Unit 3 - political participation Flashcards
the people In each state are voting for electors to cast the votes
15th amendment
ALL MEN, newly freed slaves, prohibits fed. Gov. and states from denying the right to vote based on race, color, etc.
linkage institution
political parties, interest groups, media, elections - they link the people to the government
national voter registration act
requires all to vote and have that opportunity
political efficacy
citizen’s trust in their ability to change the government
prospective voting
voting based on predictions of how a party or candidate will perform In the future (bring back joy)
rational choice voting
voting based on what is perceived to be in the citizen’s individual interest (coal miners due to coal support)
retrospective voting
voting to decide whether the party or candidate in power should be re-elected based on the recent past (handling of inflation)
party line voting
supporting a party by voting for candidates from one political party for all public offices at the same level of government (dem. voter in support of dem. party)
26th amendment
lowered voting age to 18
23rd amendment
district of Columbia can vote
24th amendment
abolished and forbids state and federal governments from imposing taxes on voters during elections
voting rights act
15th amendment, prohibits racial discrimination
divided government
different parties control different branches of government
grand old party
republican party in 1850s
independent expenditures
communication that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate
new deal coalition
supported dem. party in 1932, new deal program
direct lobbying
meet with policymakers, testify at hearings, write “ghost bills”
amicus curiae brief (friend of the court)
litigation (legal action) in the courts, those not involved directly In the case but who have insight to aid in the court’s decision
super pac
unlimited money, not coordinated w/ candidate
winner take all system
the state elects the president, comes back to federalism, win by 1 still take all
fed. employees compensation act, benefits for injuries
states move up their presidential primaries and caucuses to increase influence in selecting one candidate
holder of office
super tuesday
elections and caucuses day
monitoring for fraud
grassroots lobbying
indirect lobbying, work for the collective good
issue network
informal groups influencing Congress and interest groups
iron triangle
interest groups, congressional committees, bureaucracies
legal practice where individuals or groups try to influence government officials or legislators to make decisions that favor interests
19th amendment
women’s right to vote
diversity in a political body
interest groups
endorse candidates, pressure gov. of policy
get a vote but are not based on how a state votes, party elite