Unit 3 ~ Quality and Patient Safety, Infection Control, Bed Making, and Positioning Flashcards
What is the chain of infection?
- Infectious agent
- Reservoir
- Portal of exit
- Mode of transmission
- Portal of entry
- Host
What does infectious agent mean? (microorganism)
Depends on the more there are=more likely to cause infection, virulence (organisms ability to cause disease), entry/survival in host, susceptibility of host (likeliness of getting sick).
What is an HAI?
Health care associated infection. Enters a health care facility and you get an infection from there. also known a nosocomial infection.
What is a reservoir?
Place where pathogen is stored like wounds, human body.
What does survival for pathogens entail?
Food, water, pH (usually 7.0), temperature, little light, and sometimes oxygen depending on anaerobic vs. aerobic.
What does portal of exit mean?
Path to leave reservoir. Can be body openings (mouth, rectum), break in skin/mucous membranes. Pathogens require fluid to leave.
What is mode of transmission?
Reservoir to host. Can be direct, indirect, or droplet contact (air, speaking). Can also be air, vehicles, vectors (animals or insects that carry disease).
How do we reduce transmission of disease?
Hand hygiene, not sharing equipment, and PPE.
What is portal of entry?
Same as portal of exit. Devices used on patient are portals available. When our body defences are reduced, more pathogens can enter.
What is host?
Degree of resistance to pathogen. Resistance is increased by immunization and exposure to disease. Also depend on susceptibility.
What is the order of donning and doffing PPE?
Donning- HH, gown, mask, eye wear, gloves
Doffing- Gloves, HH, gown, HH, eye wear, mask, HH
What does normal flora mean?
Good bacteria. Like our microbes in our gut.
What are some of our body defence mechanisms?
Skin, tears, urine, cilia, stomach acid, immune system.
What is inflammation?
Protective vascular reaction. It is evident by pain, swelling, heat, and swelling.
3 steps of inflammatory response?
- Vascular/cell response (vessels dilate to bring WBC)
- Exudate (removes the microorganism, serous-clear, sanguineous- lot of blood, purulent- pus)
- Tissue repair
What are some routine practices?
Hand washing, gloves, masks/eye protection, gowns, clean equipment, contain used linen, use of sharp containers, and consider private rooms.
What are routine practices?
Applies to all patients in any setting. Limits exposure to body fluids, blood, mucous membranes, and non-intact skin. Also known as standard precautions
Developmental considerations for safety?
Infant/toddler- prone to injuries so educate parent about safety
School age children- increased activities, bullying, need for helmets
Adolescents- risk takers, peer influence, trying to figure out identity
Middle age adults- responsibilities, accidents
Older adults- physiological changes, chronic conditions
What are most injuries in health care and how can we prevent them?
Falls caused by meds, delirium (acute confusion), limited mobility. Prevent by using brakes on bed, checking patient frequently, rubber shoes, and keep items close in reach.
What are restraints?
Means to control and used as last resort. Can lead to fear, humiliation, death, and decreased muscle mass.
What is the least-restraint approach?
Being creative and thinking of alternatives to restraints which should come last.
What are some guidelines for making beds?
Raise bed to working height and lower when done, no wrinkles (puts pressure on skin), change linens on wash day or as necessary, hold linens away from uniform, and tuck in sheets on 1 side before moving to other side.
What is fowlers, low fowlers, and high fowlers?
Fowlers- 45-60
Low fowlers- around 30
High fowlers- 90
What is supine, prone, lateral/side lying, and sims?
Supine- back lying, can use extra pillows for comfort and support.
Prone- stomach lying, more vulnerable and not used often.
Side lying- turn patient from supine to side while supporting hip and shoulder, bend top leg/straighten bottom.
Sim’s- also semi prone, top part of body prone while bottom part is bent.
What is diaphoretic?
Person sweats a lot.
What is incontinence?
Person leaks urine.
What is a bedsore and is it a reservoir?
It’s a pressure injury and yes.
What is aespsis?
Preventing disease and spread of infection.
What is medical aespsis?
Reduce # of pathogens and use clean techniques.
How do we do hand hygiene?
Clothes away from sink, finger tips below the elbow, wash wrists, clean finger nails, and knuckles. Wash at least 15 seconds. Use if visible soils.
How to make unoccupied bed?
Raise bed/lower side rails, role linens into a ball/into hamper, then bottom sheet (fan fold to centre), draw sheet, top sheet (fan fold), bed spread, tuck both, fold over sheet and blanket hangs loose at the end.
How do you make an occupied bed?
Roll patient to one side, loosen bottom linen to patient, put on clean linen + fan fold, roll patient to clean side, get rid of soiled linens, secure clean linens, replace pillow case, and replace top sheet/blanket.