Unit 3 - Medieval Christianity Flashcards
Who was Antony of Egypt? What did he do? (8 points)
- A wealthy man, heard a reading from Gospel of Matthew, and became a monk.
- Saw task of Christian as resisting the Devil, yielding to Christ (EXTERNAL STRUGGLE)
- Prayed, fasted, ate only bread and water (INTERNAL STRUGGLE)
- Became an ascetic (attacked physically and spiritually)
- Shared his secrets,
- Ministered to those persecuted by Diocletian.
- Defended against Arianism
- Buried without a marker
What is a hagiography?
a favourable biography of a saint
What book was Antony part of?
The Apophthegmata (a collection of sayings attributed to the desert mothers and fathers)
What is monasticism?
“dwelling alone”, withdrawal from society
What are the 3 reasons that someone would leave society to live a monastic life?
1 - horror at the disorder of life
2 - expectation of Christ’s immediate return
3 - belief in evil spirits (ie. Satan in the pagan life around them)
Why would a monk live in poverty?
To prevent material attachments
Why would a monk live chaste?
To prevent physical attachments
Why would a monk live in obedience to God?
To master oneself (protection, etc.) to live with God alone
What are the duties of a monk? (7 points)
- Prayer
- Labour (Making baskets, etc.)
- Agriculture (also labour)
- Copying manuscripts
- Education
- Architecture, painting, sculpture, metal work, etc.
- Missionary work
What did Gregory the Great do to try and unify the west? What was his aim?
Develop ties with the Arian Christians / pagans (ex. with the Lombard Queen Theodelinda, Frankish kings, etc.)
Wanted to make a “Christian Commonwealth”
Who were the only Germanic tribes to enter the Roman Empire as pagan?
Who was Boethius?
“Last intellectual”, and “first scholastic”, familiar with Greek texts, which he applied to Christianity (HARMONIZE FAITH AND REASON)
What Germanic tribe allied with the papacy (eventually became the Holy /Roman Empire)?
The Franks (Clovis)
What were two of the main differences between the Catholic Church and the Celtic Church?
The way the day of Easter is chosen, baptism, etc.
What person may have lives during the time of Augustine (in Britain)?
King Arthur
Where was the practise of private confessioinals started?
What synod determined the conversion of Britain to Catholic Christianity?
Synod of Whitby
Who were the “founders of the catholic church in England”? What did they do?
Theodore of Tarsus and Hadrian of North Africa
Built on the work of Pope Gregory and Augustine, drew on Celtic Christianity - reconciled with Celtic Christianity, made a national church (helped develop secular government)
What did Archbishop Theodore do?
Made a school at Canterbury (arts and humanities) - manuscript illustrations
What other religion conflicted with Christianity (post-632)?
How did Islam influence Christianity?
It spread quickly (militant conversion), Took over previously Christian land, combined culture and ideas (ie. prayer beads), but had religious differences and was seen as a threat
Who was Charles Martel, and what did he do?
A powerful (political) Frank, supported missionary work , but took church lands, ancestor of Charlemagne
What did Emperor Leo III do?
Banned the use of icons, rejected by Pope Gregory II (ICONOCLASTIC CONTROVERSY)
When was Charlemagne crowned?
Christmas, 800AD
What did Charlemagne do?
Educational reform
“Carolingian Renaissance” - classical pagan and Christian works copied
Made Christian Commonwealth a reality
What was the Photian Schism?
Patriarch of Constantinople (Ignatius) deposed by Eastern Emperor, ordered to be restored by Pope Nicholas I
Religious differences (ex. Easter date, celibacy, FILIOQUE QUESTION, etc.) divided the church further
hat was the filioque question?
Did the Holy Spirit descend ‘from the Father through the Son’ or ‘from the Father and the Son’?
What was the Adoptionist heresy?
Christ was the adopted son of God - from Spain, then in the Carolingian Empire
What is ‘double predestination’?
some people are destined for salvation, others are destined for eternal judgement
Who was Alcuin? hat did he do (3 main things)
An Anglo-Saxon scholar, head tutor at the court of Charlemagne, was master of the York Cathedral school
Standardized spelling, reformed missionary practise, defended against Adoptionists
What violations were criticized regarding the clergy (causing some reform)? (6 points)
Rejection of celibacy gluttony / drunkenness unwise relationships with women hunting carrying arms going to taverns
What did Chrodegang, Bishop of Metz make?
A rule for clergy, eventually spread
Adapted into Benedictine Rule
What happened in the church / Empire after Charlemagne’s death? (3 main points)
civil wars
sale of church posts
Why did Vikings convert to Christianity?
So that peaceful relations could be had / trade could happen (ie. Treaty of Wedmore - Guthrum accepts Christianity)
How did vikings accept Christianity?
“[accepted] the Christian God alongside their own [gods]”
Treaties (for trade) - PRIMSIGNING