Social Studies Final Flashcards
What was the name of the strict code of honor that the military nobility of Japan were bound to follow
what was the 40 year stand off between the US and soviet Union
Cold War
what was the Final battle: 1954 where VN left divided
What is the name of the National legislature of japan
what was a chain reaction that occurs when one event sets off a series of similar, related, or connected events
Domino Theory
What person is the “symbol of the state and the unity of the people?”
What is a form of unconventional warfare in which small groups of irregular military
Guerilla Warfare
what gave President Lyndon Johnson authority to increase U.S. involvement in the war between North and South Vietnam and was also known as the Southeast Asia Resolution
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
What is the term for a three-line, 17 syllable poem about nature that is popular in japan
used mainly for foreign words
who was the father of Viet Minh
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam, Laos cambodia (all under ________ control)
In that native religion, what is the term for the sacred spirits that take the form of things and concepts important to the Japanese
what native called Cambodia
chinese characters used in japanese writing
used mainly for words of Japanese origin
Cambodia’s culture & language
What was a brutal regime that ruled Cambodia, under the leadership of Marxist dictator Pol Pot, from 1975 to 1979.
Khmer Rouge
Who was the Communist leader of North Korea from 1948 until his death.
Kim Il-Sung
who served as Prime Minister of Cambodia twice (1966–67; 1969–71?
Lon Nol
who was the american naval leader that forced the japanese to allow trading and diplomatic relations with the US
Commodore Perry
what is the term for the period of time in 1868 after the americans arrived in japan that started the modernization of japan
Meiji Restoration
who was a Cambodian revolutionary, dictator, and politician who ruled Cambodia as Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea between 1976 and 1979.
Pol Pot
what word, derived from the verb meaning “to serve” in japanese, refers to the military nobility of pre-industrial Japan? These were like the knights in medieval Europe
what person is the head of the japanese national government
Prime Minister
what is the native religion of japan called?
what is the name of the ruler of japan from about 1192 to 1868? he ruled over a feudal military dictatorship
who served as the first president of korea?
Syngman Rhee
what was based of chinese teachings: some influence. it was very meditative and calm
what is a type of riddle or mind bender. that was designed to make you think
zen koan