in the sacrament of reconciliation
Mortal sins
What did God reveal to Moses
I am, who am
what was the plague from which the blood of the lamb saved the Israelites
the death of the first born
Where moses received the 10 commandments
Mt. Sinai
What was the name given for the Israelites’ escape from Egypt