required documents and cases Flashcards
mcculoch v. Maryland (1819)
bank under the necessary and proper clause, did the federal government have the implied powers and supremacy (*clause) to do so? MD - questioned legality of national bank and imposed tax
9-0 in favor of McCulloch (national gov.), necessary and proper clause DOES create implied powers, upheld federal supremacy
U.S. v. Lopez
does Congress have the right to impose gun control under the commerce clause? GFSZA federal law, guns within school area
Congress does not have the power to regulate gun carrying under economic activity
marbury v. madison (1803)
write of mandamus, power of the court and constitutional supremacy, judiciary act of 1789 gave court the power to force commissions if not on time
judiciary act ruled as UNCONSTITUTIONAL - judicial review
citizens united v. federal election commission (2010)
does the BRCA violate free speech for corporations? anti-hillary movie, propaganda, time periods for the election being aired
free speech VIOLATED, super PACs, corporations are people to
Baker v. carr (1962)
does the supreme court have the jurisdiction over questions of Congressional redistricting? Baker sued TN redistricting, ignored growth of districts
legislative appointment IS can be ruled on by courts, judicial review can be used on these questions
shaw v. reno (1993)
does a redistricting plan based on race violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment? southern states gerrymandering, better minority rep.
5-4 in favor of shaw, racial gerrymandering IS a violation of the 14th amendment
fed. 70 (1778)
executive branch, energy in the executive, unitary, federalist ideals (Hamilton)
fed. 78
(Hamilton) defends the structure of the judiciary branch, interpreting the constitution without bias or influence, not overly powerful
letter from Birmingham jail
MLK’s letter, disappointment in the white moderate, responding to white ministers, helped white Americans more broadly understand life for black people under Jim crow
Engel v. Vitale (1962)
does prayer in public schools violate the establishment clause? religious freedom, daily prayer
6-1 in favor of Vitale, publicc school use of prayer IS violating the establishment clause
Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)
did compulsory school attendance laws violate the free exercise clause for Amish families? Amish withdraw children from school at 13
7-0 in favor of the free exercise clause in the 14th amendment, compelling state interest
tinker v. des Moines independent community school district (1969)
does prohibition of symbolic speech in schools violate the first amendment of free speech for students? Vietnam war arm bands, sent home
7-2 in favor of Tinker, arm bands ARE symbolic speech, did not cause any disruption
schenck v. united States (1919)
limits of free speech? socialist during anti-war civil disobedience, passed out pamphlets, arrested under Espionage Act (war time)
Speech that presents a clear and present danger is NOT protected by the 1st amendment
NYT v. U.S. (1971)
Did government’s pursuit of prior restraint violate the freedom of the press? pentagon papers leaked, sued for national security concerns
6-3 in favor of NYT, constitution’s freedom of the press IS absolute
mcDonald v. chicago (2010)
does the 2nd amendment, through the 14th amendment, apply to states? gun restrictions in Chicago viewed as too restrictive, violations of amendments
5-4 in favor of McDonald, 2nd DOES apply to states and local governments, self defense is crucial, states cannot create unduly restricted firearm legislation
Gideon v. wainwright (1963)
6th amendment right to counsel extend to all criminal cases? accused of breaking and entering, could not afford a lawyer, state did not appoint him one
9-0 in favor of Gideon, right to counsel in all felony cases IS a fundamental right to a free trial
roe v. wade (1973)
now overturned - does the constitution guarantee personal privacy?
7-2, right to abortion IS implicit to privacy and IS protected under the 9th amendment by the constitution
brown v. board of education (1954)
does segregation of public schools by race violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment?
ruled in favor of brown, abolished separate but equal standards, pushed for FAST haste with laws changing, led to little rock 9